Iraq's security 'remarkably better'


Well-Known Member
Iraq's security 'remarkably better'

Joint Chiefs chairman hints at drawdown

Rowan Scarborough (Contact)
Thursday, July 17, 2008

The nation's top military officer Wednesday declared the security situation in Iraq "remarkably better," so good in fact that he expects to recommend more U.S. troop reductions this fall if conditions hold.

Just back from a tour of two war fronts - Iraq and the Afghanistan-Pakistan region - Adm. Michael G. Mullen said he expected to witness improvements in Baghdad and across Iraq, but was surprised by how well a 17-month-old U.S. troop surge has worked.

"I won't go so far as to say that progress in Iraq, from a military perspective, has reached a tipping point or it is irreversible," Adm. Mullen, the Joint Chiefs chairman, said at a press conference with Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates. "But security is unquestionably and remarkably better."

The last of five reinforcement combat brigades have left Iraq, leaving behind 15 such units. Gen. David H. Petraeus, the top commander in Iraq, a key architect of the February 2007 surge and recently confirmed by the Senate to lead U.S. Central Command, has called for several months of assessment before deciding whether to reduce troop levels below about 145,000.
Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates and Adm. Michael G. Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, gave a positive review of the security situation in Iraq on Wednesday, but were less optimistic in their assessment of Afghanistan. (Getty Images)

But Adm. Mullen's statement that "I expect to be able early in the fall to recommend to the secretary and to the president further troop reductions" is a clear signal that top commanders in Iraq think a continued drawdown is warranted.

The two most important questions in the equation are: Can the Iraqi Security Forces inherit and win the fight, and is the insurgency nearly defeated?

Last week, Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki declared that his country had defeated al Qaeda in Iraq, the Osama bin Laden terrorist franchise that at one time controlled much of Anbar province west of Baghdad and sent suicide bombers to the capital at will.

The administration now reports that violence in Iraq has plummeted from 1,400 incidents a week to fewer than 400 nationwide.

Adm. Mullen was not so optimistic about the war in Afghanistan, saying commanders there pressed him to supply more U.S. troops to reinforce the 32,000 already present. Taliban forces last week were able to execute a daring sophisticated attack on a U.S. outpost in Wanat that killed nine American service members.

"It's a tougher fight. It's a more complex fight," he said. "They need more troops to have the long-term impact."
Mr. Gates said the Pentagon is studying ways to send reinforcements, but Adm. Mullen previously said that no additional troops are available for

Afghanistan until Iraq supplies more of its own.
Adm. Mullen and Mr. Gates said Pakistan has failed to stem the flow of fighters recruited and trained in unregulated tribal areas.
"We're seeing a greater number of insurgents and foreign fighters flowing across the border with Pakistan, unmolested and unhindered," Adm. Mullen said. "This movement needs to stop."

The Joint Chiefs chairman said the administration is trying to persuade Pakistanis to take action by impressing on them the internal threat they face from militants and al Qaeda terrorists operating in the tribal areas.
"We see this threat accelerating," he said. "We see it almost becoming a syndicate of different groups who heretofore had not worked closely together."

The new Pakistani civilian government pledged to tighten the border. But after launching several operations earlier in the month, it also talked of negotiating with militant tribal leaders instead of fighting them. The U.S. says such agreements in the past produced nothing.
"There is no question that the absence of pressure on the Pakistani side of the border is creating an opportunity for more people to cross the border and launch attacks," Mr. Gates said.

Still, the admiral spoke of progress he tracked in southern Afghanistan, the birthplace of the Taliban's harsh Islamist rule. Marines and Army soldiers have liberated villages and trained Afghan forces to hold them. "Clearly, we have a long way to go but we are making strides," Adm. Mullen said.
The Pentagon sent 3,500 Marines into southern Afghanistan in the spring to stem a Taliban offensive. The unit is scheduled to leave in November.


Well-Known Member
Instead of adjusting to the stateless threats of the 21st century, we invaded and occupied a state that had no collaborative relationship with al-Qaida. Instead of taking aggressive steps to secure the world's most dangerous weapons and technology, we spent almost a trillion dollars to occupy a country in the heart of the Middle East that no longer had any weapons of mass destruction. - Barak Hussein Obama
We can't win in Iraq. WE'RE BAD!

Victory does not line up with the talking points. Better to ignore it.


Well-Known Member
Mission Accomplished!

Death to the Libs. :hump:

You're being played by Al Q... they shift their resources in a matter of hours.. Back and forth to Afganistan & Iraq.... they are playing bush like a fiddle.... Wait if you don't see an up surge if they draw down..thats why they should just leave..They wanted Hussain and they got him..let the Iraq people get their own shit together.. As long as there is an American target they will move forces to counter...look at the last big afgan attack...they were outnumbered by about 10 -1... Why...where was the all mighty US intelligence agency.. So now gates is trying to sound like he has a plan, when all he really has is a response.. can't win when on defense.... Screw Iraq and get Bin Laden... thats what that ass Bush should have done instead of trying to make up for his old mans failure.... DUH...why are my helicopters all crashing... hey bush Sr.'s called sand..... putz


New Member
Winning in Iraq, what, did the oil contracts finally get signed, are they drilling for oil in the provinces., (laughing my ass off) winning in Iraq, what a joke! The winning will start when troop withdrawel begins, not a minute sooner.


New Member
Winning in Iraq, what, did the oil contracts finally get signed, are they drilling for oil in the provinces., (laughing my ass off) winning in Iraq, what a joke! The winning will start when troop withdrawel begins, not a minute sooner.
You and your fellow "progressive" travelers would have really been pleased if we had gotten completely decimated in Iraq. I mean, anything to discredit the guy who "stole" the last two elections, right, Med? Even wishing for an American defeat isn't beyond you guys. Shame ... shame ... shame! :roll:

Did you read this part of the first post:

The nation's top military officer Wednesday declared the security situation in Iraq "remarkably better," so good in fact that he expects to recommend more U.S. troop reductions this fall if conditions hold.

The "patriotism" and "support" for America and the troops coming from those who would rather live on the sunrise side of the Berlin Wall is there for all to see.


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Well-Known Member
Winning in Iraq, what, did the oil contracts finally get signed, are they drilling for oil in the provinces., (laughing my ass off) winning in Iraq, what a joke! The winning will start when troop withdrawel begins, not a minute sooner.
Damn straight
You and your fellow "progressive" travelers would have really been pleased if we had gotten completely decimated in Iraq. I mean, anything to discredit the guy who "stole" the last two elections, right, Med? Even wishing for an American defeat isn't beyond you guys. Shame ... shame ... shame! :roll:

Thats crap.. I'd wager NO ONE not even dems want any lost to those brave people..but you're proving one of my points..just because we want the troops in the RIGHT place, we are un patriotic..same old lame repb. scare monger shit.... we're talking a smart deployment, not a campaign to boost the Bush's digusting need for acclaim..they are pathetic.. the Iraq war was run by an incompetent administration.. And as for the "top military off."...see what happens to your job & rank if you disagree... Bush has let HIS top military advisers only do what HE wants...... shame..

Did you read this part of the first post:

The nation's top military officer Wednesday declared the security situation in Iraq "remarkably better," so good in fact that he expects to recommend more U.S. troop reductions this fall if conditions hold.

Only b
ecause they've gone to Afganistan...they'll be back if the US stays...

The "patriotism" and "support" for America and the troops coming from those who would rather live on the sunrise side of the Berlin Wall is there for all to see.




Well-Known Member
You mean the same asshole that lied about Iraqi and Iran is suddenly telling the truth? ... yeah ... right ... kiss-ass Cross paints bleak picture of Iraq
Internally displaced Iraqis, especially women and children, face a dire humanitarian situation, the head of the International Red Cross in Iraq said.
The fate of the people of Iraq was never a consideration for this administration; it was about the oil, and "neutralizing" one of Israel's many enemies in the region. - M. R.


Well-Known Member
and that my friends is what its like to be invested in defeat

you cant accept when things are going good when u have invested so much in defeat, right?


Well-Known Member
Obama has long since won the issue of Iraq-past - opposing the war before anyone and voting continuously and solidly against it when others waffled.

Yet McCain is winning Iraq-present: A majority of Americans believe that the surge is working. Casualties are down so far that the pessimistic left has shifted its doom-and-gloom to Afghanistan.
You remember Dick Morris, the prostitute toe-sucking political consultant responsible for Bill Clinton's electoral successes in Arkansas and the re-election in 1996.


Well-Known Member
and that my friends is what its like to be invested in defeat

you cant accept when things are going good when u have invested so much in defeat, right?
No ... that's what it's like to know the difference between RIGHT AND WRONG ... unlike you ... you don't care about the law or the deaths of innocents ... as long as you think the side you feel is right makes it ... and anyone that dare point out the crimes being committed are simply defeatists ... kiss-ass

... Iraqi is an ILLEGAL occupation ... those situations never go good ... no matter how much you what to believe it ... history show different ... never in my life have I see so many people cheering on war criminals ... pretty pathetic really ... :neutral:

So folks at home ... who are you going to believe ... the Red Cross ... who has never been caught in a lie ... or a source that has been caught in lie after lie?

Which source do you believe the more credible?:hump:


New Member
the whole argument about winning or losing in Iraq is bullshit...we should not have gone there in the first was all do you WIN when the whole thing is based on lies...and this shit about the surge working is will not if it worked until you draw down to pre-surge levels...


Well-Known Member
grow rebel, how is this an illegal occupation? we had a coalition of governments go in with us...we didn't find the wmds because they were moved to syria, jordan and iran...we are working with the people over there, we have helped them hold their own democratic elections, something they've never known before, and they risked their lives to vote. and not to legitimize your theory, but if we only did go in to get sadam, so what, that's not good enough of a reason, you say we don't care about the death of innocents, sadam hussein committed genocide, he killed thousands and thousands of people, and buried them in mass graves, that is the ultimate crime if you ask me, when the world found out he should've been taken out of power, but instead they made him hold elections, and He stationed loyal soldiers in every voting station and he got over 99 percent of the would you feel to grow up in that country and were being oppressed and your people around you are disappearing for speaking no where near as liberally as you are talking right wouldn't thank a nation who risked it's soldiers and it's popularity with it's own people to liberate your nation? you can look at it like a defeatist and say the war is wrong and we lost 3,000 soldiers...but look at the results, we've liberated 2 countries, millions of people now have some of the same rights you have...that's not significant? 3,000 people isn't worth the freedom of millions? we still find mass graves reminding us of why sadam needed to be taken out of power.



Well-Known Member
grow rebel, how is this an illegal occupation?
Because it was never received UN approval ...

Occupation of Iraq illegal, Blair told

The Iraq War is Illegal

we had a coalition of governments go in with us...we didn't find the wmds because they were moved to syria, jordan and iran...
What proof do you have of this? Fauxnews ... the government that has lied at every turn ... where is the evidence? Link please ...

we are working with the people over there, we have helped them hold their own democratic elections, something they've never known before, and they risked their lives to vote.
You mean all those fraudulent elections ...
Report: Fraud Marred Iraq Elections

Sunni Protestors Claim Fraud in Iraq's Elections

So that's some more of their bullshit you fell for ...

and not to legitimize your theory, but if we only did go in to get sadam, so what, that's not good enough of a reason, you say we don't care about the death of innocents, sadam hussein committed genocide, he killed thousands and thousands of people, and buried them in mass graves, that is the ultimate crime if you ask me,
Since there are many dictators like Hussein it's not a good excuse ... especially when he was our boy until the war criminals decided they wanted his oil ...
... and the US has killed far more people than Hussein could hope to kill, but that okay with you ... installing so-called freedom at the barrel of a gun ... makes you want to stand and salute the flag ... :spew:

when the world found out he should've been taken out of power, but instead they made him hold elections, and He stationed loyal soldiers in every voting station and he got over 99 percent of the vote...
Worry about the election fraud that taking place here before you criticize others ... make sure you own house is clean before you start telling others to clean theirs ... see anyone wanting to invade the US to save us from election fraud?

how would you feel to grow up in that country and were being oppressed and your people around you are disappearing for speaking no where near as liberally as you are talking right wouldn't thank a nation who risked it's soldiers and it's popularity with it's own people to liberate your nation?
Reality check people ... liberate? ... you decide ... The Torture of Omar Khadr Aged 15'Worse than the adult prisons' U.S.: Torture, murder at Iraqi juvenile prison Cross finds Bush administration guilty of war crimes

and the reason the Red Cross came to that conclusion is because they hate america ... :spew:So called liberators aren't found to be war criminals or didn't you know that ...

you can look at it like a defeatist and say the war is wrong and we lost 3,000 soldiers...but look at the results, we've liberated 2 countries, millions of people now have some of the same rights you have...that's not significant? 3,000 people isn't worth the freedom of millions? we still find mass graves reminding us of why sadam needed to be taken out of power.
What planet are you on? ... all the humanitarian organization report life is worst since the illegal occupation ... which I have already posted ... the only thing the US has liberated are these people way of life ... boy did you fall for the bullshit ... those 3,000 were murder my the government you are complicit with in committing war crimes ... look to the mass graves created by the US ...

Wow ... there really is a sucker born every minute ... kiss-ass


Well-Known Member
man growrebel, you must be one hell of an extremist if you believe that i am complicit in any kind of murder because i listen to the news, get a dictionary and learn the definition of complicit...i think you saw the matrix too many times...the un is the most useless and corrupt organization there is, the security council is so ridiculous the russians and china block everything the us and the uk try to news, msnbc, cnn all these stations have shown me alot more facts than you have, these media outlets have watchdog organizations confirming the accuracy of their reports. if what you say is true, that would mean thousands upon thousands of americans would have to be in on this conspiracy, not to mention the family members of these people, i'm sorry i just don't think that many american people would be that heartless.
you sound so unbelievable, everything you say you use the most extreme or shocking example...the reason so many of those dictators are allowed to murder and terrorize is because of the un, sadam was tried and found guilty by iraqis because we took action the un wouldn't...i would love to hear you spout some of this stuff in front of some us soldiers...crazys like you always say they love the troops, if a soldier heard you say stuff like that he would punch you in the face, they risk their lives to defend us not get called war criminals and murderers, what will america do when no one wants to defend it?​


Well-Known Member
and how can you even try to compare the elections here to the elections over there...they stationed troops in the voting stations, intimidated voters, murdered people who wouldn't change their vote and didn't let any kurds in america is it anything like that? and it wasn't the election it was the murder of over 100,000 kurds is that significant to you? i'm on planet earth violence is down in iraq, troop levels are almost back down to pre surge levels and they are talking about more troop withdrawals...and now all the democrats and liberals and back pedaling cuz they wanted us to run away and now they look stupid


Well-Known Member
man growrebel, you must be one hell of an extremist.....​
naw, she's just our resident rebel without a clue. her every post seems to include the words illegitimate or illegal when referring to our government at least three times, as if every government on earth weren't both of these things and baby bush was the only incompetent president this country had ever been forced to endure. according to people of this ilk, world opinion is the ultimate barometer of a nation's worth and the u.n. is more than the sum of its corrupt political parts. these are the people who have lost all faith in anything but their own twisted view of the world, who cannot help but distrust anything or anyone who does not fall directly in step with the party line of the malcontents. all others seem to be considered not just ignorant, but evil.