republicans tutored on how to talk to black people

But yet you have cried racist 10,000 times towards almost everybody else..
Your true colors have been exposed your a racist through and through!

did you ever PM me to tell me that you were just trolling after talking about how blacks need to be more grateful to white people for freeing them from slavery?


you genuinely believe the racist nonsense you spew.

harrekin says some pretty racist things, but do you ever see me crucify him for it? no? why do you suppose that is?

do you think harrekin might have PMed me to let me know?
i actually called him racist within his first few posts here. then he PMed me to tell me he was trolling, so i wished him luck.

desert dude even gave me a 'like' for calling him racist. righties joined in to call him a racist. those things never happened when i was fighting the white supremacy crew.

say, did you ever join the tacoburritonach group or the "free speech and debate" group? i can't remember if you did or not.

Any excuse will do bro.

Am I a member of what? Go find out...then take that mud you thought you might sling at me and inhale it slowly until you are purple....thats the only **way** you can prove you are not racist I am afraid. Racist.
Does anyone else feel like UB's emblem is a sockpuppet...on his dick? Or maybe a finger puppet? I wasn't saying he was super thick or super thin, just that he is wearing a puppet on his dick.

Is that weird?
Does anyone else feel like UB's emblem is a sockpuppet...on his dick? Or maybe a finger puppet? I wasn't saying he was super thick or super thin, just that he is wearing a puppet on his dick.

Is that weird?
It's probably his dick, my niece has finger puppets that look similar.
Does anyone else feel like UB's emblem is a sockpuppet...on his dick? Or maybe a finger puppet? I wasn't saying he was super thick or super thin, just that he is wearing a puppet on his dick.

Is that weird?

And the color choice is very befitting a RACIST as well.
so where was your condemnation of the white supremacists this summer?

I have so many better things to do....unless they called me a racist I could give a flying fuck what they said, I don't have a horse in that race.

I am just finding it SUPREMELY ironic that post have been deleted based on chesus said in the other thread someone called blacks niggers and it got deleted.........yet here this one is saying whites must die.........personally I think nothing should be deleted, less confusing that way.

You can change the subject to something else from this past summer I was unaware of if ya want to scurry little cock-a-roach but I was sticking to the irony of the content in HERE since you and I are HERE.
did you ever PM me to tell me that you were just trolling after talking about how blacks need to be more grateful to white people for freeing them from slavery?


you genuinely believe the racist nonsense you spew.

harrekin says some pretty racist things, but do you ever see me crucify him for it? no? why do you suppose that is?

do you think harrekin might have PMed me to let me know?

If I PM you, whatever I say isn't racist? What's the catch, do I need to say any hail Marys and our Fathers?
I have so many better things to do....unless they called me a racist I could give a flying fuck what they said, I don't have a horse in that race.

I am just finding it SUPREMELY ironic that post have been deleted based on chesus said in the other thread someone called blacks niggers and it got deleted.........yet here this one is saying whites must die.........personally I think nothing should be deleted, less confusing that way.

You can change the subject to something else from this past summer I was unaware of if ya want to scurry little cock-a-roach but I was sticking to the irony of the content in HERE since you and I are HERE.

so it says nothing about you when you remained silent for months with white supremacists all over this forum, but i call el tiberon racist for his hateful speech and it is a problem?

i am trying not to think you are racist, but it's pretty tough when you go on like this after calling obama a mullato.
kinda sounds like my everyday life growing cannabis.

most law school students should know that one.

heroin junkies who steal from their parents and walmart? not so much.
Do your plants fire you if you're not there by 9am to water them? Will they get someone else to feed them if you do something incredibly rude to a customer?

No. Growing your own smoke is task orientated labor.

Having a job is time orientated, with few exceptions. Usually an employee is expected to be at work, and in his proper area by a specific time. Failure to comply will usually result in termination fairly quickly. The same goes for the way an employee is expected to behave towards the owner/management, other employees, and the customer.

Not even remotely similar are the two activities of growing weed and being a responsible adult with a job.

As I said earlier, I think you are just envious of anyone who achieves even a little success. Not that you have ever been nice to me, but you have been extra rude and overly dishonest about the things I have said with the contexts you put them in and facts relating to me that you simply make up.

I think Bucky might be jealous that the heroin junkie has been clean for 9 months, employed for four, cancelled my SNAP card, and promoted at work. Even someone who this time last year was strung out, shooting dope daily, has accomplished more in a year than you have.

Yet you still cannot look a real man in the eye and help but feel inferior because the only means of supporting yourself you have has been provided to you by the hefty Hebrew. How ironic the jew is bringing home the bacon.
so it says nothing about you when you remained silent for months with white supremacists all over this forum, but i call el tiberon racist for his hateful speech and it is a problem?

i am trying not to think you are racist, but it's pretty tough when you go on like this after calling obama a mullato.

See I don't police threads for racism, that is your self appointed job....and I am unaware of any of those racist threads you speak of....which means I am ignorant of them.......I don't search for them silence regarding them does not serve you in THIS argument in any way, shape or form......but do push on with it, it is MILDLY entertaining.......

what I did this summer was grow fire that will pass any pesticide test, mold mildew test AND 20+% hot gf kept me plenty busy as well....make me a racist?

You are not trying to not think me a racist you have already said it in plain English....along with your stereotype of white southerners...which is why I single you out for not being equally down for the cause..........

About you calling Tiberon racist......there is no record of claiming a mod deleted the post of you calling him racist and left the original racist post sounds like bullshit....of course pretty much anything you say does...

Racism seems to be your new religion its all the fuck you say.....cramming it down everyone's throat here on RIU is no different than trying to convert everyone to your ideals and different than peddling Watchtower magazines.

You have tried to link me to groups on here I have no Idea try to infer something about me based on me actually having a life this summer, sorry bro, some of us grow outdoors and aren't stuck in an apartment in San Jose.......then there's this MULATTO thing you keep bringing up....You call Obama a black man, I call him a mulatto and I am the racist for that alone? Something YOU took out of context?

Flinstones have a gay ol time, not derogatory at all unless YOU mistake the songwriters context.
Do your plants fire you if you're not there by 9am to water them?

no, but they might die or get stolen if i am not there to guard them.

if you don't think it's work, then you can camp in my backyard all summer. i'd have to chain you up like a dog though, because i can't risk having you steal from me, since you are such a well known thief.

i mean, if you steal from your own family, you'll steal from anyone.

I think you are just envious of anyone who achieves even a little success.

dude, you work at subway and steal from walmart. that's not success by anyone's definition, save finshaggy.
About you calling Tiberon racist......there is no record of claiming a mod deleted the post of you calling him racist and left the original racist post sounds like bullshit....of course pretty much anything you say does...

i see the problem. you are confused as fuck.

when did i claim a mod deleted the post where i called him racist?

the ellipses abuse is another indicator that you may be racist, but like i said, i am trying to give you the benefit of the doubt. even after you remained silent for the white supremacists and called obama a mullato.
why do you feel that blacks should be more grateful to whites for freeing them from the slavery that they also instituted?

It is unclear who instituted slavery. It's been around about as long as prostitution. I can say this though; although they participated in it, it was white people who ended slavery on a global scale. Of course there are still slaves on this planet, but the slave trade as am actual out in the open enterprise no longer exists, thanks to white people.

Slavery in this country cost 400,000 white lives before it ended. The blacks didn't free themselves, except in Hati. Look how they're prospering now!

I'll bet you're ignorant enough to think slavery ended in the US after the civil war, aren't you?

The I Indians kept slaves on they're reservations for decades past the civil war. How about we make the Indians share that casino money with the black folks?
no, but they might die or get stolen if i am not there to guard them.

if you don't think it's work, then you can camp in my backyard all summer. i'd have to chain you up like a dog though, because i can't risk having you steal from me, since you are such a well known thief.

i mean, if you steal from your own family, you'll steal from anyone.

dude, you work at subway and steal from walmart. that's not success by anyone's definition, save finshaggy.

Growing weed ain't hard at all. You can do drain to waste in a shed. Just one day setup, lock up, and come back a few weeks later for harvest. Your main expense would be fuel for the generator.