Joe Biden's political missteps

Sanders isn't a Democrat because they're too conservative, it sounds like you might support him, he actually has a pretty good shot at winning the nomination this time
I'll support the Democratic nominee.

You will continue to get most of your support here from right wingnuts.

Why the fuck is that, do you think?

It's not that they're philosophically in tune with your ideas.

How are Trump's judicial appointments working out for your political goals? Same as Hillary's would have been? Are you figuring out anything about politics yet?
Most of Sanders support comes from women, people of color, and young people. The reason many conservatives support him is because the policies he supports has crossover appeal. So while you're trying to convince everybody Biden is the most electable because he's the most moderate, he will garner exactly zero votes of those he's trying to appeal to while losing votes of progressives, just like Clinton did last time.
What a propagandist thread. I am convinced you get that masshole guy in here and you have all the foreign nations attacking our democracy posting in here.

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You trolls having to try to bring down Democrats in the hopes of sneaking him through with your trolling is the only major reason I actually worry about Bernie winning.
As usual, the OP (who supports an "Independent" running in the Democratic primary) shows his reliance on purity tests while providing helpful fodder for those who will do anything to see Trump re-elected.

Any party who has the misfortune to contain such people as the OP is weaker because of it.
Sanders voted to fund the soldiers because he actually supports the troops while still opposing the war.
Fund the soldiers, god you're irreparably dumb. That's not how shit works at all. The funds getting voted upon are allocated when the budget is being passed. Think about what that means for a moment. Those soldiers are already funded and so is all of the material that deploys with them.

He voted to fund the military industry so he could get warbucks in his district, just like he always did, which is why he has also always voted against holding any of those companies accountable for the deaths they cause. It puts into perspective his little episode of having antiwar protesters arrested in his district.

Instead of worshiping a politician, you should work toward achieving an end.
"For a woman to come forward in the glaring lights of focus, nationally, you've got to start off with the presumption that at least the essence of what she's talking about is real," said Biden during the confirmation hearings for Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, who faced accusations that as a teenager he had assaulted a woman at a party.
"For a woman to come forward in the glaring lights of focus, nationally, you've got to start off with the presumption that at least the essence of what she's talking about is real," said Biden during the confirmation hearings for Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, who faced accusations that as a teenager he had assaulted a woman at a party.
Was this a legitimate sexual assault?
They don't support him because they don't like his supporters, even though they ostensibly support his policies. Most people will still vote for someone they don't like personally, especially if the alternative is Donald Trump
So true. Every other candidate is Bernie Lite.
Biden is going to end up giving Trump four more years. Damn shame. More shit is going to start coming out. Same people who didn't want Bernie because of free shit ...are now looking for a check for free shit. Dumb shits
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If bernie didn’t lose then he would have won
I'm not totally convinced of that. Isn't there something between? I'm aware that you can't win if you lose. Losing definitely precludes winning. However, just because one doesn't lose, are you certain that it means they win? What if he were to neither win or lose?

To be clear, he definitely did lose. I'm just speculating on the finer point, that he would have won had he not lost. He didn't win, because he did lose. I'm just not certain if that means that he would have won had he not lost. I'm still on the fence about it and would like to hear logical arguments on both sides.
same shit different day. Bernie lost Now we have Biden up against Trump. Good fucking luck. Saw Biden on The View the other day. Dumb senile fuck said some dumb shit about how "a Coronas cure will make the problem worst " :o Gaffee ass fucker giving Trump a win. Dumb shits
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