Just Thought I'd Throw Up Some Pics of Where I'm at Right Now

Yes i am of age? And this is a forum, a place for information easy to read. Future references, use correct grammer, and by the way, i dont think you know jackshit about growing because none of that made sence.
you got me saw right through me im a dum azz maufuka dat dont know shit
i dont know my azz from my bathroom drain

hey goodbye

Hey im kind of a beginner but i was just wondering if watering my plants once a week thourghly will be enough to make good healty plant bc i dont know if i will have access to them to water anymore? If no, should i put some auto watering system in there?
i hear ya junior yeah i dont make any sence

isee you do re read this

watch out her comes mom
tah was so sad Elite Genetics he always did me right
i liked him
i hear a lot of foul stories about his startup days an how he got sum his gear
but like i said he always did me right i wish i had an idea whut was cumin he was havin abig azzed sale i had no bucks said they will be more

sum fukin kid was stelin from his mamys purse when confronted da dum fuka sang like a canary mama notifid popo on the story

where i cum from if you go down you go by yoself
when you go up you take yo boys

he had lists of shit i dont see anymore was quite apollen slinger an sumwhut of a breeder

i member my high shool days ppe said dont hang around junior (or su other name) he will get you in trouble
an he was your best friend an yall never did no wrong to each other but did sumto others together

in other words if a person is bad for me does not mean he is bad for you

i never liked that fukn logic
never did any bus wit him
never trusted him
and at cana collective lot of old thc farmers came over there all complaning diff complaints about the creep logic
lier thieft crack smokin creep was takin peeps money an talkin shit to them

sumbody like him deserve whut EG got Eg did not deserv that
that is why im convinced the dark side runs this earth
if you godd honest guy gona suffer
if you a creep you win down here
so i loose
good mornin green army

lets roll em up an get to the garden
Easy Bro, hows it goin?
new avi is cool made me chuckle when i seen
my new gears turned up so im back in the game in a day or 2 so im buzzin mate
got a little psychosis cut at the mo, thats it but got a exo an slh on the way
you seen this pic the 2nd 1 is funny a fook!
