Well-Known Member
Most rich people I know made their money by starting a company. If you own a company, you only pay taxes on profit, so most companies reinvest most of their profits so they pay less taxes. Essentially, they don't pay taxes on the money they're investing. You ever learn anything about the economics of running a business?
I'm not saying we should necessarily give unsuccessful people handouts, just make it easier for anyone to achieve success on their own terms.
I said life shouldn't be first and foremost a competition. Sure, there's a lot of competing in life, but that shouldn't be all there is to life.
Yes, and people like your dad shouldn't have to pay the same tax rate as people like Warren Buffet. My parents were really quite poor as well. But we grew up on a farm and grew most of our own food, so we got along. I admire that idea of not accepting charity, and my parents never applied for Medicaid or the free lunch program even though we could have gotten it easily. My point is if someone like your dad wanted to say, take a course on diesel mechanics so he can make a better wage working for a trucking company, the government should help him do that, perhaps by subsidizing the vocational school. Not by giving him a handout.
Most rich people I know made their money by starting a company. If you own a company, you only pay taxes on profit, so most companies reinvest most of their profits so they pay less taxes. Essentially, they don't pay taxes on the money they're investing. You ever learn anything about the economics of running a business?
thats is a gross mis-understanding
what do you mean you dont pay taxes on money you invest, of course you do, and you run the risk of losing it altogther if the venture goes south
they invest money for-most because its a good idea to not sit on revenue, they would have to pay taxes on it anywhere it sits. the only way companies and the rich get away without paying as many taxes is by donating a chunk of it
if you invest in a company bond, you pay taxes on it. you open a new branch of business, you pay taxes on everything you spend to make it happen. its growth and its good, spending is a good thing as long as you do it right
I'm not saying we should necessarily give unsuccessful people handouts, just make it easier for anyone to achieve success on their own terms.
whats this we? no fuck them, i have my own damn dreams and i dont want to be FORCED TO CARE (see the problem there) its like charity versus taxes, sure my taxes might go to something i could agree with, but the fact is it doesnt matter, cause im forced into it. now i know we need taxes but alot of it is spent to frivolously by RICH LAWMAKERS
I said life shouldn't be first and foremost a competition. Sure, there's a lot of competing in life, but that shouldn't be all there is to life.
its always been a competition, even if its against yourself to better yourself
Yes, and people like your dad shouldn't have to pay the same tax rate as people like Warren Buffet. My parents were really quite poor as well. But we grew up on a farm and grew most of our own food, so we got along. I admire that idea of not accepting charity, and my parents never applied for Medicaid or the free lunch program even though we could have gotten it easily. My point is if someone like your dad wanted to say, take a course on diesel mechanics so he can make a better wage working for a trucking company, the government should help him do that, perhaps by subsidizing the vocational school. Not by giving him a handout.
actually, he went to valdosta technical college to learn how to draft, and paid for it himself while working and supporting kids
my point is simple, it aint about my dad, he did what he was suppose to and im damn proud of him. but more importantly there is this equation
meaning you do the work and good things will happen, sure life aint fair and you can still do everything right and still not get to where you want to be, but you can always come damn close