Joe Biden's political missteps

Who beat bernie.. but bernie woulda won right?
That's stupid talk started by A STUPID INDIVIDUAL. Don't follow a stupid individual. Show you can be and stay your own man. Thanks.

We talking about vote counting... Hillary had the most votes but did not become President. Now try again.
You are the one bring up reddit, twitter, facebook. Do you have a life outside of social media ? Don't take it personal just asking a question
You're ridiculous. If I bring up the news its fake to you idiots. If I bring up facts it's wrong. If I bring up anything you cry about biden. Like you I'll be just fine if trump is president, you know who wont be? The fucking idiots saying barny or trump who are living paycheck to paycheck or uber tip to uber tip. So get the hell out of here with the bullshit propaganda about biden. You're a trump supporter now buddy.
That's stupid talk started by A STUPID INDIVIDUAL. Don't follow a stupid individual. Show you can be and stay your own man. Thanks.

We talking about vote counting... Hillary had the most votes but did not become President. Now try again.
No it's common sense. 2nd place beat 3rd place but 3rd place beats 1st place? Thats crazy talk. Dont be a dummy.
You're ridiculous. If I bring up the news its fake to you idiots. If I bring up facts it's wrong. If I bring up anything you cry about biden. Like you I'll be just fine if trump is president, you know who wont be? The fucking idiots saying barny or trump who are living paycheck to paycheck or uber tip to uber tip. So get the hell out of here with the bullshit propaganda about biden. You're a trump supporter now buddy.
Share your facts. When someone uses reddit , twitter , or factbook in an argument I pass judgement. and nope wont apologize for it.
Don't get upset because I bring up Bidens apparent sickness. I'm personally tired of Dems taking my fucking vote for granted and Trump is just wrong for this nation, but like it has been said. " The people get the government they deserve " and If the best you got is calling me a Trump supporter then you dumber than I thought.
No it's common sense. 2nd place beat 3rd place but 3rd place beats 1st place? Thats crazy talk. Dont be a dummy.
No saying people would have won if they had not lost is stupid shit. do you want to repeat stupid shit. Be your own man.
Look up my stances back in '16. Now compare me back then to name now. Consistent as fuck. Now lets look at you. How much shit did you talk on bernie and dont act like you didn't because we did together.

Be your own man dude. Worry about yourself and not me
Im always my own , thats how I'm able to evolve. I have never like Trump and if I have to pick between Bernie and Biden I would vote for Bernie because he would do more for the poor and middle class, whilst Biden is the same o same o . Some things about Bernie I hate, but I do realize he still had to get that shit pass congress in which he would have a hard time. I seen war, smelled war, been in war. I find it hard to support people who vote for that shit. The older I get the more I hate it, because it would mean my son might be force to fight in the bullshit. Biden would have zero problems sending troops into war. I'm sure you know nothing about it so you cant feel as I do about it. and Biden just says stupid shit , like black people dont read to their children whilst his son is out smoking fucking crack. Dude dont get me started.
Seems like he uses it because he enjoys it. Try to use it on the sly. Took me a while to see his fakeness, but once you truly look...
If he was forced to serve you it would just make him hate you more

not that he’s employed. Or you’re black
Seems like he uses it because he enjoys it. Try to use it on the sly. Took me a while to see his fakeness, but once you truly look...

You can tell he does. I mean how big of a news story would that be if trump called obama that yet here he is saying it just to use the word. I can promise you this boy would not do that here in kackylacky.
You can tell he does. I mean how big of a news story would that be if trump called obama that yet here he is saying it just to use the word. I can promise you this boy would not do that here in kackylacky.
He a fake ass wannabe white boy who wanted to be black but was to lame to even hang out with them. Got his ass kicked daily. Now he pretends to be Jewish. In truth he just an angry lame ass who whole life evolves around this site. Who the fuck has that many post ? and even his puppets have an insane amount of post. LAME AS FUCK