Well-Known Member
they actually come from a licensed contractor with over 30 years experience who i like to call dad.
That explains a lot.
Hey, go ask your dad what the relative humidity in a house should be. I am sure he knows...
they actually come from a licensed contractor with over 30 years experience who i like to call dad.
The fed printing money is just a representation of the growing wealth in America. The wealth is in the buildings, assests, infrastructure and business relationships developed over time.
The money is a representation of wealth. You create wealth by creating buildings, machinery, assets.
When we arrived on the shores of America there was NOTHING. Now we are a superpower worth trillions. Where did all that WEALTH come from if it was not created?? You seem to be missing a basic understanding of the economy.
I have the income I want. I make my own wealth by providing products and/or services. My needs are met. I am simply trying to explain to people who have not had the benefit of an education outside the public school system that the American dream is still possible. What they dont want to hear about is that it is still hard work to achieve.
You seem to be missing the fact that the hard work is not the problem part; the LACK OF ACCESS TO EFFECTIVE MEANS, is.
The "American Dream" is only available for those who are privileged enough to encounter the means to make it happen. Without those privileged means (whether self-created or otherwise), all the hard work in the world won't mean shit.
I assure you, there is plenty hard work to go around. The real problem is that those looking to buy labor, want the best labor at the cheapest prices, and then wonder why they're not getting the best labor for their dollar.What exactly are the MEANS and how has business fundamentally changed to remove these from the average person?
Lack of hard work is the problem. Everyone wants stuff to come easy and expected. Padwan wants a guaranteed 40K salary immediately after leaving college.
You can still become wealthy in America if you work hard. You start a small business and build it up. I have started several businesses in the last few years and profited quite handsomely for my time.
What frustrates me is all these people trying to tell me the system is broken when it is the same as it always has been with the exception that there is more government regulation, legislation and other crap that the small business owner has to deal with.
You missed the point, again.
I don't want "to merely survive."
I want to Prosper.
And no, actually i didn't survive. I'm only alive today because
i'll go super concise for you: "because i had help."I stopped there. Lost interest.
I assure you, there is plenty hard work to go around. The real problem is that those looking to buy labor, want the best labor at the cheapest prices, and then wonder why they're not getting the best labor for their dollar.
Lack of hard work is not the problem. Most people are willing to bust ass in exchange for their wants and needs. What they're not willing to do, is accept too little compensation for their best labor-product, and put up with an overly critical, greedy, penny-pinching jerk of a boss, who expects everyone to value boss-man's profits above their own.
You don't amass considerable wealth by selling your time and labor for dollars; you do so by paying other people less than they want, to do all the work for you. If you scrape a small profit from the labor of numerous employees, you've accumulated large profits, much larger than any single person can do by merely selling their own time, energy, labor, health, etc., for an insufficient wage, which is only touted as "sufficient" by those trying to pay the least for it... who are also the only ones claiming "lack of hard work is the problem."
So railing away on a stoner forum is getting you?
Only Financial idiots get a tax return check. Why would you lend your money to someone for a year and get no interest payment on it? Why not invest it in a safe bond vehicle or something so you can grow your money instead of throw it away? If you are getting tax return checks you aren't really paying attention to your finances.does the easter bunny drop off the tax return check?
Only Financial idiots get a tax return check. Why would you lend your money to someone for a year and get no interest payment on it? Why not invest it in a safe bond vehicle or something so you can grow your money instead of throw it away? If you are getting tax return checks you aren't really paying attention to your finances.
Why would you overpay your taxes?
I think buck got a tax return check for all the taxers he paid in in the last 5 years, $79 or something like that. He doesn't pay taxes on his sales of the treadmills. He harps on tax dodgers, while being one himself, same as being a racist who calls everyone else a racist so as to throw the scent off. The guy is like a 50/50 mix of hypocrite and asshole rolled into one.You can tell some here are not used to paying taxes.
I'd suggest you stop thinking of wealth in finite terms. Bill Gates doesn't make billions by making you earn less. Our pie that we all eat from can grow bigger everyday under the right circumstances. I think we both agree that today's economic climate isn't exactly the best circumstances anymore, but I'd bet we differ on the issues.
Grow your own slice, it doesn't mean you are taking from someone else, honest.
Please paste the text of this proposed amendment?What do you mean by "corporate law", and how would you fix it sub an amendment?
Do you think adding that 28th amendment that I outlined would be good/bad? Why?
What exactly are the MEANS and how has business fundamentally changed to remove these from the average person?
Lack of hard work is the problem. Everyone wants stuff to come easy and expected. Padwan wants a guaranteed 40K salary immediately after leaving college.
You can still become wealthy in America if you work hard. You start a small business and build it up. I have started several businesses in the last few years and profited quite handsomely for my time.
What frustrates me is all these people trying to tell me the system is broken when it is the same as it always has been with the exception that there is more government regulation, legislation and other crap that the small business owner has to deal with.
Simply not true. The money supply is indeed finite.
Please paste the text of this proposed amendment?
No, we've been trying to tell you that legislation over the past fifteen years has made a bad problem exponentially worse.
Go back at look at the graphs again; the country's prosperity is tilting and sinking under the weight of an privileged bloat class, and it can't continue any more than the dot com boon could in the late nineties.
That is only true in the case of currency users, not issuers.Simply not true. The money supply is indeed finite.
This is the same guy that gives alcohol to toddlers?they actually come from a licensed contractor with over 30 years experience who i like to call dad.
Many economists point to Clinton repealing Glass-Steagal, which prevented S&Ls from also being investment banks to the main cause of the collapse of our economy. What they did with credit default swaps should be criminal.
Clinton's advisor has made over 100M since the repeal, so we've got that going for us.
Glass-Steagal was implemented after the 29' crash to make sure it didn't happen again.
The new legislation passed under Obama's first term did nothing to address the underlying problem, eliminated any possible competition to the too big to fail banks, and made those entities that were too big, bigger.
Yes it's a rigged game. Still doesn't mean that somebody getting a million dollar bonus at AT&T means it comes out of the pocket of someone working at Wal-mart (other than increased costs of AT&T products which can be avoided).