Just Thought I'd Throw Up Some Pics of Where I'm at Right Now

true dat broda

no respect is why day dead on da streets in da hood
no resect for nutin law nutin not even each other -norespect for life - no fear of death
pop pop ...........pop

once we loose respect
an it all starts at home
i think cause i taught my son respect first
is why he is all he can be

if you want tht for yo young ones you gotta prepare them
an they have to want it
work wit them
convince them the good ideas are being made by them
it works tell them whut they like an make them think they picked it
it works - dont just leve it up to them
thts why i passed art test for arts high and let piers talk me outa it
it is a faggy school and they ant got no football team
so i bought it now in a cool school but now smokin weed in tenth grade
bein cool gettin D's across the board for sum reason i hated F's
took tests never did homework never carried books went to class sat in back 3/4 of time fucked up

dont let yo kids turn into me
i would never do that

I an I
Fuck that bruva im hear thinkin shit that was me 2 but i had resoect for nuff manz on da hill truss me my kids av to get there shit sorted and to neva make the same mistake the old man did fuck that ok i still do alittle i should nt but yo its not hurtin no1 at all believe that shit to be true why all da gangsta shit with i dun know a gangsta sitts back and does things the cool way not no hot head rushin in like da mad manz they are its true the kids need learnin early and if the oerents cant do it and control en den we all gonna be fucked up ;-)
yeeah ched
we livin in a different time
in old days in a street fight someone pulled the wnner off sayin he had enough
now they cherr kill him

its adifferent world

yu know wen u start using yure airaion new pots ,plants prob double even triple in size.mine seem to double some triple .
if you mean the cloth pots have used them many times over a year ago first time the very post in this journel
1/4/11 in cloth pots
now air pots (plastic wit holes all over ) more recent first use only about 6 months ago

but you are right but already started bromore air to roots and also dont have to add more pearlite i normally add pearlite at 1 to 4 ocean forest soil but not needed wit air and smart
drainage alredy fine without addition
beautiful colors, real pro on those autos..got some size for 5 and 6 weex,,,now payday...yu need to empty yure inbox.
i think i gave them to much food week an a hlf ago
i forgot they were autos autos like 1/2 strenth i think i hit them full and few days later got a lighter color
i did not like it removed most fans got rel carful wit food

theyll be ok wk 7 go to molasses an water till end normally 8 to 9 wks forem
very funky
The Joint Doctor's Seeds - Lowryder Diesel Ryder Feminized is an inbred cross of Soma’s New York City Diesel and Lowryder #2.
it is my feelings that fans on stems and braches support stems and braches
and after stretch finish not needed any more
sum plants start to shed them at around second third of flower

i have striped plants of all leaves at all stages of flower
and saw no difference in production
these my feelings i dont care to fight it out if you disagree
i cant prove it and would not try - to each his own

we are all diff in more ways then alike
in the areas that we controll

i dont waste my time tryin to show no one the doing sumthing wrong
cause if it works for them its right
an my way is right for me

se sum fightin over how its sposed to be done
ha ah ha ha
i believe the same thing about leaves, each fan supports a certain brfanch, but if that branch is leaved up, i may remove it for airflow. /MAY remove it, if i need too. Kush's in my opinion love to shed leaves after week 5 .