Just Thought I'd Throw Up Some Pics of Where I'm at Right Now

enjoy whut you puffin be gratful

our creator gave it to us but mary was inter septed by the so called breeders
they got mary tied up in day basment holden her hostage
a gift from our creator to us

an sumtimes you pay the ransum an they dont release mary
mary is supposed to be freed to raom amongst the peeps i lived in the
70's when it was passe around not clamped down
think about whut im spitin at

mary was free now ahostage

mary slep around mary was alove child free spirit
shed sleep wit me then sleep wit you
mary was like dat

now mary is being restrained held up in the pollen slingers basment that calls himself a breeder
he is only an opertunist that holds THE seed that belong to us
cause god gave us all the seeds but now we pay for them along wit dirt an water

get da fuk outa here mother natur makes the seeds (they will make them on there own ) and father time brings them around
how da fuk did you makem can you stand ther in front of me an makeme one
i wish i could get all the gorillas together and go
crash in an free mary to the people an all be peace an love al flower power
passin free like hippies in late 60's

the roll of the dice
i had a huge jar full of seeds
sum fine weed sum ok shit sum exotic i always spent for exotic
in my batchler apt when seeds came in everything for sum reason i kept them had to be about 5 pounds
my then future wife suggested we get rid of them me starry eyed agreed now i want to kick myslf
sumting was conneting even then my spirit was prolly sayin you gona need thes later
but i listened to my soon to be wife
i dont bring it up

yes you do bring this up pops, this is the second time i heard you mention it. you freak.lol your poor wife prob hears it 10 times a day. when you going to stop using her as a scapegoat it was your choice. be a man and forgive her and let it go. just let it go and find a peace in your life my friend.
Final weight for my Casey JOnes beast was a staggering one pound 2.5 oz ..shimmy me timbers ..
did you know that bananas are radioactive?
it does piss me off i guess
but i honestly dont mention to the wife
thanks for straightning me out
bananas -is that true ?

this thred is wacky cause im wacky

you visit whut does it say for you

1lb 2 1/2 ozs that is amonster haul ma -congrats
enjoy it

you mentioned your burntout client befor whut do you do ma

have a good day

good morning vietnam
im so glad this crack up thread humors you- ma

but there is sumthing about smoking bubba and PP
if you smoke it then leave the room
when you return to that room the smell you left hits you hard
and the smell is sweet and strong like a incense or cologn
and that smell will over power any other smell in the room
even if you were smoking other herbs
a rainy day out today again oh well we must take the good wit the bad
it takes the rain and the sun to make it all work

good thing i can put sum sundhine on my day

i only hae two errens to run today the rest of day is a wash
gotta take dogy to vet bordatella shot for when dog is to get bording
gotta pick up mone from a friend manages a pool supply center sells 1/8 ths for me for fity a pop
i tell him how much im lookin for back say i drop 7= 350 i might say im lookin for 300 back he calls when he is got it
sumtime two days sumtimes a wek at pick up i bring more if im selling more sumtimes a particuler is low an im smoken the rest
it works im in residentual neighborhood dont want the traffic an $$ is not critical here
i got about 4 jars wit crumbs and 3 wit below a third jar -whut to smoke -thats how i like it


hey wats up D?been at the vet ,have some kittens come up with ring worm,first time in my life had to deal with this....sounds like u have some good smoke bro.
its vet day

yeah i like variety
an i like good genetics

im kinda a conisour
not interested as much as many in weight
not interested much in $$
am interested in smokin an smokin good
as often and as much as i want

i'm a little of both,weight ,conneseiur,money.jus about wat it takes to make it haf decent,i cant work till i have surgery which i have to pay for at of my own pocket.
the weed is a lot of diff things to a lot of diff peeps


then industry

consumed in
yeah these young whipper snappers need to learn about respect
youd get mouth full of backhand if you spoke outa time when i grew up
now these kids think they know it all
need to be taken to the wood shed
an taught sum respect pants off soak the belt under hot water
leave sum welts makem sting
nw you know to respect your elders when day be speakin boyeh
Happenin bro's ?? Good day to all with good to give ;-)
Yh d im hittin that young and respect bollox quite alot these days i grew up wid lads that were twice me age cus u know why it was outta respect somethin that is looked over by the generation to come which is annoyin on all accounts these boys think they can just steam roller in and do woteva they like!! Not:-)