Northern Iraq falls to Al Qaeda, $400 million looted from central bank.

yeah, i'm sure she said that. let's have the actual quotes please, you piece of shit.

Get informed Buckphuck, thats what she said. While you are not working today, read Killarys transcript from her Oprah like talk-show interview by CNN yesterday. And in typical Buckphuck fashion I see you crashed and burned at the end of your post.....bwahahahaha...typical for you.
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As I stated before, and you now seem to be reinforcing, Rome didn't fall from exercising power over foreign lands, but from internal issues. Mostly, the high costs of bread and circuses left them unable to support the mercenary military, leaving them unable to defend themselves from their many enemies.
I'm're not in my league on this subject. your very post is full of contradictions. I suggest avoiding, "Central Asia 900AD-1600 the Tangut to the Manchu" and the Peloponnesian War, also.
youz are all you recognize the very existence of "race."
I have some very nice recipes for preparing you people. "Pocyclypse Stew, Fool Loaf, Roast Long Pig. all very yummy :) see you after youz destroy civilization with your racism and religions. I've got the barby going.
but russia isnt part of opec, they sell their oil in whatever currency they may decide to accept.

i doubt they accept the Yuan though, it has no value outside the PRC under chinese law.

their currency is Non-Tradeable

Where you been Hiding Kynes?

Oh wait, if you watch USA TV you would never have heard of this.

China will pay Russia with Yuan, Russia will pay China with Rubles.

A new "De-Dollarized" world is coming.

Under Chinese law? Where do you come up with this stuff? There is no law that restricts the Yuan from being used outside the USA, its tradeable on the FX markets.

The currency only used for internal use in China is called the RENMINBI, not the same thing as the Yuan.

Try some research next time.

Foot snugly in mouth.
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Where you been Hiding Kynes?

Oh wait, if you watch USA TV you would never have heard of this.

China will pay Russia with Yuan, Russia will pay China with Rubles.

A new "De-Dollarized" world is coming.

Under Chinese law? Where do you come up with this stuff? There is no law that restricts the Yuan from being used outside the USA, its tradeable on the FX markets.

Foot snugly in mouth.

i refuse to use capitals until gay marriage is legal everywhere.
i refuse to use capitals until gay marriage is legal everywhere.

Oh I see the new format took some part of another post, odd.

as you can see it was edited out

Jumped the gun?

Are you trying really hard to be like bucky? What is wrong with you that you feel the need to be like someone else? I thought deep down you were actually a good person.
I have an odd suspicion that a lot of the members in the politics section are one person with like 8 accounts.
I have an odd suspicion that a lot of the members in the politics section are one person with like 8 accounts.

Bucky only seems to be everywhere. Let it flow through you, he can't hurt you, its just a screenname, the real person is actually a good guy.

Oh I see the new format took some part of another post, odd.

as you can see it was edited out

Jumped the gun?

Are you trying really hard to be like bucky? What is wrong with you that you feel the need to be like someone else? I thought deep down you were actually a good person.

are you fucking high? what are you EVEN babbling about?
are you fucking high? what are you EVEN babbling about?
That's what I was asking you, why would you quote my post and then tell me you want to be like bucky and not use capitals??

What does not using capitals have to do with Kynes being totally confused and wrong about the Chinese Yuan vs the internal currency called the Remnimbi? Can you tell me?
That's what I was asking you, why would you quote my post and then tell me you want to be like bucky and not use capitals??

What does not using capitals have to do with Kynes being totally confused and wrong about the Chinese Yuan vs the internal currency called the Remnimbi? Can you tell me?

excuse me. i was using no caps long before bucky and now bucky does not use caps.

i'm trying to keep my ellipses' usage down and i double space now like bucky.

it's our show of solidarity and committment to each other.

Most people in this do not see the USA as broken and on it's last legs.

Only the baby idiots in this world who cannot think, believe that.

And what is so new about the substitution of ogic for emotion?

"And Cain rose up and slew Able, his brother."