Northern Iraq falls to Al Qaeda, $400 million looted from central bank.

If you don't see something as broken, then you see it as perfectly fine.

Only the baby idiots who are stupid would believe that.

Holy disastrous Irony, dripping in Doer sauce.

I'm gonna log off now Doer, let you stew in your patheticness for a while. My Daughter made me breakfast, we are going to go fishing.

Have a nice day, if you are able.

the expression of one's meaning by using language that normally signifies the opposite
angling, eh? have fun :)
I think you can decyper that.

You see it is a play on the word, miss. It is related in a pun sense, to your evil mean spirits baby wailing about being alone.

I can. So no, I don't have a sense of Lonely. I have a large group of people that like it. There is another large group that I rejected as BI>

I make very valuable pay back for them
I am quite sure ,I can give you, the first punch start, read it, intercept it and neutralize it with the same hand that breaks your nose on the way in, while my other hand traps the punch, and my foot smashes your ACL, out to in,

You weighted that foot when I trapped your hand and is why I trapped it.

It is very painful and not even a fight. That's just the first move of you to the hospital.
I am quite sure ,I can give you, the first punch start, read it, intercept it and neutralize it with the same hand that breaks your nose on the way in, while my other hand traps the punch, and my foot smashes your ACL, out to in,

You weighted that foot when I trapped your hand and is why I trapped it.

It is very painful and not even a fight. That's just the first move of you to the hospital.

two man leave.........
two man leave.........
I am quite sure ,I can give you, the first punch start, read it, intercept it and neutralize it with the same hand that breaks your nose on the way in, while my other hand traps the punch, and my foot smashes your ACL, out to in,

You weighted that foot when I trapped your hand and is why I trapped it.

It is very painful and not even a fight. That's just the first move of you to the hospital.

oops.......was a feint. spit my cigarette in your eye, forward snap to scrotum. Bruce......I seen some real goodies. no one was pretty after it. sometimes you get the bear, sometimes the bear gets you :)
Have a nice day, if you are able.

the expression of one's meaning by using language that normally signifies the opposite

Oh yeah, That makes a lot of sense....not. :)
Cheny sold all his stock before he took office, so your statement shows that it is YOU, not me that doesn't belong in the politics section. I said make sure you knew what you were talking about before you responded, but, no, you just couldn't resist shooting your mouth off when you have no clue. Once again, you spout some stupid, false allegation because you want to believe it, not because there any truth in it. So you're either gullible, or a liar. I suspect both. "Now please leave until you are better informed about world politics."

Nothing to add, just funny to see Red chase it's own tail.
oops.......was a feint. spit my cigarette in your eye, forward snap to scrotum. Bruce......I seen some real goodies. no one was pretty after it. sometimes you get the bear, sometimes the bear gets you :)

Interesting, but who can't read someone snapping a cig? And who stands with their legs open? The heavy work, in my thing is on the legs and the face.

We get all kind of things thrown in our face in training, All the way up to water and the plastic glass.

You come to know the eye is perfecty capable of protecting itself from that with a simple blink.

It is startling to understand the feints are easier to read than anything,

Cig bounces off cheek, Punch is possibly not aligned so it morphs on the way in. It opens to a palm strike in the eye and fade to the back of the neck, for a vicious snap-pull forward.

It could be very serious for the yuki.....playing with fire, like that.

We see any move of ruse as a indication of hidden arms.

It is bone break time.

It is quite possible i read it and you missed me. Still time to break something.

The Form I am learning now, Wooden Man form is a library of individual techniques of the other Forms, but all about, recovery, attack morphing, and distance keeping, instant twisting angle changes, yuki balance disruption or control, etc.

Most want to clear to longer range. I don't allow that. I learned long ago, the yuki cannot harm me if I keep him close,

We call it being sticky. We can do this in the dark.
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You know you can't snap kick if I am standing on that foot, or I have controlled you balance onto the foot you told me you are gonna snap kick with,

BTW, I don't watch your eyes. I watch the notch below your adams apple.

It it the main tell of your balance and where you intend to take it.
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The toughest one is the spinning back kick for me, but it is all about seeing the set up and not chasing it in.

Most will want to grab victory when the yuki ducks down and away, But, a swift kick/block/attack into, not against the turn, is called for.
LOL in your best day you couldn't land that punch. Better to throw a rock and run away like a the coward I know you to be.
Remember that cowards live to chose their fight on another day.

An honorable person just gets their shit wrecked and then they get buried.

A quick risk assessment says that throwing rocks is a lot easier and almost as effective if not more. See where I am going with this?

Don't use examples, just call em' cowards before you dig a hole you can't get out of.

Firearms are basically rocks FYI.
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Cheny sold all his stock before he took office, so your statement shows that it is YOU, not me that doesn't belong in the politics section. I said make sure you knew what you were talking about before you responded, but, no, you just couldn't resist shooting your mouth off when you have no clue. Once again, you spout some stupid, false allegation because you want to believe it, not because there any truth in it. So you're either gullible, or a liar. I suspect both. "Now please leave until you are better informed about world politics."
I tell you what ...lets make a bet. I say Cheney still had Halliburton stock options up until 2005.. You said he did not after he took office as the VP.. If I'm right you get the fuck out the political section. If I'm wrong I will do the same.
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I've seen guys that were tournament kings, and weren't shit on the street, I've seen guys who can beat up 5 other guys at once, walk into an unlucky punch. I saw a guy break his own leg on a sign, with a missed kick. crazy shit happens, and "any given Sunday syndrome." when folks sound like Conan the Barbarian, I question their experience in combat. not half-point, full-point stuff.
Remember that cowards live to chose their fight on another day.

An honorable person just gets their shit wrecked and then they get buried.

A quick risk assessment says that throwing rocks is a lot easier and almost as effective if not more. See where I am going with this?

Don't use examples, just call em' cowards before you dig a hole you can't get it of.

Firearms are basically rocks FYI.
the Navajo used garnets, found at the base of ant-hills, that the ants had excavated.......for bullets. ouch!
Remember that cowards live to chose their fight on another day.

An honorable person just gets their shit wrecked and then they get buried.

A quick risk assessment says that throwing rocks is a lot easier and almost as effective if not more. See where I am going with this?

Don't use examples, just call em' cowards before you dig a hole you can't get it of.

Firearms are basically rocks FYI.

careful.........he's indestructible
I tell you what ...lets make a bet. I say Cheney still had Halliburton stock options up until 2005.. You said he did not after he took office as the VP.. If I'm right you get the fuck out the political section. If I'm wrong I will do the same.

I think if you find he dumped the stock publicly, he had some shady deal where it went to his family members. Dude made bank, is still making bank and will continue to make bank off of whatever name Haliburton goes by today whether it's claimed by him or not. Just an opinion though, It's one of those unknowables when that kind of money and power are involved. I just think he's a snake.