
I understand you are doing everything in your power to make us Europe. Our ancestors risked their lives because they were so fed up with all the bureaucracy and taxation....

Healthcare is not a right, the bill of rights is protections against government interference in our lives. Suddenly now healthcare is a right that you are forced to pay for or be fined. Wow, such beneficence of our government... Oh wait....

Now I have to prove I have health insurance or pay a fine so they can re-distribute my paycheck to those who dont pay for healthcare.
I disagree. Healthcare is a right of all citizens, not just the rich or the insured.
What's so wrong with Europe? You know they outperform Americans on every standardized test there is? Oh, except not in "patriotism".
yep, saving 12000 a year is much easier than covering a 5000 deductible.

you do understand that the amount in your HSA needs to pay for all the medical treatments right? and 24hrs in intensive care costs what roughly?
If you don't want health care costs - don't get sick.

I never thought I would see the day that the Republicans, who fought Medicare, now hold it out as a successful program.
Focus on the Canadian patient's face as Moore explains how the American patient was forced to spend multiple thousands to salvage his own fingers.

The consummate moron and septic tank leech, good ol' clueless ANALEXCESS.

It'd be a real shame if you sustained a vicious injury and couldn't afford the needed treatment. A gaping laceration from ear to ear, for example.
"Sicko" is a great documentary. People should watch it.
I don't have a lot of Medicaid knowledge; but it is my understanding that before Obamacare (Affordable Care Act) there were a lot more uncovered/ uninsured people. What happens to those millions of people? Shit out of luck?
Until the republicans "superior" plan comes out, that is.
I imagine people will keep plans they signed up for until next period. My husband's opportunity comes in a few days.

Then they just pick a new plan.

Poor people will be fine with medicaid and middle class will begin to have better options once the insurance market rebounds. Until then they will stay on their existing plan I imagine. The company they buy from will still exist.

Really we will have to see what is available but it cant get worse.
I imagine people will keep plans they signed up for until next period. My husband's opportunity comes in a few days.

Then they just pick a new plan.

Poor people will be fine with medicaid and middle class will begin to have better options once the insurance market rebounds. Until then they will stay on their existing plan I imagine. The company they buy from will still exist.
So the people that didn't have heathcare coverage before Obama care are magically going to get coverage now after its gone?
You sound very confident about that, yet uneducated in your views. Right on par with American statistics well done.
nope, gone. if you had to refi to pay for your roof, what are you going to do when you have to have surgery? sell an offspring to comet pizza or somehting?
Insurance. Husband had surgery through his company's insurance.

Refinance was much lower interest than putting it on credit. 3.8% vs 13%. No contest. I didnt have 8k laying around and a roof is pretty important to keep my home value. Luckily I have a friend who's boss was willing to give me an excellent deal on labor.

Roof is the most expensive maintainence on home. This summer I have to get an air conditioner and gutters. Have cash for that.
So the people that didn't have heathcare coverage before Obama care are magically going to get coverage now after its gone?
You sound very confident about that, yet uneducated in your views. Right on par with American statistics well done.
A healthcare plan lasts for a year. The companies arent going anywhere. Trump has spoken in favor of keeping the rule that you cannot be denied insurance for preexisting conditions.

We shall see what happens.
I lost my health care plan that I was happy with prior to Obamacare, and have lost 3 doctors now since going on it. Never saved a dime, let alone $2500 per year, but my deductible has gone up 500%. We've wasted many hours every year trying to purchase healthcare on the Colorado exchange because the website is more or less dysfunctional. But if you spend a couple hours on the phone with representatives, you can eventually get something. Probably the worst purchasing experience of my life, I'd much rather buy a car or a house. I see Obamacare as a failed experiment built on lies.
I lost my health care plan that I was happy with prior to Obamacare, and have lost 3 doctors now since going on it. Never saved a dime, let alone $2500 per year, but my deductible has gone up 500%. We've wasted many hours every year trying to purchase healthcare on the Colorado exchange because the website is more or less dysfunctional. But if you spend a couple hours on the phone with representatives, you can eventually get something. Probably the worst purchasing experience of my life, I'd much rather buy a car or a house. I see Obamacare as a failed experiment built on lies.
So you think the rebublicans will come up with a better health care system for you? What are you doing for healthcare now that obamacare is gone?
I lost my health care plan that I was happy with prior to Obamacare, and have lost 3 doctors now since going on it. Never saved a dime, let alone $2500 per year, but my deductible has gone up 500%. We've wasted many hours every year trying to purchase healthcare on the Colorado exchange because the website is more or less dysfunctional. But if you spend a couple hours on the phone with representatives, you can eventually get something. Probably the worst purchasing experience of my life, I'd much rather buy a car or a house. I see Obamacare as a failed experiment built on lies.

so you couldn't get insurance except through obamacare, and you think things will get better once they make it legal to deny you coverage for your pre-existing condition?

fucking idiot.

this is hilarious to watch.