Just Thought I'd Throw Up Some Pics of Where I'm at Right Now

Na bro nuthin personal taken hope yr good old boy I know ya like da girls and its a break from all the stress wots goin on round u wen ya can visit ya garden ay bro !
Stay high and stay safe my freind may the angels be touchin you
yep liked to smoke then liked to grow then liked makin seeds

will try to stay high and safe friend and will try to stay in da grace of my creator
though faced with trials and tribulations

peace out

  • Thinking about you. good to hear

    Hope all is well. as well as can be expected considering the times im confronting

    Stay positive. is the only way i know​

FM i know you speak from experience so im paying attention

remember when a kid walking araound wit a big pimple on yo face
is where im at now all still in front of me

after pimple erupts healing process begins and you feel better about yoself
cant wait for things to be behind me an moving on

my best to all and thanks for keeping me in yo thoughts and sending kind words of hope
glad i have my creator to lean on i know he is tired of hearing - just one more time but he will not forsake me
I can honestly say it was the toughest part of my life! Stay busy and focused, work out or go on long walks! Long walks helped me a lot bro!

geeees thanks you really made my day

ahhhhh thanks for your honesty
I am thinking about ya bro! Wish I was around there to go visit and smoke a joint with you on that bench you have around them flowers. Although I am sure the outside weather there isnt the best to be smoking outside on a bench. lol If you were here in this 80F weather it would be nice!

Have a good day D, stay connected with your creator!

thanks for thoughts all is well here hope same for you
i have learned to stomach whats happening still in process
I am going through some more drama with my ex, been divorced over 7 years and still dealing with the BS! I know that faith and karma will do justice, I have an appointment with a lawyer tomorrow. I, like you, am doing the very best to keep my chin up. Once again as I move forward another road block tries to slow me down.

yo i sure miss the like button
sorry to hear of yo drama
seems a part of life
some have much more to bare then others
but it seems all get some
even good people like you


just for the record im waiting for my card
im in medical marijuna program of New Jersey
jersey is fucked up we pay more for insurance taxes and MJ

i have been through the whole process which is a hop in the azz
payed the state fee yesterday now to wait 7-8 days then visit my designated dispensory

i had to stop my grow and this is next best for now
my hudreds of seeds will have to wait
down the road if things dont change here im outa here to a legal grow state
Hey dweezie! so good to hear from you. That's great news moving forward in NJ! I hope things pan out for you. Once you get your card , will you be able to grow? There is a huge problems occurring over on the west coast right now with MJ card holder and grow rights. I believe WA state, now legal, is making it very difficult for Medical Patients to grow their own. I think maybe 2 plants now is allowed? Arizona took away my right to grow as a Medical patient last year . WHen the MJ bill passed you could grow 14 plants. Next year they had a 25 mile rule in effect. If you live 25 miles from a dispensary you cant grow at all , even with a MJ green card. In California Fresno county just took away MJ patients rights to cultivate as well. THings are stepping backwards on the west coast. CO seems to be still looking good for now. I say hang tight man, maybe the eAst coast will step up and do things right. take care pops!
yo ambs hows tings ma
just so you know i still luv ya

  • you asked

    will you be able to grow?
    i doubt if we will ever be able to grow here

NJ is way behind time
like the old hall and oats
outa touch outa time

prolly can only grow in completly legal states
i nver understood why each state could make there own laws

lots of $$ to be made not alowing the grow
is all about the benjamins not about the patients

never heard of going in reverse

still thinking on colorado

stay up ma
Hey bro, how's thing's! All good i hope man, just thought i'd pop in and let you know i got one of the Acapulco Gold x Green Dream going! Just a babie atm, but i'll keep you posted my man!
Have a Great day D
just info

At a Grateful Dead show at Deer Creek Amphitheatre, 'joebrand' (aka 'wonkanobe') and 'pbud' met 'chemdog' and sold him an ounce of very high quality pot for $500. joe and chemdog exchanged numbers and they later arranged for two ounces to be shipped to chemdog on the east coast. According to chemdog, one ounce was seedless and the other had 13 seeds.

In ’91, chemdog popped the first 4 seeds. From these seeds, one male was found and disposed of (chemdog was young, you can’t blame him). The 3 females were labeled ‘chemdawg’ (now ’91 chemdawg), ‘chemdawg a’ (now chemdawg’s sister), and ‘chemdawg b’. In '01, chemdog and his girlfriend attempted to germ 3 more seeds, labeled ‘c’, ‘d’, and ‘e’. the ‘e’ seed never germinated, ‘c’ turned out to be junk (according to chemdog), and chemdawg ‘d’ was the keeper. In '06, 'chemdog' and 'joebrand' reunited and joe was given 4 of the last 6 beans: Chemdawg phenos 1-4, '4' being the chosen keeper. Joe thought the '4' was the best representation of the original and thus dubbed it the 'reunion pheno'. Chemdog still has two seeds left in his stash.

Chemdawg Crosses:
• 'OG Kush' (the original cut) came from an s1 from in a bag of '91 Chemdawg in the Lake Tahoe area in 1996.
• 'Sour Diesel' aka ECSD came from an accidental cross of ('91 Chemdawg x Mass Super Skunk/NL)x DNL after the DNL hermed and seeded the room. The DNL's lineage is NL/Shiva x Hawaiian.
• Original Diesel' (also known as Diesel #1, Headband, Daywrecker Diesel, Underdawg) came from a cross of '91 Chemdawg x (Mass Super Skunk x Sensi's Northern Lights) done by a guy known as ‘weasel’.

• 'chemdog' and friends made several crosses that are held closely by a small group of friends and acquaintances. Among them are:

1. Super Snowdawg (Bubble Chem x [Super skunk x Oregon Sno])
2. Giesel (Chem D x Mass Super Skunk)
3. Bubble Chem (Chemdawg’s Sister x Sag's Bubbleberry)
4. Dawg Daze aka ChemHaze (Chem D x ’93 Sensi's NL#5/Haze)
5. Chemdawg D x Pbud (another old-school Colorado strain)

JJ-NYC has been working on a Chemdawg D-based seed line for several years now. He started by crossing Chemdawg D to Sensi's Afghani after thoroughly testing both Sensi's Afghani and Sensi's Hindu Kush to determine which was more stable and would be better for the initial cross. JJ then did a backcross, known as "Double Dawg." Several phenos of this circulate and several people still have beans. JJ's latest work to the line is a second backcross known as "Tres Dawg" which is just starting to get tested.

Rezdog of Reservoir Seeds recently released several Chemdawg crosses as part of his 'Trinity' charity auctions. The crosses included Chemdawg D x Sensi's Hindu Kush and Snowdawg x Sensi's Hindu Kush, Chemdawg D x Sour Diesel IBL, Snowdawg x Sour Diesel IBL, ChemHaze x Sour Diesel IBL and Giesel x Sour Diesel IBL.

rez stole and theres no w dog