Iraq's security 'remarkably better'

Just like Hilary was getting a percentage of the female vote because of her gender.

But as we have seen, race trumps sex. Hopefully people look at the facts before mindlessly voting based on such trivial reasons.

Every Obama supporter I have met has been unable to provide any kind of viable argument for awarding him their vote. When questioned upon what they think about his varies stances on taxes, reduction of military, increasing of useless social programs and ect I am usually met with confused yet defiant expressions. He is a fad, with the word "change" like it means something. He is nothing without a script to read from, and McCain will destroy him in a debate. You watch.

That's been my experience also ... including here in this forum. O'Bama is running on a platform of "Hope" and "Change."Can any of you guys who are intent upon voting for O'Bama state what the "Changes" will be, and what he's "Hoping" for?

Just like Hilary was getting a percentage of the female vote because of her gender.

But as we have seen, race trumps sex. Hopefully people look at the facts before mindlessly voting based on such trivial reasons.

Every Obama supporter I have met has been unable to provide any kind of viable argument for awarding him their vote. When questioned upon what they think about his varies stances on taxes, reduction of military, increasing of useless social programs and ect I am usually met with confused yet defiant expressions. He is a fad, with the word "change" like it means something. He is nothing without a script to read from, and McCain will destroy him in a debate. You watch.
the debates should be interesting...seeing as how McCain is not very smart and has a really ugly you think they will allow Joe Lieberman on stage with him to whisper the answers in his ear?
here you go Vi......its 64 pages if you want to download it Barack Obama | Change We Can Believe In | Issues
Exactly. He wont bother. he is stuck on stupid. It's either a libertarian or nothing. Every other party is fucked and they're all crooks and liars. but somehow, all libertarians are perfectly honest straightforward stalwarts of the community. Bullshit. By the time you have enough influence to even think about running for POTUS, you are so corrupted that nothing short of shock therapy could make you honest. It amounts to who can tell the people what they want to hear the most, or call the opponenmt the most names and discredit them most, the latter is usually the case. In the Obama case, I see something there like when Kennedy was running, Hope. Hope for a better future. McSame is more of Bush. This country cant survive 4 more years of Bush politics.
His appearance at the "Victory Column" in Berlin's central Tiergarten park is expected to draw huge crowds and is being likened in advance to former president John F. Kennedy's celebrated "Ich bin ein Berliner" performance of 1963.

But in the German Chancellery a few hundred meters away there is unease with the Illinois senator's cult-like following and skepticism about whether he can live up to the hype.

"There is a sort of Obama-mania in Germany right now, but I think a lot of people will have their illusions shattered if he does become president," an official in Chancellor Angela Merkel's office told Reuters, requesting anonymity.
Europe's governments immune to Obama-fever | U.S. | Reuters

Hope = Hype. Now that's change we can believe in. :sleep:
here you go Vi......its 64 pages if you want to download it Barack Obama | Change We Can Believe In | Issues

OK, I didn't read it all, but I did read the highlights. I delved into the health care proposal pretty deeply though. Now, here's a challenge for you and any others that may be interested: Find the constitutional authority for O'Bama's health care proposal and present your findings here in this thread.

The constitution is "living and breathing". This is an implicit mandate for government health care.........

(A piece of paper is living and breathing but an embryo is an unviable tissue mass......interesting logic, no?)
Who the heck is O'Bama? Sounds like an Irish name. Any relation to Obama (you know, the guy running for president), or does his name just sound similar?
OK, I didn't read it all, but I did read the highlights. I delved into the health care proposal pretty deeply though. Now, here's a challenge for you and any others that may be interested: Find the constitutional authority for O'Bama's health care proposal and present your findings here in this thread.

I glanced at it, too. That's a lot of information to digest.

One in four of those without health insurance is an illegal alien - a criminal. They are included in Barry Hussein Ocarter's Universal Health Care calculus. Call me xenophobic, but I am unwilling to provide any entitlement to a criminal invader.
I glanced at it, too. That's a lot of information to digest.

One in four of those without health insurance is an illegal alien - a criminal. They are included in Barry Hussein Ocarter's Universal Health Care calculus. Call me xenophobic, but I am unwilling to provide any entitlement to a criminal invader.

OMG!!! HOW DARE YOU PUNISH ILLEGALS... FOR BEING ILLEGAL?! they do the jobs americans wont!
Most of what I read in those 64 pages were nothing but words with nothing concrete.

I'm saying that O'Bama is an empty suit.


Most of what I read in those 64 pages were nothing but words with nothing concrete.

I'm saying that O'Bama is an empty suit.

The good thing is your saying it, doesn't make it true. In fact most of your biased political stance is just fear and hatred.
I had an opportunity to more closely examine the document. I did not notice any noticeable change.

This series of proposals and policy positions are almost identical to those of the Democratic Party specifically, and the Progressive movement in general. In fact, it the McSame rhetoric.

It is a change from conservatives positions, that's for sure. It represents an acceleration of many current policies and elimination of others connected to the opposition. But it is virtually identical to the Demcratic Party line.

That's not what I expected when I first heard 'Obama for Change.' It seems the McSame.

That is what we what conservatives mean when we say, 'Where is this change exactly?' Barry Hussein Ocarter's change is a huge change for the staus quo, but is does not depart from traditional progressive doctrine.

This change sought is unlimited power. A United States of America where Democratic policies reign supreme with little interference from the weakened opposition. You may get your wish.

Then we'll see what change is all about. Though I'm sure blame for any failures will land squarely at the feet of Conservatives, past or present.
Though I'm sure blame for any failures will land squarely at the feet of Conservatives, past or present.
as past tyrants had barbarians, heretics, counterrevolutionaries, and regressive elements to blame for their failures, so will this new regime have its scapegoats. instead of the inquisition and gulags, we will have economic sanctions in the name of wealth redistribution. it all amounts to the same thing, an ideology foisted off on a gullible public and enforced by the power of the state. each time the tyranny gets a little more civilized, but it's always the same circus.
It's all cyclical. We've had eight years of regressive policies (e.g., those which benefit the wealthy at the expense of everyone else), and now we're due for some progressive policies (benefitting the poor and middle class at the expense of the rich) to balance things out. The rich folks raked it in for eight years. (I know some rich folks, and they're quite happy with the status quo.) Now it's time for the rest of us. I'm sure we'll revert to regressive policies down the line, just takes a while for the rich folks to con enough poorer folks to vote with them by promising them not to let gay folks do wicked stuff or women to get safe abortions. Fear-mongering works well for the right too, when they want to convince you that the world will be a safer place if they can only listen in on every conversation without worrying about silly things like peoples' rights.
Hey Med ...

In a previous post, you stated that you "just want the good parts of socialism." Considering that O'bama owes his soul to the Daily Kos crowd, what part of fascism with a smile will you like, and how much of the total package will you accept?

Also, in a previous thread, it was pointed out that if O'bama had been president over the past eight years, the Supreme Court's decision on the Second Amendment would have turned out far differently. Your thoughts on that please. Thanks ...
