Inequality and the USA: A nation in denial?

The money supply is infinite. The wealth it represents is finite yet growing every day. Of course that could change.

Again, a simple untruth here. Any basic economics course will educate the attentive to the fact that if there is an infinite supply of money, IT WOULDN'T BE WORTH ANYTHING.

It's like arguing with monkeys. Go get an education- something else the elite stole from you.
Again, a simple untruth here. Any basic economics course will educate the attentive to the fact that if there is an infinite supply of money, IT WOULDN'T BE WORTH ANYTHING.

It's like arguing with monkeys. Go get an education- something else the elite stole from you.

Truly is.. They're not equipped with the tools required to argue valid points, so they resort to emotional responses. Same tactic is used by Fox News during their interviews, except these idiots don't have the power to talk over us or mute our mic's, so they just embarrass themselves instead.

It's fun for me and hilarious at the same time :D
Again, a simple untruth here. Any basic economics course will educate the attentive to the fact that if there is an infinite supply of money, IT WOULDN'T BE WORTH ANYTHING.

It's like arguing with monkeys. Go get an education- something else the elite stole from you.

You just agreed with me thinking you disagreed with me.... LOL!! OUR GOVERNMENT KEEPS PRINTING MONEY!!! WHERE DO YOU THINK WE ARE HEADED??????

You cannot even buy a bag of potato chips bigger than 1# anymore. They are downsizing 24 packs of soda to 20 packs. Everything is getting smaller and cheaper in America. That is how retailers avoid people noticing changes. They change the size of the product and give you less for the same amount of money. We are losing the value of our money with every dollar the fed prints.

But somehow, they are not the problem??

A basic economics course... Take one sometime....
But somehow, they are not the problem??

NOBODY is saying government is not the problem you daft cunt. Learn how to fuckin' read..

The government IS THE FUCKIN' PROBLEM!!

Crony capitalism requires government AND CORPORATIONS, where the fuck do you think the bribes come from?

You are crediting the entire situation to JUST THE GOVERNMENT, and discounting the corporations and their bribes because you're a republican and you've been spoon fed your entire worthless life that republicans support business. And if a republican was in office, you'd be saying everybody's just lazy and the goddamn immigrants are taking all the jobs and all the other ancient, tired, played out, retarded, not ever going to get your pitiful ass elected again talking points..

You can't even defend your ignorant position because you don't even understand half the fuckin' equation.

Fuck, you're worthless.
NOBODY is saying government is not the problem you daft cunt. Learn how to fuckin' read..

The government IS THE FUCKIN' PROBLEM!!

Crony capitalism requires government AND CORPORATIONS, where the fuck do you think the bribes come from?

You are crediting the entire situation to JUST THE GOVERNMENT, and discounting the corporations and their bribes because you're a republican and you've been spoon fed your entire worthless life that republicans support business. And if a republican was in office, you'd be saying everybody's just lazy and the goddamn immigrants are taking all the jobs and all the other ancient, tired, played out, retarded, not ever going to get your pitiful ass elected again talking points..

You can't even defend your ignorant position because you don't even understand half the fuckin' equation.

Fuck, you're worthless.

Why do all the liberals call people names?
Intellectually deficient and unoriginal..

I bet a lot of people in your life really pity you..

Have you ever had a real meaningful relationship in your entire life that wasn't mandatory due to blood relations?
Lol, just ask me do I want fries and fuck off till-monkey.

I've a wife and kids and don't work a shitty minimum wage job.

My balls, your mouth, you like that?
Again, a simple untruth here. Any basic economics course will educate the attentive to the fact that if there is an infinite supply of money, IT WOULDN'T BE WORTH ANYTHING.

It's like arguing with monkeys. Go get an education- something else the elite stole from you.
The money supply is infinite.

Google quantative easing.

Fucking lefties just totally invent a new reality for themselves, don't they?
Again, a simple untruth here. Any basic economics course will educate the attentive to the fact that if there is an infinite supply of money, IT WOULDN'T BE WORTH ANYTHING.

It's like arguing with monkeys. Go get an education- something else the elite stole from you.

if the majority of currency in circulation was generated via loan/debt/interest
the money supply is infinite since it only represents the ability of someone to assume the debt and repay
the money in circulation is not a representation of the assets of the country
the money supply could only run out if there were no people left to sign themselves up for debts/loans etc
You just agreed with me thinking you disagreed with me.... LOL!! OUR GOVERNMENT KEEPS PRINTING MONEY!!! WHERE DO YOU THINK WE ARE HEADED??????

You cannot even buy a bag of potato chips bigger than 1# anymore. They are downsizing 24 packs of soda to 20 packs. Everything is getting smaller and cheaper in America. That is how retailers avoid people noticing changes. They change the size of the product and give you less for the same amount of money. We are losing the value of our money with every dollar the fed prints.

But somehow, they are not the problem??

A basic economics course... Take one sometime....

I've taken plenty of them. Have you? Apparently not, since you're using soda cans as economic indicators.

I'm well aware of this- inflating the economy and reducing the value of money is the only way out of the mess that the bankers will accept; notice that they're holding vast amounts of land and property THAT THEY WERE PROHIBITED BY LAW FROM HOLDING.

It isn't just the money system that's fucked; that's merely a symptom. The underlying cause is tragedy of the commons, caused by individuals doing what's in their own best interest- that's nevertheless at cross purposes with the best interests of the larger society.

In times past, the government would establish laws that barred individuals from behavior that threatened the whole- but now thanks to faux news and faux education, we have people like yourself who scream that destroying the state IS the goal.

Congratulations, you've created another Great Depression. Whatcha gonna do, blame the Democrats? Labor unions? How about the 'lazy' poor? Y'all are running out of excuses.
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if the majority of currency in circulation was generated via loan/debt/interest
the money supply is infinite since it only represents the ability of someone to assume the debt and repay
the money in circulation is not a representation of the assets of the country
the money supply could only run out if there were no people left to sign themselves up for debts/loans etc


Truly is.. They're not equipped with the tools required to argue valid points, so they resort to emotional responses. Same tactic is used by Fox News during their interviews, except these idiots don't have the power to talk over us or mute our mic's, so they just embarrass themselves instead.

It's fun for me and hilarious at the same time :D

I'm not here to hate on them out heap scorn, I'm really truly here to change a few minds, so I try not to resort to name calling.

It is interesting to me just how much dis-information and outright non-information is out there to obscure the truth of what's happened to our country.

The current situation cannot last. It will come crashing down under its own weight of excessive topheaviness- the only question is how much the rest of the country will suffer for the crimes of the rich.

Money supply is the total supply of currency or other liquid assets in an economy at a particular time.

This can be increased at any time with the click of a the fuck is it not infinite?

Stop trying to argue semantics like a little bitch, you've no point to make.

So many fucking pretenders on here.