Is anyone Pro-War?

Moses Mobetta

Well-Known Member
It makes a nice quote doesn't it? But yet the world is still where it's at.
Greed and lust for power. Costs many lives, and puts others at great risk. Let them greedy bastards go fight their own damn war and risk their own lives instead of using other people to do their dirty work.


Well-Known Member
Greed and lust for power. Costs many lives, and puts others at great risk. Let them greedy bastards go fight their own damn war and risk their own lives instead of using other people to do their dirty work.

We were warned by Eisenhower about the milatary industrial complex. They have to keep a perpetual war going on to keep the money flowing. In the meantime we are going broke and people are dying. If we do not wake up we will end up like Greece. And lets not forget the war on drugs!


Active Member
Yes, bad things have happened in the past. Being as I was not alive at the time, I feel NO guilt toward the indians. The progressives say we should learn from our mistakes, which means no more illegal immigration.
I am all for immigration, as long as its legal. The illegal immigration is a problem for sure, and I think it will be as long as the type of ass clowns in Government continue to be in office.

I live very close to an Indian "reservation" and I am a Canadian Indian by Blood. I personally don't feel anything in regards to the matter. My roots are not American, or European. However, I think it was one of the largest piece of shit acts I have ever seen a "civilized society of united nations" do. How America become America , is on a wronged and bloody foot. Most Native Americans continue to hold the resentment of the past and I don't blame them. They are not worthy of moving on for a better future. The past has tainted the future and it will always be that way until the collapse of America.


Well-Known Member
Let them greedy bastards go fight their own damn war and risk their own lives instead of using other people to do their dirty work.
won't happen as long as easily duped people like you exist to fight their wars for them, and then rub it in the faces of people like me who were smart enough to not get involved.


Active Member
It makes a nice quote doesn't it? But yet the world is still where it's at.
I spent way to much time studying philosophy in college. It led me to a conclusion. Most quotes from men of our past tend to be catchy, quirky, with the intent of having a insightful message. Gandhi is one of them that said many things that were very far off. I greatly disagree with this comment of his. Especially in contrast to the US. $$= spirit in reality can undermine the oppression that brings a nation. Making people criminals is big $$$....hands really tied now.


Well-Known Member
I spent way to much time studying philosophy in college. It led me to a conclusion. Most quotes from men of our past tend to be catchy, quirky, with the intent of having a insightful message. Gandhi is one of them that said many things that were very far off. I greatly disagree with this comment of his. Especially in contrast to the US. $$= spirit in reality can undermine the oppression that brings a nation. Making people criminals is big $$$....hands really tied now.
???????...... Are you agreeing with me? I was kind of ripping on abandon with what I said. The Gandhi quote now sounds like a pep talk to Islamic warriors.

I'm not kidding. Read it again.


Well-Known Member
I spent way to much time studying philosophy in college. It led me to a conclusion. Most quotes from men of our past tend to be catchy, quirky, with the intent of having a insightful message. Gandhi is one of them that said many things that were very far off. I greatly disagree with this comment of his. Especially in contrast to the US. $$= spirit in reality can undermine the oppression that brings a nation. Making people criminals is big $$$....hands really tied now.
Then why is India no longer part of the British Empire?


Well-Known Member
???????...... Are you agreeing with me? I was kind of ripping on abandon with what I said. The Gandhi quote now sounds like a pep talk to Islamic warriors.

I'm not kidding. Read it again.
I oppose war so you compare me to a "muslim warrior" which in your mind equates to enemy of America. You are about as smart as a box of hammers.


Well-Known Member
I oppose war so you compare me to a "muslim warrior" which in your mind equates to enemy of America. You are about as smart as a box of hammers.
STFU! I didn't compare you to anybody. I'm saying that in THESE TIMES, now as compared to when he said them. Sorry I didn't prance around it light enough for you!


Ursus marijanus
I oppose war so you compare me to a "muslim warrior" which in your mind equates to enemy of America. You are about as smart as a box of hammers.
I do see what Kelly is saying. It does sound like an exhortation to commandos, among other possibilities. One man's revolutionary is another man's traitor. Gandhi doesn't earn the tag "terrorist" because his doctrine of nonviolence equated to nonterror. And he is a hero because (face it.) he won.

Gandhi was very much a creature of his time and place. Were he born twenty years ago, I doubt he'd be able to effect nearly as much change today and into the near future than he did back in his day. My opinion. cn


Well-Known Member
STFU! I didn't compare you to anybody. I'm saying that in THESE TIMES, now as compared to when he said them. Sorry I didn't prance around it light enough for you!
How many "Muslim Warriors" do you know? Ever met any? Better yet, have you ever met one who hates America? I mean actually encountered one in your physical presence. Be honest.


Well-Known Member
I spent way to much time studying philosophy in college. It led me to a conclusion. Most quotes from men of our past tend to be catchy, quirky, with the intent of having a insightful message. Gandhi is one of them that said many things that were very far off. I greatly disagree with this comment of his. Especially in contrast to the US. $$= spirit in reality can undermine the oppression that brings a nation. Making people criminals is big $$$....hands really tied now.
I'm sorry, but you are full of shit here. If you had even made it through a single college philosophy class, you would be able to compose better than that. I could do better than that in the fourth grade, philosophy requires outstanding English skills (or what ever language you studied it in). He made mistakes like any other human being, particularly by encouraging Indians to enlist in the British Army but he learned and repented of that lack of judgment.


Well-Known Member
I do see what Kelly is saying. It does sound like an exhortation to commandos, among other possibilities. One man's revolutionary is another man's traitor. Gandhi doesn't earn the tag "terrorist" because his doctrine of nonviolence equated to nonterror. And he is a hero because (face it.) he won.

Gandhi was very much a creature of his time and place. Were he born twenty years ago, I doubt he'd be able to effect nearly as much change today and into the near future than he did back in his day. My opinion. cn
He offered the world a way out of the madness and yet we still live in madness. That is not his shortcoming, he was one of the greatest men in history.


Well-Known Member
How many "Muslim Warriors" do you know? Ever met any? Better yet, have you ever met one who hates America? I mean actually encountered one in your physical presence. Be honest.
ZERO "Islamic warriors". I don't need to meet one to know how they really feel. They flat out tell us and you're not listening!