Northern Iraq falls to Al Qaeda, $400 million looted from central bank.

Primed so meticulous, stripped down to the nucleus
Of everything that sickened me
Before I started viewing this
I've read it in the glaze painted vacant gaze
Of this shell of a human before me
We thank the Lord for the ego
Afforded the shallow now
Such handsome propaganda
Truly business accused of show
And they're cueing the applause sign now
Pretty little casualties
In temporary tragedies
Born from the same place self-doubt grows
Cold and hollow red carpet ready pose
But around here "Diva" ain't much of a compliment
Celebrate the undescerning
Don't question what you're learning
Crank the violin 'cause Rome is fucking burning now
Culture shown in effigy
Presented as "Celebrity"
Like tiny boxes crying out "Believe Me"
But careful there, honey
'Cause your roots are showing now
What a cherished myth of marketing
Propaganda with complection so clear
Tomorrows insecurities playfully draped
In the second-hand styles of next year
And it's so hard to look away
Although somehow harder yet to stare
These picture perfect pawns are salesmen now
Like carpetbaggers shilling their wares
And in reality I really don't care
Because asshole's a fashion
I never could afford to wear
Your pal Red was wrong on Cheney not making money and wrong on selling ALL his stocks. With Cheney still having Stock options he still had the ability to buy stocks.
The questions were did Cheney make money off the war and did he sell ALL his stock. Unless he got rid of those options he still had the ability to buy stock. Now did he??? YES... he then turned around and sold the stocks and donated the money to charity still receiving about two million back. If he had sold all his stock, what monies was it he donated to charity ?

No options are not stock (yet), but it does give you the ability to buy/sell stock. Cheney bought stock in Halliburton after he was VP and turned around and sold them. RED was wrong about Cheney not making money off the war and he was wrong about Cheney selling ALL his stocks. He would have had to exercised his option and sold BEFORE he took VP for this to be true. You saying different means nothing. It just shows me that you really play the BULLSHIT game. Too bad that part of you chooses to always hang around.

People like yourself allow people like Cheney to get away with this type of bullshit because of your bullshit. I can't blame Red for being stupid, but you should know better.
I love you too.

This is the Baiji refinery in Iraq, It used to supply 40% of all the fuel in Iraq, now it is the central fuel depot for ISIS.
This is the Baiji refinery in Iraq, It used to supply 40% of all the fuel in Iraq, now it is the central fuel depot for ISIS.
Where do you see the price of a barrel of oil going? Think it will hit 200? I'm new to the commodities game and late to the oil party but I don't think I'm too late.
And the benefit goes to Russia rebuilding their military.

Under Bush they went to great lengths to keep those oil prices below 100.
Where do you see the price of a barrel of oil going? Think it will hit 200? I'm new to the commodities game and late to the oil party but I don't think I'm too late.
Maybe $150 a barrel before the economy cracks again.

There is actually an oil glut right now since demand has fallen by a huge amount in the USA since 2008.
Maybe $150 a barrel before the economy cracks again.

There is actually an oil glut right now since demand has fallen by a huge amount in the USA since 2008.
Is it a bad sign now that when I read about economic instability, all I can think about is "profit" ???

I'm not quite there yet but go volatility go!
Seriously, its not a difficult game for anyone to play, and I dunno about the US but here anyone with some business sense, some capital and an internet connection can trade.

That's why I don't feel guilty about it, I pay my (imo punitive level of) capital gains.
I tell you what ...lets make a bet. I say Cheney still had Halliburton stock options up until 2005.. You said he did not after he took office as the VP.. If I'm right you get the fuck out the political section. If I'm wrong I will do the same.
"You said he did not (have stock options) after he took office as the VP." No where have I ever said Cheney did not have stock options. You are wrong
These are the same assholes that McCain went to Syria to greet as heroes in an attempt to get us to arm them. Just sayin'.

McCain probably has more knowledge if the intricacies of the Middle East than most senators put together. I resent his arrogance in wanting to play puppet master. I resent his blood lust.

I compare him to Ted Kennedy in the regards of I appreciate your service, I know you did what you thought was right, but you are wrong, you do not represent our views, now please ride off into the sunset.

We'll even throw a parade and name a library after you, just go away.