Iraq's security 'remarkably better'

I don't think we should pat ourselves on the back too hard. It's more of a shared victory. Without the Sunni Awakening, the violence would still be as widespread as it ever was. It's the combination of the Awakening and our troops that have provided the stability we've seen lately. Which had more effect? I'd tend to think the Awakening, since there are far more Sunnis than there are US troops *and* they're Iraqis so they blend in, and probably find out more than we ever could alone.

But yay, I'm glad things are going great in Iraq! Because we need those troops to fight in Afghanistan. And hopefully some of our soldiers will get some well-deserved rest before they all go nuts from PTSD.

a transition that many found almost unthinkable as recently as one year ago.

should be-

a transition that WE found almost unthinkable as recently as one year ago.
Without the surge there would have been no Sunni awakening......but that, the surge, shouldn't have happened, remember?
I don't think we should pat ourselves on the back too hard. It's more of a shared victory. Without the Sunni Awakening, the violence would still be as widespread as it ever was. It's the combination of the Awakening and our troops that have provided the stability we've seen lately. Which had more effect? I'd tend to think the Awakening, since there are far more Sunnis than there are US troops *and* they're Iraqis so they blend in, and probably find out more than we ever could alone.

But yay, I'm glad things are going great in Iraq! Because we need those troops to fight in Afghanistan. And hopefully some of our soldiers will get some well-deserved rest before they all go nuts from PTSD.
But would the Sunni Awakening have occurred if not for the surge?

Obama has yet to concede the point. It's in his best interest for us to lose.
Senator Obama made a different choice. He not only opposed the new strategy, but actually tried to prevent us from implementing it. He didn't just advocate defeat, he tried to legislate it. When his efforts failed, he continued to predict the failure of our troops. As our soldiers and Marines prepared to move into Baghdad neighborhoods and Anbari villages, Senator Obama predicted that their efforts would make the sectarian violence in Iraq worse, not better.

And as our troops took the fight to the enemy, Senator Obama tried to cut off funding for them. He was one of only 14 senators to vote against the emergency funding in May 2007 that supported our troops in Iraq and Afghanistan. He would choose to lose in Iraq in hopes of winning in Afghanistan. But had his position been adopted, we would have lost both wars.

Three weeks after Senator Obama voted to deny funding for our troops in the field, General Ray Odierno launched the first major combat operations of the surge. Senator Obama declared defeat one month later: "My assessment is that the surge has not worked and we will not see a different report eight weeks from now." His assessment was popular at the time. But it couldn't have been more wrong. - John McCain

John McCain 2008 - John McCain for President

Didn't Harry Reid say that the war in Iraq was unwinnable about a year or so ago? What's he saying now?

The Democrat Party was so entrenched in our losing in Iraq, what's their spin now? Oh, I know ... Obama's diplomatic trip turned the tide. ~lol~

we will not if the surge worked until we go back to pre-surge levels...
If the surge didn't turn things around, SOMETHING did.

It matters not, if one is intent on us losing, we cannot ever win as long a Dubya is President.

I'm sure our current 'failure' will transform into victory once President Barry Obama takes charge.
We can't lose. It's impossible for us to lose no matter what we do or don't do. Why? Because nobody has defined what 'victory' means. That means we can't ever win either, of course, but at least we can't lose. We could pull every troop out tomorrow, Iraq could explode into chaos and violence, and we still wouldn't have lost, because nobody knows what 'losing' and 'winning' even means. Our Commander in Chief hasn't told anyone what victory means (which is one of the most important aspects of his job), so until he does, we're stuck in limbo while our soldiers die and our capital evaporates. If you define 'victory' as 'getting Saddam', then we won a year or two ago. Somebody should tell the troops.
We can't lose. It's impossible for us to lose no matter what we do or don't do. Why? Because nobody has defined what 'victory' means. That means we can't ever win either, of course, but at least we can't lose. We could pull every troop out tomorrow, Iraq could explode into chaos and violence, and we still wouldn't have lost, because nobody knows what 'losing' and 'winning' even means. Our Commander in Chief hasn't told anyone what victory means (which is one of the most important aspects of his job), so until he does, we're stuck in limbo while our soldiers die and our capital evaporates.

Spoken like a true's all shades of gray.
I'd love black and white. Victory means this. Defeat means that. Unfortunately, Bush does indeed like his shades of grey, so he keeps us in limbo. Didn't know he was a liberal though. Neat!
I'd love black and white. Victory means this. Defeat means that. Unfortunately, Bush does indeed like his shades of grey, so he keeps us in limbo. Didn't know he was a liberal though. Neat!
George W. Bush is a liberal.

He's a free-spending, big government liberal who never saw an earmark he didn't like.
I'd love black and white. Victory means this. Defeat means that. Unfortunately, Bush does indeed like his shades of grey, so he keeps us in limbo. Didn't know he was a liberal though. Neat!

You would know, lib. Does he sound like an idiot? Then he's lib.....
Bush is a liberal all right. No doubt about that. The freakin' Democrats should love this guy instead of hating him.

Now, he's ready to sign a 400 MILLION DOLLAR mortgage bailout bill. <Sheesh!>

The author of this web site is Gene Simmons, Founder, National Debt Awareness Campaign (NDAC). You are authorized to copy and freely distribute the bar chart and the information provided in this web site; just include a reference to this web site. If you want to link your web site, do it. Email the NDAC director.
