Is anyone Pro-War?


Well-Known Member
I understand that. The principles are not the man. I still think that his principles are as much a product of his time and place, like perhaps Martin Luther's. The real question in my mind becomes - whither from here? Since you and I have very different perspectives and political values (even as I sense that our moral values are not very different at all), we would have very different answers for how to proceed and to progress. I'm cool with that, since deep down i am a pluralist. cn
Mohandas "Mahatma" Gandhi
Peace-loving subcontinental pacifist Calmer than you are. Calmer than anyone ever anywhere. Gandhi was never, ever un-dude. He practically invented modern pacifism, not to mention shabby chic – he showed up to stuffy English parliament in nothing more than a ratty sheet. He also invented the sit-in, the hunger strike and the cool 1960s specs. He was the man in the white pajamas.

Quote from (from which I received ordination)


Ursus marijanus
Mohandas "Mahatma" Gandhi
Peace-loving subcontinental pacifist Calmer than you are. Calmer than anyone ever anywhere. Gandhi was never, ever un-dude. He practically invented modern pacifism, not to mention shabby chic – he showed up to stuffy English parliament in nothing more than a ratty sheet. He also invented the sit-in, the hunger strike and the cool 1960s specs. He was the man in the white pajamas.

Quote from (from which I received ordination)
Oh not the Dudehammer! I abase myself. cn