Well-Known Member
It starts with the evil puppet masters who sell it to those, usually just out of HS with not a damn clue how the world is run but wanting to do good and who are not in the position to come back and yell BULLSHIT because they built in the perfect excuse; the war made them crazy. Then they get tossed to the streets more often than not where the rest of the population turns their backs so as not to discusss why the majority of the homeless population consists of former troops they say they support. That kid who gunned down all those civilians I believe was on his 4th tour AFTER a PTSD diagnosis and a no combat order.
WTF? Take all the money we spend on Defense each year and spend it feeding, clothing, housing and educating every single person on earth, not one person left behind, which it could do many times over, and we won't need a freakin Defense Budget! Or the Libertarian Technology idea but stop justifying premeditated murder against folks who only had rocks as weapons till Bush Sr generously shared with them. I can't name one justified war. WWII is the immediate go to and much respect to the WWII Vets, they are as always the innocent pawns, but AMERICANS started it! Only a few but they still started it. I firmly believe Slavery would have ended with the same peaceful resistance it took to really get all citizens full citizenship with MLK Jr so don't throw that one either. Anyone? Name one good war?
OK this isn't funny anymore. **edit** just an update, no good war named.