Please state your Obama Lies here

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[h=2]While progressives attack the Bush tax cuts and President Barack Obama wants to let them expire for families making over $250,000, figures released by the IRS show the wealthiest 1% actually paid more in taxes after the Bush tax cuts were passed, and the bottom half of taxpayers actually paid less in income taxes.[/h] According to IRS data, the “richest 1% paid $84 billion more in taxes in 2007 than they had in 2000,” a 23% increase. In addition, their “share of the overall income tax burden grew, climbing from 37% in 2000 to 40% in 2007.” All this occurred even though their rates went down.
The IRS numbers also found the bottom half of taxpayers “paid $6 billion less in income taxes in 2007 than they had seven years earlier,” which is a 16% decrease, and “their share of the total income tax burden actually went from 3.9% to 2.9%.”
Further, as Investors Business Daily noted, the Bush tax cuts also pushed millions of people off of the tax rolls entirely because Bush “doubled the per-child tax credit to $1,000 and lowered the bottom rate to 10%.”
LIE: President Obama told CBS News’ 60 Minutes that “ninety percent” of the reason the federal budget deficit has risen dramatically under his administration is because of his predecessor, George W. Bush.

TRUTH: The fact is that two-thirds, at least, of the federal budget deficit is due to Obama and the Democrats alone. In addition, the record-breaking deficits signed into law by Bush were passed by a Democrat-controlled Congress.
nazi germany, enslaving the entire human racer, NWO banksters, and more!

this thread has quite literally devolved into the most retarded right wingers having a dystopian circle jerk all over each other's chests!

wow, you guys have really set a new bar for idiocy, paranoia, lack of historical perspective, and deranged, unhinged lunacy.

please keep it up for my amusement!

Bucky Bucky Bucky......this thread was started by one of your cronies and revived to demonstrate just how wrong the left was believing everything your messiah spoke. You have returned and not offered a single argument to the contrary, just name-calling which is typical of a convicted drug felon. Sup wit dat nigga?
yeah, the list is a little longer today because yesterday i decided spur of the moment to head up to san fran and see it for the first time in my life. we went to 'house of nanking' in chinatown and had some of the best sesame chicken, salt and pepper shrimp, fried pork potstickers, and house fried rice that i've ever had.

then i got home, fucked the living shit out of my wife, and watched django unchained while getting massively high on some barney's farm LSD.

today, i have to get high and take the dog to the park to get some energy out, then get high and get some food. it'll take me a few minutes to wash the dishes (i.e. place them in the dishwasher) before it is time to get high again and watch 'the league'. i have three episodes to catch up on.

after that, i may fuck the living shit out of my wife again, or just have her give me some really, really good head.

how about you?

any exciting, new, adventures in white supremacy lined up for you?

That schedule sounds like a welfare rats dream. Dream being the key word.
I stopped using when they got caught not publishing the truth. Plus, they are huge supporters of the left

You don't seem to have issues posting from Breitbart, and I already know you aren't interested in the truth.

Do you have proof of something Snopes lied about?
i got home, fucked the living shit out of my wife, and watched django unchained while getting massively high on some barney's farm LSD.

after that, i may fuck the living shit out of my wife again, or just have her give me some really, really good head.

how about you?

any exciting, new, adventures in white supremacy lined up for you?

Dude, you have no respect for women my friend, especially your wife.
Sounds like you use her for your own advantage and take her for granted.
Don't be surprised that one of these days you may wake up and find her gone.
Dude, you have no respect for women my friend, especially your wife.
Sounds like you use her for your own advantage and take her for granted.
Don't be surprised that one of these days you may wake up and find her gone.

Typical behavior from someone of Buckys narcissistic view of his self-importance.
Dude, you have no respect for women my friend, especially your wife.
Sounds like you use her for your own advantage and take her for granted.
Don't be surprised that one of these days you may wake up and find her gone.

dude, im no fan of bucky's politics, but if he wants to fuck the living shit out of his wife, and she finds his fucking appropriate and satisfying, who are we to judge?

i have been known to rail on a dame now and again, and when i do, i always throw my best hump.

if youre gonna lay pipe, lay it hard, lay it deep and lay it thoroughly.

then have a sammich.

if youre gonna Just-Kinda-Sorta nail your slam piece, you might as well jerk off. cleanup is easier, and you wont have to waste money on a rubber that still has half it's tread on it when you toss it out.

when i strap on a jim-hat i'm gonna wear that fucker out, cuz im environmentally conscious.

ride that prophylactic till the tread is bald, and the steel belting is sticking out of the sidewalls. otherwise youre just being wasteful.
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