Iraq's security 'remarkably better'

I love how they think because we didn't get U.N.'s blessing it is now illegal. What a load of crap.
Yeah, like the first Gulf War never happened and Iraq did not agree to, and sign terms of surrender. Which Iraq violated with aplomb while President Clinton was at the helm.

That was our biggest mistake RE: Iraq. Not finishing the job the first time when everybody was at the party. But President George H.W. Bush backed down in the face of international pressure.
man growrebel, you must be one hell of an extremist if you believe that i am complicit in any kind of murder because i listen to the news,​
Wow ups you must be an extreme war criminal supporter to believe the US is in the right ... and that's the problem ... that's why you don't know anything ... because you listen to and believe the corporate news that is known to lie ...

get a dictionary and learn the definition of complicit...

You participate by defending war criminals ...

i think you saw the matrix too many times...

Perhaps you need to watch it a little more ... you are one of those people they talk about that don't want change ... you like living in a fantasy world pretending your this great savor from evil ... salute flag now ...

the un is the most useless and corrupt organization there is, the security council is so ridiculous the russians and china block everything the us and the uk try to do...

The same thing is being said about the US government ... and the UN isn't breaking any laws ... the US is ...

fox news, msnbc, cnn all these stations have shown me alot more facts than you have,
Yeah ... and that's why you are asleep at the wheel because you actually believe propaganda as facts ...

these media outlets have watchdog organizations confirming the accuracy of their reports.

Yeah ... and they are reporting the lies of corporate media ... too bad you don't take the time to check it out ...

if what you say is true, that would mean thousands upon thousands of americans would have to be in on this conspiracy, not to mention the family members of these people, i'm sorry i just don't think that many american people would be that heartless.

How do you come to that conclusion ... why does it have to be thousands of people? Who told you that? Fauxnews? ... and who would these thousands of people be?

you sound so unbelievable, everything you say you use the most extreme or shocking example...

Yes I'm sure it would be unbelievable to someone that listens to fauxnews ... I post links to my sources backing my statements while you shoot your mouth off about how great corporate media is ... and expected the folks at home to accept your word ... typical bushies trait ... I imagine it is shocking to see facts instead of the spin you are use to accepting ... facts you haven't been able to dispute at all ... but why am I not surprise by that?

the reason so many of those dictators are allowed to murder and terrorize is because of the un, sadam was tried and found guilty by iraqis because we took action the un wouldn't

Bullshit ... we took action because we wanted the oil ... and the area ... nothing more ... the UN was following the law ... unlike the US ...

...i would love to hear you spout some of this stuff in front of some us soldiers...

I have ...

crazys like you always say they love the troops, if a soldier heard you say stuff like that he would punch you in the face, they risk their lives to defend us not get called war criminals and murderers, what will america do when no one wants to defend it?
Yeah ... I would be crazy to a person like you that supports war criminals ... speaking out against the crimes being committed just doesn't fit into your mindset ... and the soldiers have heard me speak out against the illegal occupation and many agree with me ... and they aren't defending us ... they are making it possible for corporate amerika to make big bucks through looting of Iraqi oil and for the military industrial complex ...
... the only defense america needs is against the war criminals in washington ...

and how can you even try to compare the elections here to the elections over there...

It's easy ... Educate yourself ... you are clearly ignorant on this issue ... now I've given you the information ... I will no longer call you ignorant ... but will you be stupid?

they stationed troops in the voting stations, intimidated voters, murdered people who wouldn't change their vote and didn't let any kurds in america is it anything like that?

Yeah ... they did ... ... and continue to do so ...

and it wasn't the election it was the murder of over 100,000 kurds is that significant to you?

Folks at home ... don't you just love how these dummy bushies spout off the murder of the kurds ... yet their brain freezes on the part that the US KNEW and did NOTHING ... not to mention the fact that more Iraqi civilians have been murdered under the illegal US occupation ...

i'm on planet earth violence is down in iraq, troop levels are almost back down to pre surge levels and they are talking about more troop withdrawals...and now all the democrats and liberals and back pedaling cuz they wanted us to run away and now they look stupid

There is no proof of that other than from the sources that are known liars ... they have been taking about troop withdraw for years ... talk is cheap ... the dim leadership is backpedaling because they are in on the crimes ... they already look stupid ... that's why congress is at a 9% approval rating ... they didn't do the will of the people and now they must pay ...

naw, she's just our resident rebel without a clue. her every post seems to include the words illegitimate or illegal when referring to our government at least three times, as if every government on earth weren't both of these things and baby bush was the only incompetent president this country had ever been forced to endure. according to people of this ilk, world opinion is the ultimate barometer of a nation's worth and the u.n. is more than the sum of its corrupt political parts. these are the people who have lost all faith in anything but their own twisted view of the world, who cannot help but distrust anything or anyone who does not fall directly in step with the party line of the malcontents. all others seem to be considered not just ignorant, but evil.

Here's another bushies that love to shoot their mouths off with out backing their statements ... and expect people to take them at their word ... folks at home ... will they ever learn that the shit don't fly? ... probably not ...
... yeah ... it's pretty twist to want to make war criminals accountable ...

I love how they think because we didn't get U.N.'s blessing it is now illegal. What a load of crap.

Well ... we all know ... folk at home ... this guy is a right wing nut that believes fauxnews is a credible source ... kiss-ass
now how fuck up is that? ... nuff said ... :spew:
I adore GrowRebel. I respect her point of view even though we disagree. A luxury we are not afforded by many in that corner.

As long as there is dissent protected by the Bill of Rights, the United States of America will always have the potential to overcome all obstacles and prevail.

And as my hero, Ty Cobb, once said, "The crowd makes the ballgame."

As the French say: "Vive la difference!" :peace:
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so i did a search on support for the war in iraq, and i found 6 or 7 sites that americans support the war usually more than 7 out of 10, and then i found a bunch of little sites that all quoted each other that said 9 out of 10 americans are against the war, and that 72% of the troops think we invaded iraq for oil...then i searched what the troops think, and it said less then 2% believe we are there for the oil. you can choose to get skewed info from the internet if you want...this is from a non-american website:
Marine Cpl. Spartak Martirosyan of Riverside, Calif., says he hears Americans think the war is taking longer than expected and are divided. "People over there are talking about stuff but they're not the ones over here sitting in the hole. If they say bad things it affects me a little bit. It has to. Good things motivate me.""When I see the poor, hungry kids on the road, I think, we're here to help these guys," says Sgt. Richard Gooding, of Castle Rock, Wash. "They've been so mistreated by their president."

anyone heard what's been happening to troops returning from iraq? 5 have been murdered so far this year
so i did a search on support for the war in iraq, and i found 6 or 7 sites that americans support the war usually more than 7 out of 10, and then i found a bunch of little sites that all quoted each other that said 9 out of 10 americans are against the war, and that 72% of the troops think we invaded iraq for oil...then i searched what the troops think, and it said less then 2% believe we are there for the oil. you can choose to get skewed info from the internet if you want...this is from a non-american website:

Notice folks at home .. and this is a typical bushie trait ... to links to source ... just write out a bunch of shit and expect us to take his word ...

It's obvious the majority of Americans are against this illegal occupation ... even corporate media can't lie the numbers below 50%
Poll Finds Dimmer View of Iraq War

Poll: Most in U.S. say Iraq war not worthwhile

So whose the most credible folks at home? You decide ... :blsmoke:
And another clear thinking mind joins the political forum. Welcome ups420. A pleasure to read your input. :)

Did anyone watch Face the Nation today? They interviewed B. Hussien O'Bama. During the interview, he clearly stated that the violence in Iraq is way down and as a result, if he is elected, he will increase the troops in Afganistan and start pressuring Pakistan.

Hold on to your Birkenstocks and save your anti-war posters libbies, its gonna get good. :hump:

And another clear thinking mind joins the political forum. Welcome ups420. A pleasure to read your input. :)

Did anyone watch Face the Nation today? They interviewed B. Hussien O'Bama. During the interview, he clearly stated that the violence in Iraq is way down and as a result, if he is elected, he will increase the troops in Afganistan and start pressuring Pakistan.

Hold on to your Birkenstocks and save your anti-war posters libbies, its gonna get good. :hump:

?? mean President Barack H. Obama....
In addition to Face the Nation and Meet the Press, I also watched the Black Television Network this morning. They had a political discussion with a live audience. One guy said it right. He said ... "Hey look, we are voting for O'bama for the right reasons and the wrong reason." Another panelist asked: "What's the wrong reason?" The response from the first guy was: "Because he's Black." The audience cracked up. I thought it wasn't just funny, but he made a very solid point as well.

How many Black people who post in this forum will be voting for O'Bama just because he's Black? Come on ... be honest now, let's see a show of hands. :mrgreen:

In addition to Face the Nation and Meet the Press, I also watched the Black Television Network this morning. They had a political discussion with a live audience. One guy said it right. He said ... "Hey look, we are voting for O'bama for the right reasons and the wrong reason." Another panelist asked: "What's the wrong reason?" The response from the first guy was: "Because he's Black." The audience cracked up. I thought it wasn't just funny, but he made a very solid point as well.

How many Black people who post in this forum will be voting for O'Bama just because he's Black? Come on ... be honest now, let's see a show of hands. :mrgreen:


BTN? lol. And some people are voting for Obama because he is black. But MOST are voting for him because he promises change and hope and all that bullshit. AND some white people are voting for McCain, because Obama is black. just thought i would throw my 2 cents in.
if I was black I would vote for him...but the blacks folks are less than 6% of the, I think theres a bunch of white folks will be voting for him included...
Just like Hilary was getting a percentage of the female vote because of her gender.

But as we have seen, race trumps sex. Hopefully people look at the facts before mindlessly voting based on such trivial reasons.

Every Obama supporter I have met has been unable to provide any kind of viable argument for awarding him their vote. When questioned upon what they think about his varies stances on taxes, reduction of military, increasing of useless social programs and ect I am usually met with confused yet defiant expressions. He is a fad, with the word "change" like it means something. He is nothing without a script to read from, and McCain will destroy him in a debate. You watch.