Just Thought I'd Throw Up Some Pics of Where I'm at Right Now

i raised my sisters 2 boys for 10 yrs because of her problem, and brot all that shit,mentality, with them..it was like beatin a dead horse to get up sometimes.pants ,caps and crap all slopped out.we live like civilians here.
no body guided me mother did best she could 3 boys father would come and go
never a father just fathered

no parks no go anywhere no swimmming no basball no nutin just yelling

i was the opposite
i felt compassion for them ,big house,free rent,no billls,no prob. but it took awhile to get them to raise thier pants up.lol....i never had a dad through life steady,mom worked barely able to raise us all my preschool to adult,so i understand somewat.tho i played ball no matter wat.
oh i play ed bll was for a while right across for the playground
then high scholls like ymca
activites leagues take out balls equip,ent

elementry school 8 years i went to 6 diff el schools

i never shard any time wit my fater is whut i was tryin to say
never taught me to ride a bike nutin fathers do wit day sons nothing

went fishing wit other kids fathers

so i had the perfect example of how to raise a son
i just did the opposit of whut my father would have done

was always there for mine changed my whole life
during the summer in school we worked on work boooks to prepare him for the next year
taught him how to study how to learn how to right a book reort
we bought a aol stock and watched it
i prepared him we told him whut he could do for himself
we dont have cant give not going to eat balony sandwhichs for life to pay for schools
he bought it a fine young man
fine musician was playin trumpet in high school won trip to denmark playin jazz
engineering degree from afine school
is a pilot in our air force
the thing i pepared him kinda like tiger woods dad did for him -the williams girls tennis mams big buts- preped to deal
i prepared him caus i cant help in high school level or colledg level
he had to be able to deal we played chess not checkers
when all those algebras n shit you cant seven say wit formulas an shit i could not help wit that shit
but i taught him how to use his mind

like the word study as in go home and study chapter 5 -
whut doesthet mean - to read over and over is dat it -no- not
just babbling on

an on

a bad man not 100% bad
a good man not 100% good

gomer pile dat
dats all i got to say about dat

or you can just let lefe be like a box of chocolets
bite see whuts inside - luck fate -
but the book said he only helps those that helps himself
translation you gotta be doin sumtin alredy
not just layin there say i wish i had - holdin joint
book plainly says we gotta take the first step


looked atum quickly nice stuff the ones i was dran to is to much

gona look again later pick sumtin cheaper (sumtin i can settle for )

good morning vietnam
yeah ozoan layer pretty fuked up weather patterns to be hotter

poles melting away
everything at record breking level

makes one revist the book of revelations