Northern Iraq falls to Al Qaeda, $400 million looted from central bank.

Interesting, but who can't read someone snapping a cig? And who stands with their legs open? The heavy work, in my thing is on the legs and the face.

We get all kind of things thrown in our face in training, All the way up to water and the plastic glass.

You come to know the eye is perfecty capable of protecting itself from that with a simple blink.

It is startling to understand the feints are easier to read than anything,

Cig bounces off cheek, Punch is possibly not aligned so it morphs on the way in. It opens to a palm strike in the eye and fade to the back of the neck, for a vicious snap-pull forward.

It could be very serious for the yuki.....playing with fire, like that.

We see any move of ruse as a indication of hidden arms.

It is bone break time.

It is quite possible i read it and you missed me. Still time to break something.

The Form I am learning now, Wooden Man form is a library of individual techniques of the other Forms, but all about, recovery, attack morphing, and distance keeping, instant twisting angle changes, yuki balance disruption or control, etc.

Most want to clear to longer range. I don't allow that. I learned long ago, the yuki cannot harm me if I keep him close,

We call it being sticky. We can do this in the dark.
no morphing.............un-fair :)
I think if you find he dumped the stock publicly, he had some shady deal where it went to his family members. Dude made bank, is still making bank and will continue to make bank off of whatever name Haliburton goes by today whether it's claimed by him or not. Just an opinion though, It's one of those unknowables when that kind of money and power are involved. I just think he's a snake.
He actually still held stock options from Halliburton until 2005. Now shhhhhhh I'm trying to get Red to take this bet, so we don't have to see anymore of his stupidity in the politics section
He actually still held stock options from Halliburton until 2005. Now shhhhhhh I'm trying to get Red to take this bet, so we don't have to see anymore of his stupidity in the politics section

I messed it up, I hadn't read that far yet! Damn.

In theatre you couldn't take a shit without it landing in a chemical toilet owned and operated by KBR, a subsidiary of Halliburton. It was later separated from Halliburton before a larger scandal broke out.

Politicians do this often, it isn't anything too new really. You do a few favors while you are in office and then you get a cushy job as a lobbyist or do 'speaking tours.' Most speaking events are less then an hour long and pay ludicrous amounts of money. No motivational speaker or guest is worth those amounts. Curious.

Don't forget about their children too!

Not anything wrong with that one, shit, I wish my dad had been president so I could get a mostly free ride.

Dick Cheney is also a war criminal, authorizing and allowing the torture of detainees through water boarding.

Just thought I would pepper that in.

*edit for clarity*
They really aren't favors since they often receive campaign money through PACs and other great ways of laundering political money. A trade really.

Money out of politics.
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I messed it up, I hadn't read that far yet! Damn.

In theatre you couldn't take a shit without it landing in a chemical toilet owned and operated by KBR, a subsidiary of Halliburton. It was later separated from Halliburton before a larger scandal broke out.

Politicians do this often, it isn't anything too new really. You do a few favors while you are in office and then you get a cushy job as a lobbyist or do 'speaking tours.' Most speaking events are less then an hour long and pay ludicrous amounts of money. No motivational speaker or guest is worth those amounts. Curious.

Don't forget about their children too!

Not anything wrong with that one, shit, I wish my dad had been president so I could get a mostly free ride.

Dick Cheney is also a war criminal, authorizing and allowing the torture of detainees through water boarding.

Just thought I would pepper that in.

*edit for clarity*
They really aren't favors since they often receive campaign money through PACs and other great ways of laundering political money. A trade really.

Money out of politics.
The difference with Chelsey money is no one had to die in order for her to receive 600,000. Cheney helped send men/women into war on a lie,whilst he profited millions and millions, and tried to deny his ties to Halliburton
The difference with Chelsey money is no one had to die in order for her to receive 600,000. Cheney helped send men/women into war on a lie,whilst he profited millions and millions, and tried to deny his ties to Halliburton
He worked for a company.
He quit and receive a 36 million severance package.
Became Vice President.
Pushes us into a war, Iraq.
KBR and Halliburton get ALMOST EVERY contract to sustain US and some coalition troops.
Every meal I ate cost the US Government 4-8 times the actual cost of food, labour and transport.
Near slave like conditions for the Sri Lankan third country nationals who cleaned toilets, & did my laundry.
In the past these jobs were performed by service members, using a contractor 9/10 times cost more then a service member.
KBR civilian contractors supervising third country nationals making upwards of $100,00 a year while they watch the TCNs bust their asses.
Again, a service member job, cheaper that way.

Halliburton / KBR is also more then willing to lie and cover things up.

"Halliburton pleaded guilty to destroying evidence after the April 2010 Deepwater Horizon disaster; the company destroyed computer simulations it performed in the months after the accident, simulations that contradicted Halliburton's claim that it was BP who had not followed Halliburton's advice. "

Why wouldn't they lie in other instances?

There were a few good examples of KBR outright fucking my unit out of money. It was not uncommon for the medical supplies I had ordered for my Emergency Department to be 'light.' Those missing supplies never turned up while I was in theatre, my complaints went unanswered.

At the very least the US chose the wrong contractor, for damn sure.

Fuck, why do people defend politicians? They exist for us to complain about! Their job is to take our complaints and represent them!

Fuck em' all, corrupt turds.

Yeah, I'm rustled.
Last edited:

I messed it up, I hadn't read that far yet! Damn.

In theatre you couldn't take a shit without it landing in a chemical toilet owned and operated by KBR, a subsidiary of Halliburton. It was later separated from Halliburton before a larger scandal broke out.

Politicians do this often, it isn't anything too new really. You do a few favors while you are in office and then you get a cushy job as a lobbyist or do 'speaking tours.' Most speaking events are less then an hour long and pay ludicrous amounts of money. No motivational speaker or guest is worth those amounts. Curious.

Don't forget about their children too!

Not anything wrong with that one, shit, I wish my dad had been president so I could get a mostly free ride.

Dick Cheney is also a war criminal, authorizing and allowing the torture of detainees through water boarding.

Just thought I would pepper that in.

*edit for clarity*
They really aren't favors since they often receive campaign money through PACs and other great ways of laundering political money. A trade really.

Money out of politics.

There is no way to take money out of Politcs.

Politics is "who spends the money?"
274 is a good sample size, idiot.

and they prefer rend pawl. lol.
funny how your "Scientific Poll" isnt found on PPP's own website, but is instead posted on Scribd, an anonymous pastebin where any asshole can post anything he likes.

so it's more fraud from the left wing echo chamber.
you are a retarded fucking idiot.


now if only the fake poll you posted actually came from PPP, then your argument might be worth a squirt of piss, but it didnt.

it came from some asshole on scribd, and neither you nor dana millbank, the original reprinter of this bullshit, bothered to check if it was real .

that would make it a LIE with a FAKE CITATION to a FAKE poll.
and that would make you clumsy, foolish and irresponsible.
274 random voters, or likely voters polled, is not significant for national issues.

If you begin to model your poll and you choose your picks more closely than that, such as creating statistical math around gender, age, views, etc, you may as well be interviewing models of actors posing.

That can still be called posing a poll question.
274 random voters, or likely voters polled, is not significant for national issues.

If you begin to model your poll and you choose your picks more closely than that, such as creating statistical math around gender, age, views, etc, you may as well be interviewing models of actors posing.

That can still be called posing a poll question.
UNLESS THE POLL IS FAKE as this one is.

PPP's website has NO mention of this fail asss bullshit poll.

some dickhead made it up, tried to make it look real, posted it on SCRIBD for fucks sake, then bucky and dana millbank ran with it, waving it as proof that Conservatism = Stupid & Racist (the usual meme)

the rest of the lefty echochamber is sure to follow.
expect to see this shit on MSNBC, RT, CNN< ABC, CBS and eventually (in a desperate attempt to look "fair and balanced") on FOX.

and not a one will check to see if its real before re-publicizing this horse shit. .
He worked for a company.
He quit and receive a 36 million severance package.
Became Vice President.
Pushes us into a war, Iraq.
KBR and Halliburton get ALMOST EVERY contract to sustain US and some coalition troops.
Every meal I ate cost the US Government 4-8 times the actual cost of food, labour and transport.
Near slave like conditions for the Sri Lankan third country nationals who cleaned toilets, & did my laundry.
In the past these jobs were performed by service members, using a contractor 9/10 times cost more then a service member.
KBR civilian contractors supervising third country nationals making upwards of $100,00 a year while they watch the TCNs bust their asses.
Again, a service member job, cheaper that way.

Halliburton / KBR is also more then willing to lie and cover things up.

"Halliburton pleaded guilty to destroying evidence after the April 2010 Deepwater Horizon disaster; the company destroyed computer simulations it performed in the months after the accident, simulations that contradicted Halliburton's claim that it was BP who had not followed Halliburton's advice. "

Why wouldn't they lie in other instances?

There were a few good examples of KBR outright fucking my unit out of money. It was not uncommon for the medical supplies I had ordered for my Emergency Department to be 'light.' Those missing supplies never turned up while I was in theatre, my complaints went unanswered.

At the very least the US chose the wrong contractor, for damn sure.

Fuck, why do people defend politicians? They exist for us to complain about! Their job is to take our complaints and represent them!

Fuck em' all, corrupt turds.

Yeah, I'm rustled.
Cheny sold all his stock before he took office, so your statement shows that it is YOU, not me that doesn't belong in the politics section. I said make sure you knew what you were talking about before you responded, but, no, you just couldn't resist shooting your mouth off when you have no clue. Once again, you spout some stupid, false allegation because you want to believe it, not because there any truth in it. So you're either gullible, or a liar. I suspect both. "Now please leave until you are better informed about world politics."
I tell you what ...lets make a bet. I say Cheney still had Halliburton stock options up until 2005.. You said he did not after he took office as the VP.. If I'm right you get the fuck out the political section. If I'm wrong I will do the same.
You taking this bet or what,,,,or you can always just admit that you were so fucking wrong.