Inequality and the USA: A nation in denial?

That's just silly. OF COURSE THAT GIANT SALARY COMES OUT OF THE POCKETS OF EVERYONE ASSOCIATED WITH THE COMPANY! Where the Fuck else does it come from but wages and dividends?!

Associated with THAT company. If you are not working for that company, the only effect it has on you is if you freely purchase a product who's price reflects that bonus.

Bill Gate's salary does not affect yours.
Bill Ford's salary does not affect yours.
My salary does not affect yours.
Many economists point to Clinton repealing Glass-Steagal, which prevented S&Ls from also being investment banks to the main cause of the collapse of our economy. What they did with credit default swaps should be criminal.

Clinton's advisor has made over 100M since the repeal, so we've got that going for us.

Glass-Steagal was implemented after the 29' crash to make sure it didn't happen again.

The new legislation passed under Obama's first term did nothing to address the underlying problem, eliminated any possible competition to the too big to fail banks, and made those entities that were too big, bigger.

Yes it's a rigged game. Still doesn't mean that somebody getting a million dollar bonus at AT&T means it comes out of the pocket of someone working at Wal-mart (other than increased costs of AT&T products which can be avoided).

Another point; I don't care who signed the offending legislation- there are lots of poison pens and dirty hands in that pie.

I'm interested in how to fix it.

Part one is educating We the People to the scope and magnitude of the problem, and the catastrophic consequences of inaction.

Part Two will be to suggest appropriate change to solve the problems of wealth sequestration.
Another point; I don't care who signed the offending legislation- there are lots of poison pens and dirty hands in that pie.

I'm interested in how to fix it.

Part one is educating We the People to the scope and magnitude of the problem, and the catastrophic consequences of inaction.

Part Two will be to suggest appropriate change to solve the problems of wealth sequestration.

I feel ya but, if the lowest economic sector was increased to middle class wages would it matter if execs made 1000 times that? If Bill Ford Jr's salary was split even amongst his employees they would get what? an extra 100 bucks a year? If his salary was non-existent (he worked for 1 buck a year during the bailout saga) and passed onto consumers it might save us a dollar a car.

The problem with the low pay for unskilled labor is the glut of people who can only do those jobs. The competition for unskilled jobs is the highest it's ever been in this country. If there weren't enough people to fill those jobs you'd see wages increase.

Supply and demand is a law, it is not a theory that we can manipulate (consistently well). If we want to increase wages for menial jobs, we need to increase jobs.
Associated with THAT company. If you are not working for that company, the only effect it has on you is if you freely purchase a product who's price reflects that bonus.

Bill Gate's salary does not affect yours.
Bill Ford's salary does not affect yours.
My salary does not affect yours.

ALL UNTRUE. Since you haven't done ahh legwork at all, I'll connect the dots; many of those CEOs sit on the boards of other corporations and thus help- incestuously- raise the average salary, which they can then reasonably expect their peers to give THEM.

This obviously corrupt practice has gone on- in plain sight- to the illogical extreme of seeing the average CEO's pay go from ten times that of the average line worker to well over 200 times. And that's the beginning, not the end, of the stealings on a grand scale.
I feel ya but, if the lowest economic sector was increased to middle class wages would it matter if execs made 1000 times that? If Bill Ford Jr's salary was split even amongst his employees they would get what? an extra 100 bucks a year? If his salary was non-existent (he worked for 1 buck a year during the bailout saga) and passed onto consumers it might save us a dollar a car.

No. Their salaries would DOUBLE.


As to the rest of your statistics, you are making them up, stone cold. Go find some facts instead of pulling shit out of your ass and passing it off as support for your arguments.
No. Their salaries would DOUBLE.

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As to the rest of your statistics, you are making them up, stone cold. Go find some facts instead of pulling shit out of your ass and passing it off as support for your arguments.

What if they tripled? or quintupled? would it matter to you if yours doubled?

If you could double your wages, but your CEO got to raise his 10X, do you see that as a net positive?
ALL UNTRUE. Since you haven't done ahh legwork at all, I'll connect the dots; many of those CEOs sit on the boards of other corporations and thus help- incestuously- raise the average salary, which they can then reasonably expect their peers to give THEM.

This obviously corrupt practice has gone on- in plain sight- to the illogical extreme of seeing the average CEO's pay go from ten times that of the average line worker to well over 200 times. And that's the beginning, not the end, of the stealings on a grand scale.
They're corrupt because they managed to get elected to two well paying positions?

How the fuck does that logic work?
When 94% of the gains go to the top 10% and the bottom 90% have to share 6%, that's not capitalism, that's crony capitalism.

"Crony capitalism is a term describing an economy in which success in business depends on close relationships between business people and government officials. It may be exhibited by favoritism in the distribution of legal permits, government grants, special tax breaks, or other forms of state interventionism. Crony capitalism is believed to arise when business cronyism and related self-serving behavior by businesses or businesspeople spills over into politics and government, or when self-serving friendships and family ties between businessmen and the government influence the economy and society to the extent that it corrupts public-serving economic and political ideals."





Interesting to note the time period when nearly every measurable data set diverges... Late 1970's, just like I said before.


How the fuck does that logic work?
What if they tripled? or quintupled? would it matter to you if yours doubled?

If you could double your wages, but your CEO got to raise his 10X, do you see that as a net positive?

The point I'm trying to make us that things are far too skewed towards the rich, further than ever before.

Why are you apologizing for them? If you aren't making a million a year, I can promise that you're one of those being stolen from, just like me, so why are you defending the current system?

Or do you like licking the anonymous boots of your overlords just because? In which case I'd have nothing but contempt for you.
They're corrupt because they managed to get elected to two well paying positions?

How the fuck does that logic work?

You just love to overlook the obvious, don't you? They're voting each other raises with no checks on the system- it doesn't cost THEM anything to do it, just workers and shareholders... who often turn out to be themselves.

If that doesn't scream corruption, then I can't help you.
You just love to overlook the obvious, don't you? They're voting each other raises with no checks on the system- it doesn't cost THEM anything to do it, just workers and shareholders... who often turn out to be themselves.

If that doesn't scream corruption, then I can't help you.
The shareholders would get rid of the board if that was the case.

Fcking lefties, always talking shit about shit they're ignorant about.

You know why they get elected to multiple corporate boardrooms and paid so much?

Cos the company's owners (shareholders) think they're worth it.

And how the flying fuck does it cost the workers anything?
@ttystikk, see what I mean, man..

Evidence staring them right in the fucking face and they come back with this bullshit..

It's like how stupid people are too stupid to realize they're stupid..
@ttystikk, see what I mean, man..

Evidence staring them right in the fucking face and they come back with this bullshit..

It's like how stupid people are too stupid to realize they're stupid..
What the fuck are you crying about exactly?

That Corporate Board members are overpaid?

You're just angry cos you think you're super smart but work a shitty no-skills minimum wage job.

Well woe is you, you little bitch.
What the fuck are you crying about exactly?

That Corporate Board members are overpaid?

You're just angry cos you think you're super smart but work a shitty no-skills minimum wage job.

Well woe is you, you little bitch.

I'm angry because two entire classes of people are being stolen from, and people like you fail to acknowledge the reasons why when they're so clearly outlined right in front of your face because of obsolete ideologies.

I'm certain you don't understand the scope of the situation, or what those 4 supreme court cases actually mean, and you probably didn't even read the two sentence summary of each of them I gave because of your obsolete ideology.

So keep your head in the sand all you want and go ahead and think you know what you're talking about, everybody here knows you don't.
I'm angry because two entire classes of people are being stolen from, and people like you fail to acknowledge the reasons why when they're so clearly outlined right in front of your face because of obsolete ideologies.

I'm certain you don't understand the scope of the situation, or what those 4 supreme court cases actually mean, and you probably didn't evens read the two sentence summary of each of them I gave because of your obsolete ideology.

So keep your head in the sand all you want and go ahead and think you know what you're talking about, everybody here knows you don't.
So dumb and ignorant.

So tell me Padawanrapist, how do you steal something from someone if they never owned it in the first place?

I'm opposed to crony capitalism but I'm also opposed to Govt interference in the running of a private Corporation.

But you wouldn't understand, cos you've never owned a business and seem to have swallowed Obama's "you didn't build that" bullshit.

But that wouldn't be the first time you've swallowed a large and unpleasant load from the Kenyan in Chief, would it?
I'm opposed to crony capitalism but I'm also opposed to Govt interference in the running of a private Corporation.

You're so fucking retarded it hurts..

Buckley v. Valeo - "Money is speech"

FNBB v. Bellotti - "Corporations have 1st amendment rights"

Citizens United v. FEC - "Government can't restrict campaign expenditures by corporations"

McCutcheon v. FEC - "All contribution limits are unconstitutional"

Not crony capitalism, not even the appearance of crony capitalism..

Right in front of your face.

Like I said, so fucking retarded it hurts..
You're so fucking retarded it hurts..

Buckley v. Valeo - "Money is speech"

FNBB v. Bellotti - "Corporations have 1st amendment rights"

Citizens United v. FEC - "Government can't restrict campaign expenditures by corporations"

McCutcheon v. FEC - "All contribution limits are unconstitutional"

Not crony capitalism, not even the appearance of crony capitalism..

Right in front of your face.

Like I said, so fucking retarded it hurts..
The circle jerk between Corporations and Govt is the very definition of crony capitalism, you immature, arrogant, know-it-all, little fucking retard.

Go find some defenceless person to rape and stick to what you're good at.
The circle jerk between Corporations and Govt is the very definition of crony capitalism, you immature, arrogant, know-it-all, little fucking retard.

Go find some defenceless person to rape and stick to what you're good at.

You just said you're against crony capitalism, and yet I've showed you 4 examples of it as clear as motherfucking day and yet here you are, still bitching...

You couldn't make a bigger fool of yourself if you tried..
You just said you're against crony capitalism, and yet I've showed you 4 examples of it as clear as motherfucking day and yet here you are, still bitching...

You couldn't make a bigger fool of yourself if you tried..
How do Corporate donations have anything to do with Board renumeration?

I dont agree with corporate political donations, and I don't agree with private donations over $100 each.

Still has nothing to do with Board pay tho.