Northern Iraq falls to Al Qaeda, $400 million looted from central bank.

The country is fracturing along the ethnic lines that separate it. It would be better for those that live there is we let them partition themselves and govern themselves. Islam has been at war with itself for a long time and the Kurds should be allowed to form their own country in the North.
Correction: It is the smoldering ruins of a fuel depot for ISIS

That is just part of the pipeline, to keep the oil from getting out to Baghdad. The refinery itself is at 100% and apparently is now being reported as having been recaptured by Iraq forces. Although the next scary guy will make them run away too I suspect, leaving the keys to yet more Blackhawk helis and armored Hummvees.
The country is fracturing along the ethnic lines that separate it. It would be better for those that live there is we let them partition themselves and govern themselves. Islam has been at war with itself for a long time and the Kurds should be allowed to form their own country in the North.
Blame Israel , France and Britain. they are the ones who drew up the lines like they are today. No thought given to the people who live there.
It's damn near impossible to protect an oil pipeline. Expect the oil to stay cut off for some time.
did you really just say Israel, France, Britain fought FOR the Nazi ...damn you dumb

i think he's saying the iraqis did. which is still only about half true. iraqis were mainly driven by anti-semitism and anti-colonialism, not really fans of nazism. opinion was more divided than he's portraying it to be.
i think he's saying the iraqis did. which is still only about half true. iraqis were mainly driven by anti-semitism and anti-colonialism, not really fans of nazism. opinion was more divided than he's portraying it to be.
ok...I thought he was replying to what Nodrama had said about the 3
The country is fracturing along the ethnic lines that separate it. It would be better for those that live there is we let them partition themselves and govern themselves. Islam has been at war with itself for a long time and the Kurds should be allowed to form their own country in the North.

viva Kurdistan!

kurd flag.jpg
Well, to be fair, Red is that dumb, so you couldn't really have known what he meant..
Others knew, even london figured it out, once he got past his kneejerk reaction to only hear what he wants to. You calling anyone dumb is laughable. Even your fellow libtards think of you as their retarded cousin.