I will! In fact, I think that most anyone would tell everyone if they actually found something that was really the real deal. But, I don't see how that will happen if it hasn't happened by now. There are many seed sellers who claim to have something....But everyone knows those seed sellers and people have grown those seeds out....and yet...nothing.
Anyone who was around when the original landrace marijuana strains were going around (like me) would know. But most smokers, now, are young and all they have to go on are these legendary stories.
I was hoping that Kevin Jodery would have found a way back to the old school weed. If he can't figure it out by this time, then I think it must be gone. I can't even imagine it all being gone, but when I read about all this new automatic cannabis, it really worries me. "Fast Flowering" strains are starting to appear....I don't read much about breeding things with the goal to get back to the old days. Apparently, automatic cannabis is the trend for the younger people -for whatever reason. No one cares to grow a 16-week, 7-foot tall Sativa that produces only a couple ounces per plant. They'd rather have a short, squat plant that produces donkey dick, lemony-smelling colas....and yields....ABOUT A POUND per plant!

I get it if you're a commercial operation, but I'm just a hobbyist who grows my own weed for myself. I don't need high yields. But that's the game now....thus, a lot of stories, but no substance.