Reparations MADE

First off I would like to say, hanimmal, you seem like a decent level headed person. And I’m glad we aren’t bickering and throwing one off insults at each other. Second, yea I am white. Did you miss the Irish references? And it’s funny how whenever someone wants to talk about racial injustice they need to go back to the 50’s. We have plenty still going on today. No need to step back a hundred years. Just now it’s economic injustice and it can’t be claimed by a single ethnic group. So everyone keeps looking back to a argument that no longer exists to complain about a issue they never dealt with in their life. Cuz it’s easier to win a argument that has already been established as wrong. Update people. Look around injustice is a normal function in life… it sucks but it’s true. I wonder how many of us would complain about it if we were on the upper hand of it?? Utopia does not exist for humans. We have too much greed and hate for it.
You must have missed the era of Jim Crow

Do you also believe there is no systemic racism in law enforcement ?

And for the record I am white as rice
You must have missed the era of Jim Crow

Do you also believe there is no systemic racism in law enforcement ?

And for the record I am white as rice
Hell yes law enforcement racially profile and are biased. Although depending on where u are you may find that cops are not just doing it to blacks. As a matter of fact (seeing as I’ve had my fare share of legal issues) I have found that whites in Detroit are being discriminated against as hard as any and more than most. Most cops here are of black or hispanic origin. And if you haven’t noticed… they hate us. I’ve been to jail and to the county jail. And beaten a couple felonies. Been convicted of one as well. So I’m not a out of touch white guy who’s spewing what he thinks will make him more popular on a web site. (Herbnsuds) I’m speaking raw truth and your trying to be popular.
First off I would like to say, hanimmal, you seem like a decent level headed person. And I’m glad we aren’t bickering and throwing one off insults at each other.
Thanks man, there is no way to know for sure who is trolling who, so I try to not just assume everyone is a troll. It is hard, but it makes it a lot easier to have these kind of conversations in real life.

And right after I compliment you on your level head. My bad it must be flat. And I live in sw Detroit bro. Not the burbs of the city. Which by the way are mostly black as well. Get out of the articles n adds. I work in Detroit doing rehabs on the properties here. Most of which are black owned.
Ah there you go. Why must I be flat headed? So we were practically neighbors, shit you might actually know some of my family since we are from the same area and a lot live in Detroit.

But you are just going troll so maybe I will go back to reading the last post since you were not being defensive in it.

Nice, there are a lot of great homes down there. My brother did one by Trumble and 94. Then got a house over off Greenfield.

There is a reason why most there are black owned now.

Second, yea I am white. Did you miss the Irish references?
Yeah because they were added in afterwards.

And it’s funny how whenever someone wants to talk about racial injustice they need to go back to the 50’s.
You are hilariously mistaken if you mean I have to go back to the 50's to point out very real racial injustices. But talking out of one's ass seems to be a trend.

Did you miss the school examples I posted earlier, you seemed to have skipped over a whole lot of things I have said to stick to trolling me and not really adding anything but nonsense like 'people use Redford PO box's to be able to say they are not from Detroit'.

We have plenty still going on today. No need to step back a hundred years. Just now it’s economic injustice and it can’t be claimed by a single ethnic group.
This is very true. You are not seeing the flip side though, 98% of land is owned by white people. That is the economic injustice of racism's legacy. White people exclusively took every advantage and now the economic injustices are systemic. That is why what you are saying is both true and has nothing to do with what is being said by people pointing out the problems that are sustained by it.

So everyone keeps looking back to a argument that no longer exists to complain about a issue they never dealt with in their life.
Are you telling me that I didn't have to talk a cop out of arresting my neighbor's kid because him and his 4 friends were driving back home to their home in Wesltand because of a expired plate right in front of his home?

This shit still exists. Pretending otherwise is naive.

Cuz it’s easier to win a argument that has already been established as wrong. Update people. Look around injustice is a normal function in life… it sucks but it’s true. I wonder how many of us would complain about it if we were on the upper hand of it?? Utopia does not exist for humans. We have too much greed and hate for it.
You need to wake up from the propaganda that you are spammed to distract you from understanding what is being talked about.

Did you understand that the Republicans were trying to void you and your neighbors votes in 2020? All of Trump's bullshit war on our democracy took place in minority neighborhoods. Everything from Gerrymandering to taxation maps is why Detroit has deteriorated and the only thing about it that has to do with race is that the white men with all the money made sure that it stopped flowing into what would become minority neighborhoods.
Hell yes law enforcement racially profile and are biased. Although depending on where u are you may find that cops are not just doing it to blacks. As a matter of fact (seeing as I’ve had my fare share of legal issues) I have found that whites in Detroit are being discriminated against as hard as any and more than most. Most cops here are of black or hispanic origin. And if you haven’t noticed… they hate us. I’ve been to jail and to the county jail. And beaten a couple felonies. Been convicted of one as well. So I’m not a out of touch white guy who’s spewing what he thinks will make him more popular on a web site. (Herbnsuds) I’m speaking raw truth and your trying to be popular.
The number of police in Detroit (170 square miles) is about 2200.

How many are a couple counties (over of an area of about 700 square miles) is about 170.

The racism is in the fact that the police were put in place in minority neighborhoods. Sure white people that were stuck in those cities too did not benefit from the over policing, but that doesn't mean that it is not a racist agenda that set this system up.
Our government cannot even agree to raise taxes to fix infrastructure (that helps all the races). I have my doubts they ever agree to spend substantial amounts of money to attempt to 'level the field'. Investing in our cities and schools (no matter who the people are living there) shouldn't be a race issue. It is literally Americans being left behind and should be poised as such. Making it a 'white people owe it to 'insert disenfranchised persons', seems like a easy way to divide the group.

Understandably, it is true that racism and different standards led to opportunities based on race. There is no going back to undo what happened. We are generations past the ownership of slaves and monetary payments for the slavery they endured.
"Did you understand that the Republicans were trying to void you and your neighbors votes in 2020? All of Trump's bullshit war on our democracy took place in minority neighborhoods. Everything from Gerrymandering to taxation maps is why Detroit has deteriorated and the only thing about it that has to do with race is that the white men with all the money made sure that it stopped flowing into what would become minority neighborhoods."

I don’t mind you n hanni ganging up to try to argue something that your so out of touch with. It’s fine.. it’s what you do. But understand, you read about it. I live here. I watched the city fall to ruin. And it fell to ruin because of drugs way before the government stole half a million homes from the residents. And as for big business leaving the city to die, sure they did, no shit. You don’t invest money in places where you will lose. Up till recently Detroit was not only the murder leaded but one of the most crime riddled cities in America. Honest businesses had no choice, hell as many small businesses as could left as well. And it still isn’t a safe city at all. And it’s not safe for everyone. Fuck all that racial shit. Let’s get to the root of it all. It’s all power n poverty…. They have the power and you know what everyone else can get. But isn’t that what America has always been? The wealthy controlling the poor? So learn from it and adjust accordingly.
And please don’t say shit about the schools here unless you went to them or your kids do. Otherwise your completely confused.
Sometimes the more accurate perspective is that of the third party spectator, not directly involved and not emotionally influenced.
Our government cannot even agree to raise taxes to fix infrastructure (that helps all the races). I have my doubts they ever agree to spend substantial amounts of money to attempt to 'level the field'. Investing in our cities and schools (no matter who the people are living there) shouldn't be a race issue. It is literally Americans being left behind and should be poised as such. Making it a 'white people owe it to 'insert disenfranchised persons', seems like a easy way to divide the group.

Understandably, it is true that racism and different standards led to opportunities based on race. There is no going back to undo what happened. We are generations past the ownership of slaves and monetary payments for the slavery they endured.
I don’t mind you n hanni ganging up to try to argue something that your so out of touch with. It’s fine.. it’s what you do. But understand, you read about it. I live here. I watched the city fall to ruin. And it fell to ruin because of drugs way before the government stole half a million homes from the residents. And as for big business leaving the city to die, sure they did, no shit. You don’t invest money in places where you will lose. Up till recently Detroit was not only the murder leaded but one of the most crime riddled cities in America. Honest businesses had no choice, hell as many small businesses as could left as well. And it still isn’t a safe city at all. And it’s not safe for everyone. Fuck all that racial shit. Let’s get to the root of it all. It’s all power n poverty…. They have the power and you know what everyone else can get. But isn’t that what America has always been? The wealthy controlling the poor? So learn from it and adjust accordingly.
No offense but you guys are retarded racists

Again no offense
Sometimes the more accurate perspective is that of the third party spectator, not directly involved and not emotionally influenced.
I will tell you this, I am from Detroit. I love my city and all of its people. Do you know that as for the residents of this city we really didn’t have race issues. I grew up here , traveled and hung out far and wide here. East to west and back. Never one fckn time did I have a argument , fight, or anything else happen. And now we have all these uninformed people who think they can read a fckn article and suddenly they are the authority on the subject. If my life was shit boring enough to be on this site on my computer I could look up n post a bunch of shit I had read as well. But I live here, so I not only know what’s said but what’s true as well. Now… seeing as none of us are old enough to have gone through any of these things or to have been actually affected by them. How bout people just stop and get a new bone to chew on.
I will tell you this, I am from Detroit. I love my city and all of its people. Do you know that as for the residents of this city we really didn’t have race issues. I grew up here , traveled and hung out far and wide here. East to west and back. Never one fckn time did I have a argument , fight, or anything else happen. And now we have all these uninformed people who think they can read a fckn article and suddenly they are the authority on the subject. If my life was shit boring enough to be on this site on my computer I could look up n post a bunch of shit I had read as well. But I live here, so I not only know what’s said but what’s true as well. Now… seeing as none of us are old enough to have gone through any of these things or to have been actually affected by them. How bout people just stop and get a new bone to chew on.

History says your city has had a shit ton of race issues. I think you might be blind to reality in order to make yourself feel better.
I will tell you this, I am from Detroit. I love my city and all of its people. Do you know that as for the residents of this city we really didn’t have race issues.
I would point out that the only perspective that you know is real is the one you have. A white person living in Detroit. So it would be more accurate that you, a white man, have not had a race issue in Detroit.

I grew up here , traveled and hung out far and wide here. East to west and back. Never one fckn time did I have a argument , fight, or anything else happen.
Detroit is a great place. You are mistaking people like myself pointing out the very real infrastructure issues like the old outdated run down schools as whatever it is that you have been trolled into thinking that people are talking about.

And now we have all these uninformed people who think they can read a fckn article and suddenly they are the authority on the subject.
Because you said so?

If my life was shit boring enough to be on this site on my computer I could look up n post a bunch of shit I had read as well.
Oh so just trolling now. Got it.

But I live here, so I not only know what’s said but what’s true as well. Now… seeing as none of us are old enough to have gone through any of these things or to have been actually affected by them. How bout people just stop and get a new bone to chew on.
You are wrong. Flat out wrong.

I might be about a decade younger than you, but I know that I have heard with my own ears white people talking about not letting black people move into the suburbs right outside of Detroit. So yes this shit has happened to people still living in Detroit today.

Just because you are too blind to see the reality your elder males told you was all bullshit, is not a good enough excuse to understand how we got to where we are at today.
History is a accumulation of events of interest to those who are writing it. And again I’m 50. Not 100. Neither are you I would bet. So it’s not a point in history you should even be speaking of.