Just Thought I'd Throw Up Some Pics of Where I'm at Right Now


pitiful sum neb says its 5 months old to
Hey ya'll.. dweeze your avi is so sick.LOL soo funny..ahahaha.. i smoked some scissor hash that has been curing for a week. I think i mentioned that to you too RM. howdy partner. you 2 will always be cool to me no matter how hot it gets outside.:cool:
so it does make a HUGE diff then smokin it straight off the scissors the day of harvest. HUGE! i am so high with fire running all through my muscles. Feels really incredible especially after a really heavy workout at the gym yesterday. Big time relief .
Heres my tent now. and Peyote Purple is in the front right , look at them big ass leaves... shes really cool dweeze thanks again for sharing !

rainbow at night 004.jpg
ahah dweezie, is this what you bee listening to wit those big ole headphones of yours mr. monkey man.lol
yo yo ma - thanks i normally smoke my scissor right away -thanks for the input -an its proven not just a thery
yeh you just had a big monster haul

pp makes beautiful buds smell and taste outa this world- head up wit bubba but bubba out does her you gona like her but she is not bountyful- is good at bed time (sleepable)

an i love to share un like most i guess im weird -i like to get to but i also like to give - only wit certain peeps - im just glad you appreciated her

have yoself a fine day ma
i dont know if wife forgot or is testing me
todayis our annaversery 8-8 -88 was the date
ah whuts dat 24 years her belly was a beach ball on ceramony
we had to beat the birth of our son
we went to town hall for procedure
had party in back yard of our first house

an still together
sum of our friends had big expensive weddings
not together long enough to pay for it

when its true no big ring no big ceramony needed
could be snap top from a beer can if luv is real
an if not could be the biggest diamond on earth wont help

my wife is the best

stay true
awe, HaPPy AnniversaRY Dweezle! what are you going to do today? flowers and dinner? very lucky number for an anniversary. YOur wife is so sweet helping you with your fabric pots. YOu guys make such a wonderful couple. Im so happy for you.
Have a very special day.
Im off to work. My first patient is a documented luniatic with serious mental issues. Lord have mercy on me. This calls for a big wake and bake session ..hehehe.
i hope i get out of work alive today unharmed. lol
smoke it up pops. luv ya,
good day ma- an thanks you are a good heart
an those are kind words
whut do you do ma

tell Mr Lun I Atic he had better mind his manners
i bring a gang of stone gorillas an give him sum lessons on manners he wont forget any time soon
he had better not even look at you wit no looks dat aint correct

frm the NYC branch leader of the finger popinhip hop stoned gorilla mob


(big hug ma)
gona make dinner for the wife
picked her up a little present for her
i think im gona keep my wife LOL

rest kinda like any other day
get fuked up about 3 more times today
i was out today runnin errends so only had one bllast off today _ but im home now
so couple days be happy time again-gluck on the haul

you gettin any anxiety issues on the next grow
or to early an havent hit you yet
Hey im kind of a beginner but i was just wondering if watering my plants once a week thourghly will be enough to make good healty plant bc i dont know if i will have access to them to water anymore? If no, should i put some auto watering system in there?
k - junior in begin willl be ok not drinkin to much -small root system small to to support

later on in there life once they grow a little will be drinkin allitle more -wit a bigger root system an big buds to support

so walk wit dis
in da beginning less later on more water needed

a little seedling can droop in 4hours -no roots yet
a large plant might take 4 days to show droop

experiment learn for self
but start wit reading