Sanders is the strongest candidate against Trump in 2020

Your sentiments are well meaning. Thanks for thinking of people!

If people were allowed to rent spare rooms, or divide their larger house into two housing units etc. without a bunch of red tape, the supply of available housing would increase and help lower income people shelter themselves at a reduced cost.

when you don't significantly raise in 40 years what was supposed to support a basic life..?
So this kind of answers the next point you mention:

By calling Russian attacking our country and ever intelligence agency under Trump screaming "They are attacking us still and constantly", propaganda, I get suspicious. Especially for a new member that joins up and just so happens to find the political section and immediately starts their trolling.

Now saying that Russian attacking us is 'progressive propaganda' is even more suspect.

It must suck that your team allows extremely incompetent people to be assigned to top leadership roles around our country, rallies around people thumbing their nose at any attempts to clean up the way we treat our environment, rely on 'gut' other than scientifically measured responses, stopping all legislation so he can stuff as many racist and religious zealot judges into the courts as possible, too many ridiculous things to list out really. Just utter incompetence everywhere with Trump.

But that is not his greatest sins in my opinion. It is his spreading hate. As a private citizen whipping up conspiracy theories that are designed to pit Americans against each other making discussions impossible, I dislike it strongly, but whatever he is a private citizen. But as soon as he became President of the United States, he stopped being a private citizen and his pushing these lies now carry a weight that is dangerous.

And his keeping our intelligence agencies from protecting our electorate is inexcusable and for that he needs to go.

And aside from his trolling, which is epic, he has not really done much else besides make messes, and when people get things back to somewhat stable, claim victory and walk away.

Check my sig for a couple links to the reports about Russians attacking us is a good start. Here is a link to the Bi-Partisan report from the Senate:

There is now years of research to go through with this.
I believe that the Russians intend harm to us.
They been saying that for ... oh, um .... 50 years!
And, they been saying it to Dems and Repubs.
I believe them.

I think Patton was right -- after Berlin fell and WW2 was over in Europe, Allied forces should have just kept marching to St Petersburg and taken Russia too. It would have been much better for the world in the long run.

I will check out those links (thanks) and now that I know some key words will do a little digging on my own.

My political leanings are Libertarian. I do not trust ANY government. They are all evil by definition to different degrees.
The US right now is almost identical to where the Roman Empire was about the time that Christ was walking around. That's not good.
In order for a machine like that to run at all, it needs a person at the helm that is ruthless. A 'nice guy' can't be POTUS ... which is why I knew that Ben Carson could never do the job.
Don't forget, politicians don't come from outer space. They are us and we are them. Trump is just a mirror. A symptom. Not actually the cause of anything.
I believe that the Russians intend harm to us.
They been saying that for ... oh, um .... 50 years!
And, they been saying it to Dems and Repubs.
I believe them.

I think Patton was right -- after Berlin fell and WW2 was over in Europe, Allied forces should have just kept marching to St Petersburg and taken Russia too. It would have been much better for the world in the long run.

I will check out those links (thanks) and now that I know some key words will do a little digging on my own.
The difference I believe is Snowden stealing and smuggling the NSA data sticks full of information in late 2013 to the Russians.

They immediately sent Russians to America to dig up our vulnerabilities as a society using social media.

Using data analysis AI and the Cambridge Analytica programming they are able to pinpoint Americans for WHO they are based on everything that they, their family, and friends have done online. This is why Trump giving over the voting data he got from the RNC to the Russians is such a big deal. It is done, the Russians are using their military that now knows who and how to attack every single one of us online and are actively being invited to do so by President Trump.

My political leanings are Libertarian. I do not trust ANY government. They are all evil by definition to different degrees.
The US right now is almost identical to where the Roman Empire was about the time that Christ was walking around. That's not good.
In order for a machine like that to run at all, it needs a person at the helm that is ruthless. A 'nice guy' can't be POTUS ... which is why I knew that Ben Carson could never do the job.
I don't really feel like I have any idea of what life was like in the Roman Empire, but I would imagine our communication and transportation systems alone bind America together a lot stronger than Rome back in the day.
I don't really feel like I have any idea of what life was like in the Roman Empire, but I would imagine our communication and transportation systems alone bind America together a lot stronger than Rome back in the day.
It's an interesting subject. I suggest you check it out.
Comparing technology is silly, of course ... but, politically and as far as the 'mood' of 'the people' ... very similar.
And, Rome was (for its time) very technologically advanced and very strong. It was truly an empire, world wide. Just like us. And the more powerful they became, the more evil they got ... and the more crazy the leaders got.
The 'progressives' of that time were called 'Christians.'
It's an interesting subject. I suggest you check it out.
Comparing technology is silly, of course ... but, politically and as far as the 'mood' of 'the people' ... very similar.
And, Rome was (for its time) very technologically advanced and very strong. It was truly an empire, world wide. Just like us. And the more powerful they became, the more evil they got ... and the more crazy the leaders got.
The 'progressives' of that time were called 'Christians.'
Mood is what Russians are exploiting with the democratic nations right now. They have been pumping out lies for a long time and creating information bubbles to contain them into specific narratives and using trolls online to guide people into them. They are using this to get us to vote in the worst candidates by using a combination of voter suppression in key areas for the people who would vote against the candidate they choose, and amp up the people to get them to want to vote if they are going to vote the way they want them to.

It is scary effective how well it is working around the world. From Brexit to Trump and other nut leaders being elected, to the Yellow Vest riots these 'organic' movements keep causing turmoil in a very manufactured way.
Yeah but we're not tofu. Everyone has negative influencers and opportunity that we live with. We have plenty of reasons, motivation and access to do anything we want, good or bad. All those things do is help reflect who we already are.
Mood is what Russians are exploiting with the democratic nations right now. They have been pumping out lies for a long time and creating information bubbles to contain them into specific narratives and using trolls online to guide people into them. They are using this to get us to vote in the worst candidates by using a combination of voter suppression in key areas for the people who would vote against the candidate they choose, and amp up the people to get them to want to vote if they are going to vote the way they want them to.
Communists/Socialists have used this method for a long, long time. It works.
I just have a tough time thinking that Trump is on their side.
I think he is on his side; which is the same side as me mostly.
He has improved the standard of my life, my families life, my neighborhood, my people a lot since The People put him in office.
He is MY bad guy.

Things would be a lot better in California if we had a better governor
Yeah but we're not tofu. Everyone has negative influencers and opportunity that we live with. We have plenty of reasons, motivation and access to do anything we want, good or bad. All those things do is help reflect who we already are.
lol I am not sure what tofu means, but thinking soft?

That is true, but sophisticated advertising is for real. Data has allowed us advertise to everyone in a way that is highly personalized. Those ads that follow you around the internet are one thing, having actual interactions in an increasingly invasive manner with Russian Militarily trained trolls that would take advantage of you is an entirely different matter.

I love this video as a reminder of how gullible we are as a species. Understanding this is so important.
Tofu meaning we instantly accept everything thrown at us, so all you have to do is dangle a crack rock in our face and we instantly become crackheads. That video is rad, but Russia spam marketing is more about confirmation bias than flat out trickery.
Communists/Socialists have used this method for a long, long time. It works.
The difference now is they create websites like OANN, friend the actual American person on Facebook, who point them to their youtube videos and conspiracies, like all their worst posts, advertise to them about how invaders are going to force their daughters to have abortions, then make a sock puppet account that will argue with that person getting them all riled up for their 'friend' to come to the rescue of.

Then for proof they send the American to OANN to read the 'article' about how Trump is killing it (even if it is basically all just the same as it was under Obama minus a sugar high from rich people tax cuts and farmers/government workers getting screwed by temper tantrums). And while on OANN they go into the comment section to and get to read through all the hate trolling there getting them more worked up.

Then right on cue for the evening 'news' that has to argue in court that they are only entertainers and have no obligation to tell the truth to the American public to tell them how great Dear Leader is and how everything is great except for those evil libs.

I just have a tough time thinking that Trump is on their side.
I held out hope until around Helsinki. I had thought he was kind of like my family, a little too quick to play dirty and bit on a Russian scam offering them dirt and got caught trying to cover it up.

When he came out of the back room with Putin, it really looked like he was rattled and had that haggard sales guy look. I still have hope that he is caught up in their scam and is not the worst case, but it is hard to tell anymore.

I think he is on his side; which is the same side as me mostly.
I hope you are right (and a decent human being).

He has improved the standard of my life, my families life, my neighborhood, my people a lot since The People put him in office.
He is the president, and really your family and neighbors are doing well because they are successfully putting in the time and effort to benefit from the economy that other than a few adjustments is just the same stable long run growth that started back in 2010 after the Great Recession.

He has not improved my life however, I now have to deal with hearing about Trump in every aspect of life anymore. I don't think it helps if you are in the 51% of the electorate that are constantly being trolled by our Commander in Chief.
He is MY bad guy.
Couldn't you just not need a bad guy?
Things would be a lot better in California if we had a better governor
I don't know anything about Cali, I wish you guys the best out there, I would blame a hundred years or so of stupid human blight in the name of progress, but what can be done about that now. I hope you are not in any fire zones. That would suck (and technically be something that is not better for you under Trump if you were, so I am guessing not).
So, here I sit about six after my last post, and THIS is the only one that is really interesting ... and challenging. The rest of them, I'm sure, were penned by 19 year olds. (No offense to 19 year olds.)

Most of the first paragraph is progressive propaganda. As usual, just skimming over the top of the truth.
What is truly interesting to me, is your assumption that I am a "trump troll".
Did I give that impression.
Let me set you straight.
I am not a Trump fan, troll, or cheerleader.
I did vote for him, however, and I will again.

I don't like the guy.
He's a bad guy.
But, I didn't hire him (with my vote) to be loved. I hired him to kick ass for MY team, for a change.

The word I really flashed on was "invasion".
What invasion do you refer to.
Give me more ...
Spandex, your avatar before you got banned (again) was conald wearing some kind of Burger King crown

you’d suck his dick if you ever got close enough to try you lying sack of shit racist
Tofu meaning we instantly accept everything thrown at us, so all you have to do is dangle a crack rock in our face and we instantly become crackheads. That video is rad, but Russia spam marketing is more about confirmation bias than flat out trickery.
Sure if the good old American you are talking to actually turns out to be a cat fish.


It is a numbers game and a combination. Using tricks like a shitty titled thread that keeps ticking to the top of the page will cause a metal hardening to the language in it, every trolling that gets read causes that person to find it that more normal. By hitting everyone in a swing state of say Michigan with this kind of stuff over and over, people get quicker to argue with each other.

And what do they do, complain about it using tech communications, which then can be easily tracked and dumped into a program to tease out who to attack as well as how.

Glad you like that vid, it is so cool.
Yeah, I guess I'm more arguing against reality, because I get that big tits in a beer commercial sells beer. It's just shouldn't.
Yeah, I guess I'm more arguing against reality, because I get that big tits in a beer commercial sells beer. It's just shouldn't.
I just hope this gets understood wider. Especially for people with kids. This is not about Republican vs Democrat, it is about a foreign country attacking us anywhere and everywhere we are vulnerable. Kids are not able to understand the creep factor that an adult can hurt them with for the rest of their lives now with technology.
There's a big part of me that doesn't care what another country does to manipulate how dumb we are, because we deserve it if we're that dumb and you just can't create a padded world of safety to protect us, because it's impossible. So we either fail, or adapt. Right now we're failing.
When he came out of the back room with Putin, it really looked like he was rattled and had that haggard sales guy look. I still have hope that he is caught up in their scam and is not the worst case, but it is hard to tell anymore.
Dude works 20 hour days. You'd look tired too.
Ever see a time lapse of the way presidents age?
All of em.
Obama aged big time during his tenure.
So did the Bushes ... look at Kennedy ... dog years.
He is the president, and really your family and neighbors are doing well because they are successfully putting in the time and effort to benefit from the economy that other than a few adjustments is just the same stable long run growth that started back in 2010 after the Great Recession.
Sorry, the facts don't support that.
All Obama did was put on the brakes ... and was reaching for the parking brake. His policies affected me and you negatively. Every day.
All the rules and regulations he imposed ...
Read up on the Roman Empire from about 500 forward. Same thing. The wishes of 'the people' didn't matter. They elected leaders, who seated bureaucrats, who made rules that couldn't be appealed. Modern day American Socialists do the same thing, and that squashes life for 'the people'.

I don't know anything about Cali, I wish you guys the best out there, I would blame a hundred years or so of stupid human blight in the name of progress, but what can be done about that now. I hope you are not in any fire zones. That would suck (and technically be something that is not better for you under Trump if you were, so I am guessing not).
It's a real mess here.
I grew up in Cal. I am 66 years old, and I grew up in the East Bay. A little town by the name of Richmond. I was born in Berkeley.
I chased hippy girls in the Haight in the 60's.
It was a beautiful city, and great place to be young.
Now ... it's not.
Dirty and dangerous and very expensive.

The situation with the fires ... yea. About twenty years ago the state gov't started really heavily regulating PG&E. They guaranteed a return to the shareholders. Whatever the 'cost' was, they just tacked a % on that for 'investor reimbursement'. So, money was no problem, unless it became a problem for that single mom in a one bedroom apartment to pay that $1000 per month electricity bill.
But, thats ok, because we'll just mandate that PG&E rebate to poor people, which takes more away from the "profit", which allows an increase in the rates ... see the circle jerk?
THEN, state gov't tells PG&E that they MUST install electric charging stations for electric cars. No charge to the user. Who pays for that? Where do those costs go? But, that's ok, because we just add on more to the rates, which drive up the costs to the poorest residents.
THEN the state tells PG&E that they can NOT clear land with dead timer on it It can't be used to build houses for people who need a place to live. It has to lay and rot, and get dry.
THEN PG&E applies for an increase in rates so they can upgrade their equipment (the grid is falling apart). Denied. Give that money to the poor people as rebates instead.

Then one day a big wind comes up (happens every October, not a man made event). A line goes down because the connector is over 20 years old and is brittle from age. Starts a fire that destroys hundreds of square miles, kills hundreds of people, and makes thousands homeless.

My wife and I were one of those homeless.

Everybody here is mad at PG&E, and its not entirely their fault. They are just trying to survive in The People's Republic of California, like everyone else.

If I wasn't as old as I am, and if I didn't have substantial reasons to stay ... I would be out of this hell as quickly as possible.
PGE should bury power lines and they don't want to because it's too expensive. No power went out in the dangerous areas in the foothills where lines were buried. Some towns literally had the power off on one side of the street and on-on the other. Don't forget the people that died in San Bruno because they very consciously chose to defer maintenance. Don't forget the chromium poisoning and cheek turning and intimidation towards our citizens. They've been a piece of shit company for decades. Not to imply that CPUC and state legislators are awesome, because they're pieces of shit too. It's not a sides thing. PGE is a shit company *and* so are others.