Reparations MADE

The same exact things were done to the Irish. It was just long before America. And again... we still have to deal with prejudice. No we weren’t given reparations either. And we have moved on as a people. Just sayin..... it will never leave till people stop keeping it alive. And tbh we all know reparations won’t happen cuz it would ruin the richest families in the country. (Ya the ones who are in power). Cmon people wake up fuck reparations! How bout give us real freedom.

Let's back up a second, something about the cart before the horse. Start by discussing what you think is right. Not what we think is possible, or practical, or even affordable, just start by what you think is right. It gets much more complicated very fast, but the first question is, do you think it's right to hold a specific group of people back and watch them struggle and do nothing about it?
Which is why voting matters so much right now in any state that the Republicans are not changing the rules so that their voters don't matter (if they can pull it off and the Republican voters don't slap them down in favor of 'owning the libs').

Things like Reparations are ink blot tests to get people riled up is my opinion about them. And yes if people like the survivors of the Tulsa massacre are struggling, America needs to step up and help those people out immediately. Trump's skimming tens of thousands in his secret service room rental scam, we can set these folks up to live the rest of their years in some comfort.

Right there with you. Of course if you're dumb and violent, then you can just use violence to get what you want instead of votes.

America does, yes. Not the gov't, the people. We're too selfish though. That five bucks would be better spent on my caramel latte than helping someone else.
Right, and America is the government that should have protected these American citizens.

That is why it is on the American tax payers to do what we can to repair the damage we have done to huge portions of our society. We won't be able to function at 100% until we do.

Tax payers are slaves though.
Not totally untrue, but you also can't entirely be a slave if you choose to participate. Anyone here is free to leave, which wasn't at all the case with actual slaves, so you kinda piss on actual slavery with such comments.
Not totally untrue, but you also can't entirely be a slave if you choose to participate. Anyone here is free to leave, which wasn't at all the case with actual slaves, so you kinda piss on actual slavery with such comments.

It's a matter of degrees though, regards taxation.

If the fruit of your labor is taken in whole or in part against your wishes, that is the level of your slavery.

I don't piss on slavery, I recognize it even when it exists at less than 100% .

Which percent of your labor being taken against your will means you are not a slave ? 83%? 50% ?
Zero percent. I choose to work and live in this country/society, therefore I am fully responsible for my contribution to the atrocities that result from my participation. Now, if I were a giant emo pussy wanting to perform whatever mental gymnastic necessary to feel good about myself, then I'd play the "poor me" card and talk about how I'm a victim.
The belief that someone over a hundred years removed from the actual event should in some way be seen as responsible for what happened? There are plenty of better things than the past to take advantage of. Why continue to call foul when the foul can’t be solved or healed by people who had nothing to do with it? (Maybe the limits and walls they are hitting are self created) we limit ourselves by carrying a grudge that isn’t our own. ✌

We are Irish. And slavery was a part of life for my ancestors as well. And I can tell you, Irish still have a “stereotype “. Difference... I would never give someone the power to make me feel enslaved. If someone chooses to feel abused even though they’ve had it no worse than any other, that’s ridiculous... if your child acted that way you would correct them. So why is this a theme at all? (Think about it) it’s easier to control a divided population. If you think small you will never see beyond yourself.
"But the irish!!!!!!"

Double cuck
Oh wait I'm the enslaved now not the slave. And a racist, according to the racial segregation signs cuck

Totally not fucking retarded
Oh wait I'm the enslaved now not the slave. And a racist, according to the racial segregation signs cuck

Totally not fucking retarded

No, you are both the "slave" and "the enslaver" and not very bright. Your inability to support your family and fervent desire to lick the boots of the magical money providers has helped to enslave future generations. Nice job.

You are a racist too, since you support extra rights for some people based on their race.
What the fuck do you know about living in slavery? You’re probably a spoiled rich kid whose parents paid no attention to you. Now we have to suffer watching you look for the attention they wouldn’t give.

If you've ever been forced to give up the product of your labor to a cause that you don't support, you've been enslaved.

Cambodia. USA. Different, but the same. That is some of what I know about slavery, comfortable slave.
There are temp agencies that carpool immigrants to factories to be paid pennies on the dollar.
This bothers me more than slavery 200+yr ago.
I kinda doubt slavery issues are to high on your radar

Can I get proof of your claims other than FOX entertainment and similar right wing propaganda networks?

TIA :hug: