republicans tutored on how to talk to black people

It is unclear who instituted slavery. It's been around about as long as prostitution. I can say this though; although they participated in it, it was white people who ended slavery on a global scale. Of course there are still slaves on this planet, but the slave trade as am actual out in the open enterprise no longer exists, thanks to white people.

Slavery in this country cost 400,000 white lives before it ended. The blacks didn't free themselves, except in Hati. Look how they're prospering now!

I'll bet you're ignorant enough to think slavery ended in the US after the civil war, aren't you?

The I Indians kept slaves on they're reservations for decades past the civil war. How about we make the Indians share that casino money with the black folks?

i guess the culprits behind slavery in america will always be a mystery, but at least we know who to tell black people to thank and be grateful for.
i guess the culprits behind slavery in america will always be a mystery, but at least we know who to tell black people to thank and be grateful for.

Your race baiting and policing is a much harder job than growing weed. Considering most here grow for our own fun.
i see the problem. you are confused as fuck.

when did i claim a mod deleted the post where i called him racist?

the ellipses abuse is another indicator that you may be racist, but like i said, i am trying to give you the benefit of the doubt. even after you remained silent for the white supremacists and called obama a mullato.

Not confused.....inferred a mod deleted it because there is ZERO record of what you said, you said HERE. I could give a fuck about, and harshly reject any benefit YOU might give ME........YOU being the one confused obviously, because you measure your success on what you achieved on the BLACK market, which is the FREE market.....completely opposite your leftist ideology....we get it, you're BACKWARDS.
Not confused.....inferred a mod deleted it because there is ZERO record of what you said, you said HERE. I could give a fuck about, and harshly reject any benefit YOU might give ME........YOU being the one confused obviously, because you measure your success on what you achieved on the BLACK market, which is the FREE market.....completely opposite your leftist ideology....we get it, you're BACKWARDS.

ellipses abuse, anger, bitterness.

you're foaming at the mouth, aren't you?
ellipses abuse, anger, bitterness.

you're foaming at the mouth, aren't you?

Dude I am playing a video game while pwning you.....hardly pissed or foaming at the mouth get over yourself....ellipses abuse eh? WTF ever that is.....I finally acknowledged it though so you can go about pretending I give a shit about it......sombitch.
Dude I am playing a video game while pwning you.....hardly pissed or foaming at the mouth get over yourself....ellipses abuse eh? WTF ever that is.....I finally acknowledged it though so you can go about pretending I give a shit about it......sombitch.

When I make it big I'll invite you to my premier and give you this shirt.
When I make it big I'll invite you to my premier and give you this shirt.

Oh I get it now.......think I will keep doing it..........just to piss off........the local racists.....that don't address their own thread.:hump:

I expect hookers at your premier, not a t-shirt.
no, but they might die or get stolen if i am not there to guard them.

if you don't think it's work, then you can camp in my backyard all summer. i'd have to chain you up like a dog though, because i can't risk having you steal from me, since you are such a well known thief.

i mean, if you steal from your own family, you'll steal from anyone.

dude, you work at subway and steal from walmart. that's not success by anyone's definition, save finshaggy.

Oh, I get it. You can't have a job because you have to spend all of your time tending your crop.

I have no clue how much of an income your crop represents for you, but I know personally that folks who are worth a fuck have no problem making $40,000 a year here in Tennessee. Oregon has a higher cost of living, and there that number would be $45-$50k a year. You might make more than that, if you do, you are doing the right thing. However in 10 years or so when the evolving legal status of weed drives that price down, you will be hurting.

If you're bringing in less than the figure I stated, then your hobby is costing you money. Because you could still generate some income from an indoor crop that you don't have to use as an excuse to keep from working, and you could probably do a fee outdoor.

You seem like the kind of person though that has trouble holding down a job. Good thing for rich in-laws.

I was 26 years old making slightly better than $60k a year at a title loan company. I went to law school and fucked up. I was 27 when I became an addict. The last time I used I was 29, almost 30. I was an addict for 2 years. The first year I still worked, made decent money selling cars. Though as the addiction progressed, employment wasn't sustainable. The last 6 months is when I started doing crazy shit (theft.)

Although I realize you will will continue to slander me, other than a few drinks, and the weed I grew this summer, I have not done any mood altering substances since march 17. The last day any form of hard drug went into my body. Since that date I have not stole a thing from any person, company, organization or even animal.

You will continue to say I work at subway, as if that is some kind of insult, although I am now doing something else. Ever heard of a qualifying agent? I got a good gig going now. I'm clean. The fact that it bothers you, well I find that funny, and I find you pathetic.

The only way you are capable of eking out a living in this planet is riding the coat tails of your in-laws by growing an illegal substance on their property. Yeah, it's a better life than being a junky, but I dont live that way anymore.

Why do you have to make up lies and distort information about others to make your points?
i guess the culprits behind slavery in america will always be a mystery, but at least we know who to tell black people to thank and be grateful for.

Well, it certainly isn't Americans. America inherited a nation in which slavery already was entrenched. As soon as America gained independence, it started taking steps to end it. Within a decade congress banned the continued importation of slavery. Over the next 5 decades it took steps to stop the spread of slavery. An anti-slavery party emerged, the Republicans, whose first successful presidential candidate was Abraham Lincoln. Upon his election, there was a little conflict, the resolution of which included the abolishment of slavery.

I get it now! Liberals don't want blacks to express gratitude towards anyone for ending slavery because the manifestation of such gratitude would be directed at Republicans.
Well, it certainly isn't Americans. America inherited a nation in which slavery already was entrenched. As soon as America gained independence, it started taking steps to end it. Within a decade congress banned the continued importation of slavery. Over the next 5 decades it took steps to stop the spread of slavery. An anti-slavery party emerged, the Republicans, whose first successful presidential candidate was Abraham Lincoln. Upon his election, there was a little conflict, the resolution of which included the abolishment of slavery.

I get it now! Liberals don't want blacks to express gratitude towards anyone for ending slavery because the manifestation of such gratitude would be directed at Republicans.

why aren't those black people more grateful for all those fine things white folks did for them?

and the thread has literally come full circle.
Oh, I get it. You can't have a job because you have to spend all of your time tending your crop.

I have no clue how much of an income your crop represents for you, but I know personally that folks who are worth a fuck have no problem making $40,000 a year here in Tennessee. Oregon has a higher cost of living, and there that number would be $45-$50k a year. You might make more than that, if you do, you are doing the right thing. However in 10 years or so when the evolving legal status of weed drives that price down, you will be hurting.

If you're bringing in less than the figure I stated, then your hobby is costing you money. Because you could still generate some income from an indoor crop that you don't have to use as an excuse to keep from working, and you could probably do a fee outdoor.

You seem like the kind of person though that has trouble holding down a job. Good thing for rich in-laws.

I was 26 years old making slightly better than $60k a year at a title loan company. I went to law school and fucked up. I was 27 when I became an addict. The last time I used I was 29, almost 30. I was an addict for 2 years. The first year I still worked, made decent money selling cars. Though as the addiction progressed, employment wasn't sustainable. The last 6 months is when I started doing crazy shit (theft.)

Although I realize you will will continue to slander me, other than a few drinks, and the weed I grew this summer, I have not done any mood altering substances since march 17. The last day any form of hard drug went into my body. Since that date I have not stole a thing from any person, company, organization or even animal.

You will continue to say I work at subway, as if that is some kind of insult, although I am now doing something else. Ever heard of a qualifying agent? I got a good gig going now. I'm clean. The fact that it bothers you, well I find that funny, and I find you pathetic.

The only way you are capable of eking out a living in this planet is riding the coat tails of your in-laws by growing an illegal substance on their property. Yeah, it's a better life than being a junky, but I dont live that way anymore.

Why do you have to make up lies and distort information about others to make your points?

where do you get the idea that this is my in-laws property? we rent this place from a very absent landlord.

congratulations on your "success" in life.

ceasing to steal from your own family is something that definitely makes you superior.
Either way, your inability to be able to do the little that you do do if not for the support of others is astounding. Yeah, you have access to land on which you grow a plant that makes you a little money and prevents you from having a real job. Undoubtedly the money of others was required for you to inhabit that property before you could make money off of it. I have read statements of yours that say as much. Your wife with her good job, and her parents with a decent net worth. You aren't much, but you would not even be that if not for them. I'll bet they are so proud their daughter married you.
where do you get the idea that this is my in-laws property? we rent this place from a very absent landlord.

congratulations on your "success" in life.

ceasing to steal from your own family is something that definitely makes you superior.

You rent, bwahahahahahahha, how lower class, me the stupid white uneducated racist at least owns a house, in fact I own 2 houses, the way you have been going on I thought you were bill gate's neighbour. I want to leave you alone, but it's really hard, I will stay more vigilant in future. Cheers Unclebucky enjoy being a shill.
Undoubtedly the money of others was required for you to inhabit that property before you could make money off of it. I have read statements of yours that say as much.

then post those statements here!

otherwise, people are just gonna think that a doped up dropout who steals from walmart is telling tall tales again.
You rent, bwahahahahahahha, how lower class, me the stupid white uneducated racist at least owns a house, in fact I own 2 houses, the way you have been going on I thought you were bill gate's neighbour. I want to leave you alone, but it's really hard, I will stay more vigilant in future. Cheers Unclebucky enjoy being a shill.

we'd own, but we have to move around quite a bit while my wife is completing school. so buying makes no sense right now.

besides, we could buy 4-5 homes in south africa for what we have prepared for our first home, since houses there cost about half as much.
then post those statements here!

otherwise, people are just gonna think that a doped up dropout who steals from walmart is telling tall tales again.

I imagine some folks on here disagree with lots of what I have to say. However, those who pay attention to the things that I say, and the things that you say, would likely be of an opinion that among you and me, you are the one who is most likely to twist the truth, outright lie, and omit important context to make a point or to disparage another poster.

I, unlike you and your 50,000 posts, have better things to do than spend the next half hour of my life reading through all the bull shit you've posted to find a sentence or two to cite just to confirm something we all already know; uncle buck is a leach on his in-laws.

You probably encourage that wife of yours to eat things to keep her chubby, which will lower her self esteem and keep her tied to a mooch.
I, unlike you and your 50,000 posts, have better things to do than spend the next half hour of my life reading through all the bull shit you've posted to find a sentence or two to cite just to confirm something we all already know; uncle buck is a leach on his in-laws.

thanks for admitting that you are lying once again!

best of luck at big town hero, and be sure to cover your face next time you're in walmart!