The same exact things were done to the Irish. It was just long before America. And again... we still have to deal with prejudice. No we weren’t given reparations either. And we have moved on as a people. Just sayin..... it will never leave till people stop keeping it alive. And tbh we all know reparations won’t happen cuz it would ruin the richest families in the country. (Ya the ones who are in power). Cmon people wake up fuck reparations! How bout give us real freedom.
Let's back up a second, something about the cart before the horse. Start by discussing what you think is right. Not what we think is possible, or practical, or even affordable, just start by what you think is right. It gets much more complicated very fast, but the first question is, do you think it's right to hold a specific group of people back and watch them struggle and do nothing about it?