Reparations MADE

I want the odds given the white man plz.

When I buy one lottery ticket, my chances of winning go from literally zero to virtually zero. So, I agree that the word "all" in my earlier post should be swapped out to "virtually all". But really, that is just wordsmithing and ignores context. Your data confirms my point.
I wasn't sure about the previous post being sarcasm or not so I just over answered lol. I got confused and just rolled with it I think.

When it comes to this topic, I try to be sure to give room for the 'but this one black guy made it' inevitable troll that someone will push eventually.


It's basically the flip of someone watching 8 mile and using what they imagine it to be as into a snowflake about poor white kids who grow up in 'minority' neighborhoods.
I don't get it, are you a citizen of those countries?

You are cherry picking one race why?

I asked before, do you actually understand the Detroit area? Or are you just some sock puppet cat fishing like happens often?

Who is saying this it is a 'exclusively black thing'?

It is just exclusively one demographic that has been in total control of all aspects of our society and using this very real issue as a way to radicalize people online with vague comments and a constant need to 'own' someone with whatever narrative is being pushed by some hate troll.

Again being from Detroit, you do get that only 'white' people could get access to loans to buy into the suburbs? This systematic advantage gave our 'white' grand parents the ability to buy into any area that they could afford for decades.

And this situation has led to 'white' people owning 98% of the land that makes up America. How is this hard to see?

Skip what? Do you think you would have access to better resources as a kid at this school:

Or here?

How do you think that impacted parents of people you may know that went to those schools?

Oh right on, so you get that racism is real. I was worried there.

You understand too that in the cities surrounding Detroit (like Melvindale) got bought up by all the white people, and they wouldn't sell to minorities. There are some really good videos from this time. They take me back to being a kid listening to my grandpa (Korea vet, Kentucky born and raised) talking. I am a little younger than the kid talking about it, but she is my older siblings age.

That is why 'white' people today own 98% of the land.


How can you not see how anyone not white was kept out of being able to buy land in America? And that is how generational wealth is developed.

And that is also how city schools turn into the videos above. After 'white' people fled the cities when all the jobs moved out after ww2, the tax base for those cities dropped very significantly.

Then simultaneously as white people flee to the burbs, they control the government and hire thousands of police to keep the minorities left in Detroit under their heel.

And that was just one city, this happened nation wide.

And sure there are white kids that fall on bad times, but if you are in a family that has parents with a home that can take your mom and kid you in if you hit a roadblock in life, chances are really good that they were 'white'.

I love how you put in the effort. Bit of a catch 22 though, because if you have to tell people that water is wet...
I call bullshit on anything that he is saying that 'is not taught'.

A lot about the racist shit we have done is not taught, shit Republicans are actively trying still to this day to force teachers to cherry pick around these issues so their kids don't figure out how racist their backwards ass parents are when they ask questions about what they learned in school about it.

Is any of this you think makes our nation not responsible for systemically suppressing anyone that was not a melanin-lite human male until far too recently to have our nation not hurt by the still very real impacts of it?

Or are you just trying to be a edgy racist troll giving people who are pearl clutching snowflakes about what we have done to our own citizens something to rally around like your bullshit videos/memes? Because that is pretty weak/shitty if that is what you are doing.
I call bullshit on anything that he is saying that 'is not taught'.

A lot about the racist shit we have done is not taught, shit Republicans are actively trying still to this day to force teachers to cherry pick around these issues so their kids don't figure out how racist their backwards ass parents are when they ask questions about what they learned in school about it.

Is any of this you think makes our nation not responsible for systemically suppressing anyone that was not a melanin-lite human male until far too recently to have our nation not hurt by the still very real impacts of it?

Or are you just trying to be a edgy racist troll giving people who are pearl clutching snowflakes about what we have done to our own citizens something to rally around like your bullshit videos/memes? Because that is pretty weak/shitty if that is what you are doing.

I'm not a Republican and can't respond to your "argument" about what is "not taught". Perhaps some more concrete examples might be helpful. Your point there was not very clear and seemed a little assumptive without any basis given.

Speaking of systemic oppression. How much have you looked into how the welfare state, (democrat policies) which began in the 1960s has coincided with a reduction in black success in several areas? I'm guessing not much. I doubt you will look into that though as it will derail your "democrat good", "republican bad" mantra. Frankly, they both have issues.

Moving along to a more concrete discussion...As far as reparations, it would be an injustice and racist too, to base "reparations" solely on race. Agree or disagree ?

Are you saying that white people who live today should be held liable for injustices of dead white people simply because they share the same race?
I'm not a Republican and can't respond to your "argument" about what is "not taught".
I call bullshit on my calling you a Republican.

Your snowflake pretending like I did is on you.

That doesn't change anything that I said about the Republican party has been doing trolling our education system, but just thought that it is worth pointing out your immediate bullshit.

Perhaps some more concrete examples might be helpful. Your point there was not very clear and seemed a little assumptive without any basis given.
Well might as well open up the can of worms that come with the racist propaganda spam to pre-program fights in families around stupid slogans trolls push.

I think you are not just trolling me to burn me out, but what are you going to do, trolls are going to troll.


Speaking of systemic oppression. How much have you looked into how the welfare state, (democrat policies) which began in the 1960s has coincided with a reduction in black success in several areas?
Interesting. Do you mean the welfare state that white people mostly benefit from?

I wonder what happened in the 60's that caused a backlash in the Wealthy Melanin-lite Human Heterosexual Male only agenda that was at the pinnacle of white flight suburbanization that economically devastated the communities that the minorities were kept in for the decades since?

I'm guessing not much.
Is that you trolling? Trying to make me to waste time to nicely discuss things that end up with you once again becoming just a troll when you get whatever sick need to spread hate satisfied?

I doubt you will look into that though as it will derail your "democrat good", "republican bad" mantra. Frankly, they both have issues.
Lmao, sure they are made up of humans, and no humans are perfect all of the time.

But right now, the Republicans are actively working with foreign dictators to hurt our economy, environment, and society. This shit needs to be stopped by voting them out and the most competent people into office.

The 'both sides' troll is bullshit after the last decade of what the Republicans have been trying to pull on the American people.

Moving along to a more concrete discussion...As far as reparations, it would be an injustice and racist too, to base "reparations" solely on race. Agree or disagree ?
What do you mean by 'reparations'?

Because I have no problem at all of say determining schools to pinpoint for new construction by ranking our schools based on minority population in those schools with some weight to the actual investments made into those schools over the last 50 years.

That was the very real racist impacts of 'white flight'. As all that tax base left those areas, those schools were left to rot as the cities used the remaining tax base to increase their police forces.

So depending what you mean by 'reparations' I could see agreeing or disagreeing with some bullshit extreme position that you might troll me with.

Are you saying that white people who live today should be held liable for injustices of dead white people simply because they share the same race?
This line of logic that the racist agenda likes to push that, (tax payer)=(white people), is bullshit.

Our nation stepping up and making all of our communities children have the ability to have access to everything they need to succeed in life (regardless of where or to who in our nation that they were born to) is a investment that all American tax payers make. And all American tax payers are not melanin-lite.
I call bullshit on my calling you a Republican.

I call bullshit on my calling your calling me a Republican. Are you sure you're not nit picking to avoid the bigger question of individual responsibility ? Hmm.

Our nation stepping up and making all of our communities children have the ability to have access to everything they need to succeed in life (regardless of where or to who in our nation that they were born to) is a investment that all American tax payers make.

Investment ? Not really. Most people pay taxes out of fear of punishment from the overlords. In that sense it's an investment in making sure they don't have the government plantation bosses kick their butts or steal even more of their stuff.

Actual charity doesn't come from the barrel of a government gun, that's forcible redistribution, and is wrong. Ironically, forcible redistribution is an integral part of slavery. Your argument is basically a cry for equality of oppression. Lame.

What people need to succeed depends on that individuals definition of success, not somebody else definition. Your argument relies on everyone conforming to your ideals even when their ideals might be different and they remain otherwise peaceful. Why do you like to control peaceful people so much ?
I call bullshit on my calling your calling me a Republican. Are you sure you're not nit picking to avoid the bigger question of individual responsibility ? Hmm.
I answered your shit point by point, weird that you would think I am avoiding some bigger picture though.

Weird you say that after just ignoring almost all of what I said. Well it would be if you were not just being a troll pushing race baiting for dimes.

Investment ? Not really.
Our federal funding is absolutely a investment.

Pretending otherwise is just more radicalization trolling against 'them'. It is bullshit, our nation works well and investing in our kids who will be the ones that need to be ready to take the wheel is the best thing that we can do as a society.

Most people pay taxes out of fear of punishment from the overlords. In that sense it's an investment in making sure they don't have the government plantation bosses kick their butts or steal even more of their stuff.
Bullshit. Most people pay taxes because that is how it is done when they get their pay checks.

Actual charity doesn't come from the barrel of a government gun, that's forcible redistribution, and is wrong. Ironically, forcible redistribution is an integral part of slavery.
Ive never had a gun pointed at me by any tax man. So you are full of shit as far as I have ever seen.

Your argument is basically a cry for equality of oppression. Lame.
Sweet troll.

What people need to succeed depends on that individuals definition of success, not somebody else definition.
Are you trying with this weak shit?

What people need to succeed is not something that you can possibly know ahead of time. That is why access is so important for our kids to have the ability to use what tools we can provide for them when they need it and not just expect entire swaths of them to just make due with old ass books, huge classrooms, and burnt out teachers.

Your argument relies on everyone conforming to your ideals even when their ideals might be different and they remain otherwise peaceful. Why do you like to control peaceful people so much ?
Just because you say something doesn't make it true. And bullshit like 'everyone' is just you projecting your own programming propaganda onto things I am saying.
What people need to succeed is not something that you can possibly know ahead of time.

I do know that initiatory forcible redistribution, a thing you advocate for, is wrong.

I do know that forcible redistribution is an integral part of slavery.
Wherein, some people are forced to labor for the benefit of others or face violent consequences. I do know that is the end result of your idea, whether you will admit it or not.

If you employ forcible redistribution on innocent or disinterested people as a means to an end, "to right the wrongs of forcible redistribution done by guilty people" , you then become part of the guilty people. That is logically inescapable.

I commend you for the outcome you'd like, the way you would get there is wrong and ignores the embedded contradictions you either ignore or are oblivious to.
I do know that initiatory forcible redistribution, a thing you advocate for, is wrong.
Sure thing troll. You are going to pretend that 'tax is theft' even though without the federal money going to shit like our highways the majority of people would not have the ability to get to their jobs.

I do know that forcible redistribution is an integral part of slavery.
Wherein, some people are forced to labor for the benefit of others or face violent consequences. I do know that is the end result of your idea, whether you will admit it or not.

If you employ forcible redistribution on innocent or disinterested people as a means to an end, "to right the wrongs of forcible redistribution done by guilty people" , you then become part of the guilty people. That is logically inescapable.

I commend you for the outcome you'd like, the way you would get there is wrong and ignores the embedded contradictions you either ignore or are oblivious to

Your shit is tired, nonsensical conspiracy trolling.
without the federal money going to shit like our highways the majority of people would not have the ability to get to their jobs.

Really!!??? What about the roads ? That's been debunked a bazillion times.

Where did the "federal money" come from in the first place though ?

If you and your friends are hanging out at your place and you all wanted to order some pizza, would it be more efficient for you to order it directly from a pizza maker ?

- OR -

Have the Federal Bureau of Pizza Distribution commandeer your money and put some tasty government subsidized cheese and ketchup tomato sauce on it to ensure everyone gets some watered down pizza a few days after everyone has gone home ?

I don't get it, are you a citizen of those countries?

You are cherry picking one race why?

I asked before, do you actually understand the Detroit area? Or are you just some sock puppet cat fishing like happens often?

Who is saying this it is a 'exclusively black thing'?

It is just exclusively one demographic that has been in total control of all aspects of our society and using this very real issue as a way to radicalize people online with vague comments and a constant need to 'own' someone with whatever narrative is being pushed by some hate troll.

Again being from Detroit, you do get that only 'white' people could get access to loans to buy into the suburbs? This systematic advantage gave our 'white' grand parents the ability to buy into any area that they could afford for decades.

And this situation has led to 'white' people owning 98% of the land that makes up America. How is this hard to see?

Skip what? Do you think you would have access to better resources as a kid at this school:

Or here?

How do you think that impacted parents of people you may know that went to those schools?

Oh right on, so you get that racism is real. I was worried there.

You understand too that in the cities surrounding Detroit (like Melvindale) got bought up by all the white people, and they wouldn't sell to minorities. There are some really good videos from this time. They take me back to being a kid listening to my grandpa (Korea vet, Kentucky born and raised) talking. I am a little younger than the kid talking about it, but she is my older siblings age.

That is why 'white' people today own 98% of the land.


How can you not see how anyone not white was kept out of being able to buy land in America? And that is how generational wealth is developed.

And that is also how city schools turn into the videos above. After 'white' people fled the cities when all the jobs moved out after ww2, the tax base for those cities dropped very significantly.

Then simultaneously as white people flee to the burbs, they control the government and hire thousands of police to keep the minorities left in Detroit under their heel.

And that was just one city, this happened nation wide.

And sure there are white kids that fall on bad times, but if you are in a family that has parents with a home that can take your mom and kid you in if you hit a roadblock in life, chances are really good that they were 'white'.
First i am from Detroit. Born n raised. Are you? Do you not see this city for what it is? Look at the homes in Detroit. Then look and see who controls the city. As for your perceived shit about the surrounding suburbs…. It wasn’t blacks they were not selling to, it was all detroiters! Regardless of color if you were from Detroit you couldn’t get a home in the burbs. And those who did… had gone and got post office boxes in Redford and other rural communities to pretend they weren’t from Detroit before even trying to get a home in the burbs. I’m not looking up one sided adds n articles here, I’m going by experience. I’m 50 yrs old and have been in Detroit my whole life. I’ve tried to move out many times just to find that my connection to Detroit has been a barrier. And seeing as I’m a proud detroiter, I will not ever deny I come from this city!! Those of us who were raised here know the truth. The rest of you only read biased news and propaganda. We live this shit! And for your info my family were Irish immigrants… and they went through persecution as well. But you don’t see the Irish community asking for handouts. If you want the truth of that… look to see how many politicians were Irish in Detroit. Very few, now look at how many were black. Be smart, don’t fall into the welfare scheme that has been laid in front of you. Ask questions, think for yourself, and read beyond the bullshit. Most of the supposed racial tension that people see is no more that a political tool to keep us as a whole from taking the power away from those who are in power. And as for the powerful families in America, there are as many ethnic groups as in everything else. True at one point ( over a hundred years ago) it was a predominantly white community (the wealthy that is) but that has all changed. And yet we still face the same issues?? And you believe it racial? It’s not…. It’s all about keeping the poor poor. Do you even have a clue why? Cuz poor people work harder and for less money. They don’t give a fuck if your white or not! If your poor they want you to stay poor. So their industries can continue to under pay and over work. Facts. Get your head out your ass n look at reality.
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Really!!??? What about the roads ? That's been debunked a bazillion times.

Where did the "federal money" come from in the first place though ?

If you and your friends are hanging out at your place and you all wanted to order some pizza, would it be more efficient for you to order it directly from a pizza maker ?

- OR -

Have the Federal Bureau of Pizza Distribution commandeer your money and put some tasty government subsidized cheese and ketchup tomato sauce on it to ensure everyone gets some watered down pizza a few days after everyone has gone home ?

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Your arguments are ridiculous. It's like you woke up one day and found yourself in a swimming pool and started crying about how wet it is, yet you refuse to get out of the pool. And it's straight up narcissist to expect people to remove the water from around you, while supposedly respecting everyone's right......everyone's right to not remove the water by the way. Sorry, you're just not that special. Get over it. Grow a pair and get out of the pool if you don't like it.
Your arguments are ridiculous. It's like you woke up one day and found yourself in a swimming pool and started crying about how wet it is, yet you refuse to get out of the pool. And it's straight up narcissist to expect people to remove the water from around you, while supposedly respecting everyone's right......everyone's right to not remove the water by the way. Sorry, you're just not that special. Get over it. Grow a pair and get out of the pool if you don't like it.

"I believe that we need to pee more in the pool to ensure that nobody will have to endure pee in the pool" - Blanket race based reparations

Really!!??? What about the roads ? That's been debunked a bazillion times.

Where did the "federal money" come from in the first place though ?

If you and your friends are hanging out at your place and you all wanted to order some pizza, would it be more efficient for you to order it directly from a pizza maker ?

- OR -

Have the Federal Bureau of Pizza Distribution commandeer your money and put some tasty government subsidized cheese and ketchup tomato sauce on it to ensure everyone gets some watered down pizza a few days after everyone has gone home ?

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Such a lame troll.

First i am from Detroit. Born n raised. Are you?
I was born in Dearborn. I had a white grandpa that had a spare house in Melvindale that my family was able to move into when I was a kid. We lived by Dix and Schaefer growing up.

So really depends who your talking to if I am 'from Detroit'. If I am talking to someone in Ann Arbor who thinks 'everything east of Carpenter road is Detroit' then yeah I grew up in Detroit most of my childhood, and then later moved out into the sticks out by Irish Hills.

But to someone living in the city that I could have thrown a stone into from my front porch, not so much.

I lived between those areas basically all my life. And worked in and around it the entire time too.

Do you not see this city for what it is? Look at the homes in Detroit. Then look and see who controls the city.
What timeframe are you considering?

As for your perceived shit about the surrounding suburbs…. It wasn’t blacks they were not selling to, it was all detroiters! Regardless of color if you were from Detroit you couldn’t get a home in the burbs. Regardless of color if you were from Detroit you couldn’t get a home in the burbs.

White men with those nice new jobs in Dearborn, Royal Oak, Southfield, Down river etc that were opening up in the 50's after the freeways were built where not being told they couldn't buy outside of Detroit like minorities were. People returning from the war were able to get all those nice federal loans to buy up all those new homes being built and it was not telling white people they couldn't buy.

You are spouting nonsense.

And those who did… had gone and got post office boxes in Redford and other rural communities to pretend they weren’t from Detroit before even trying to get a home in the burbs.
I guess in a world that people can just say anything that they like this might make sense? When did you hear someone telling you about this, because I don't buy it outside of someone talking shit or trying to scam their insurance rates.

I’m not looking up one sided adds n articles here, I’m going by experience. I’m 50 yrs old and have been in Detroit my whole life. I’ve tried to move out many times just to find that my connection to Detroit has been a barrier.
Are you white?

And seeing as I’m a proud detroiter, I will not ever deny I come from this city!!

Those of us who were raised here know the truth.
Not necessarily. You might know the pot holes to avoid, or the stop lights that you can roll through, but that doesn't mean that you understand things (schools/shopping/jobs/parking/voting locations/cops/etc) in the suburbs in the areas around Detroit well enough to actually understand the very real differences.

The rest of you only read biased news and propaganda. We live this shit!
So growing up, how many cops do you think you saw? I know we would see them a lot as kids. But when I moved out into the country, we had like one guy for years.

In the suburbs voting is easier, there are more jobs, on and on, than in Detroit. And that was all by design after ww2.
We live this shit! And for your info my family were Irish immigrants… and they went through persecution as well. But you don’t see the Irish community asking for handouts. If you want the truth of that… look to see how many politicians were Irish in Detroit. Very few, now look at how many were black. Be smart, don’t fall into the welfare scheme that has been laid in front of you. Ask questions, think for yourself, and read beyond the bullshit. Most of the supposed racial tension that people see is no more that a political tool to keep us as a whole from taking the power away from those who are in power. And as for the powerful families in America, there are as many ethnic groups as in everything else. True at one point ( over a hundred years ago) it was a predominantly white community (the wealthy that is) but that has all changed. And yet we still face the same issues?? And you believe it racial? It’s not…. It’s all about keeping the poor poor. Do you even have a clue why? Cuz poor people work harder and for less money. They don’t give a fuck if your white or not! If your poor they want you to stay poor. So their industries can continue to under pay and over work. Facts. Get your head out your ass n look at reality.
This was added to the wall of text after I started to respond. So I apologize if I asked something you answered in this.

Ok, so you are white. What part of Detroit are you from, north side by Saint Claire Shores or somewhere else?

Did you look different/sound different from your other white friends?

You should step out of your bullshit little box you put yourself in after looking at the rest of your rant, because it is complete bullshit.

Especially you saying the powerful families in America being many 'ethnic groups'. Because they are virtually all melanin-lite.

You are missing a whole lot of history and I am guessing listened to too many people pissed off at the world telling you how it was in the good ole days when Detroit was all white, leaving out how it was then abandoned when the freeways opened up a pathway for all those white people to move out.

And if your family didn't benefit, it just means that you too were a victim of the racist segregation of Detroit and were not able to take advantage of the white flight.
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Such a lame troll.

I was born in Dearborn. I had a white grandpa that had a spare house in Melvindale that my family was able to move into when I was a kid. We lived by Dix and Schaefer growing up.

So really depends who your talking to if I am 'from Detroit'. If I am talking to someone in Ann Arbor who thinks 'everything east of Carpenter road is Detroit' then yeah I grew up in Detroit most of my childhood, and then later moved out into the sticks out by Irish Hills.

But to someone living in the city that I could have thrown a stone into from my front porch, not so much.

I lived between those areas basically all my life. And worked in and around it the entire time too.

What timeframe are you considering?


White men with those nice new jobs in Dearborn, Royal Oak, Southfield, Down river etc that were opening up in the 50's after the freeways were built where not being told they couldn't buy outside of Detroit like minorities were. People returning from the war were able to get all those nice federal loans to buy up all those new homes being built and it was not telling white people they couldn't buy.

You are spouting nonsense.

I guess in a world that people can just say anything that they like this might make sense? When did you hear someone telling you about this, because I don't buy it outside of someone talking shit or trying to scam their insurance rates.

Are you white?


Not necessarily. You might know the pot holes to avoid, or the stop lights that you can roll through, but that doesn't mean that you understand things (schools/shopping/jobs/parking/voting locations/cops/etc) in the suburbs in the areas around Detroit well enough to actually understand the very real differences.

So growing up, how many cops do you think you saw? I know we would see them a lot as kids. But when I moved out into the country, we had like one guy for years.

In the suburbs voting is easier, there are more jobs, on and on, than in Detroit. And that was all by design after ww2.
First off I would like to say, hanimmal, you seem like a decent level headed person. And I’m glad we aren’t bickering and throwing one off insults at each other. Second, yea I am white. Did you miss the Irish references? And it’s funny how whenever someone wants to talk about racial injustice they need to go back to the 50’s. We have plenty still going on today. No need to step back a hundred years. Just now it’s economic injustice and it can’t be claimed by a single ethnic group. So everyone keeps looking back to a argument that no longer exists to complain about a issue they never dealt with in their life. Cuz it’s easier to win a argument that has already been established as wrong. Update people. Look around injustice is a normal function in life… it sucks but it’s true. I wonder how many of us would complain about it if we were on the upper hand of it?? Utopia does not exist for humans. We have too much greed and hate for it.
The whole "there will always be injustice so we should never aim for justice" thing is a ridiculous argument. You won't even acknowledge the impacts today of past injustice.
This was added to the wall of text after I started to respond. So I apologize if I asked something you answered in this.

Ok, so you are white. What part of Detroit are you from, north side by Saint Claire Shores or somewhere else?

Did you look different/sound different from your other white friends?

You should step out of your bullshit little box you put yourself in after looking at the rest of your rant, because it is complete bullshit.

Especially you saying the powerful families in America being many 'ethnic groups'. Because they are virtually all melanin-lite.

You are missing a whole lot of history and I am guessing listened to too many people pissed off at the world telling you how it was in the good ole days when Detroit was all white, leaving out how it was then abandoned when the freeways opened up a pathway for all those white people to move out.

And if your family didn't benefit, it just means that you too were a victim of the racist segregation of Detroit and were not able to take advantage of the white flight.
And right after I compliment you on your level head. My bad it must be flat. And I live in sw Detroit bro. Not the burbs of the city. Which by the way are mostly black as well. Get out of the articles n adds. I work in Detroit doing rehabs on the properties here. Most of which are black owned.