Inequality and the USA: A nation in denial?

I'm angry because two entire classes of people are being stolen from, and people like you fail to acknowledge the reasons why when they're so clearly outlined right in front of your face because of obsolete ideologies.

I'm certain you don't understand the scope of the situation, or what those 4 supreme court cases actually mean, and you probably didn't even read the two sentence summary of each of them I gave because of your obsolete ideology.

So keep your head in the sand all you want and go ahead and think you know what you're talking about, everybody here knows you don't.

Your lips move but nothing that makes sense comes out...

Obsolete ideologies... LOL!!!

Capitalism is not an ideology it is a financial construct. People either get to keep the money they earn or they dont. You dont think they should. We get that.

You dont think they should because you havent gotten yours yet. And you somehow think that someone is going to GIVE it to you. You have to EARN it... You have to make yourself worth more than you take in and allow someone else to PROFIT off of you. The more revenue you can bring in, the higher salary you can command. That is not an obsolete ideology...
Boards of fortune 500 companies are comprised of very wealthy individuals, 0.01% individuals, their corporations lobby congress to lower the income, corporate and capital gains tax rates, those individuals and their corporations pay less taxes.

Republicans and Democrats play this exact same game

(Again, look at the 1980 mark, coincidence?)

Boards of fortune 500 companies are comprised of very wealthy individuals, 0.01% individuals, their corporations lobby congress to lower the income, corporate and capital gains tax rates, those individuals and their corporations pay less taxes.

Republicans and Democrats play this exact same game

(Again, look at the 1980 mark, coincidence?)


Now go look at how many millionaires are in congress and cry me a fucking river...

Rich people are going to work hard to make themselves poorer to help you out. LOL!!! Fucking Priceless....

Like giving the fox the keys to the henhouse to investigate the mysterious disappearances...

The very people you are asking to help you are the very people you define as the problem. Talk about insanity!! LOL!
Boards of fortune 500 companies are comprised of very wealthy individuals, 0.01% individuals, their corporations lobby congress to lower the income, corporate and capital gains tax rates, those individuals and their corporations pay less taxes.

Republicans and Democrats play this exact same game

(Again, look at the 1980 mark, coincidence?)

Oh so now it's about taxes, not pay.

What about the lower class that pays virtually no tax? They have the right to demand moar from the guy whose already putting in a million dollars or more per year?

Padawanrapist, I'm surprised you get any victims at all with how dim and obvious you are.
Obsolete ideologies being the the false paradigm between left/right politics, not capitalism


You fail to convey your message properly and I am the idiot? Yeah, it is always everyone elses fault. You are so worthless. A product of the American school system.

I can see why your only hope is to plead for the government to give you some scraps... Maybe to force someone to employ you and pay you more than they think you are worth...
Obviously you don't understand how constitutional amendments work

16 states have already passed resolutions calling on congress to propose the 28th amendment, and over 150 members of congress support it;

And the politicians have talked about energy independence for over 4 decades. They talk about immigration reform and social security reform and medicare reform. And all they do is continue talking because it is just enough to satisfy your dumb ass...

Neither side is going to cut off their dicks to make you happy .... It just isnt going to happen. They will be talk, discussions, hand wringing and when it is all said and done they will tell you that it was a close vote but just didnt make it. Then they will blame it on the other party and you will eat it up as usual.
We're taking back what your generation gave away willingly because you were too stupid and complacent to know any better, just like a little kid

Which is my generation and what did I give away willingly? I am a business owner. I am a productive member of society. I make as much money as I want to and know how to make more if it suits my needs.

You are the one that seems incapable of understanding the rules and how to get ahead. It isnt that difficult. Show up on time and do a good job. After that you need to continue to improve yourself and make yourself more valuable. People who dont want to do that can start a business and run it the way they want to.

Stop hoping that someone else is going to make your life better. It isnt going to happen and government certainly never did it for people.
I can hear you saying this exact same thing to a woman in 1918

How'd that turn out again...?

Let me ask you a question Padwan. Lets say for a moment that this passes and money isnt donated directly to the campaigns. (what they will do is create PAC's or a dozen other methods around it).

How is it going to make your life better?

What do you envision the government doing that is going to improve your lot in life?
Let me ask you a question Padwan. Lets say for a moment that this passes and money isnt donated directly to the campaigns. (what they will do is create PAC's or a dozen other methods around it).

How is it going to make your life better?

What do you envision the government doing that is going to improve your lot in life?

When it passes..

If they will simply "create PAC's or a dozen other methods around it", they wouldn't have had to have 4 supreme court decisions to do it.

It will make my, (and your and any other US citizens) life better by ensuring 95% of the candidates who spend more on their campaigns win the election, which means more average Americans who are not super wealthy will have more direct control over who represents them in Washington.

It actually makes sense why someone like you would oppose such a measure; lower class citizens tend to vote democrat... interesting.

That analogy makes no sense.

Nobody is being denied rights here.

The analogy is completely valid. You said government never made anyones life better. The 14th and 19th amendment granted voting rights to blacks and women, inarguably making their lives better.
When it passes..

If they will simply "create PAC's or a dozen other methods around it", they wouldn't have had to have 4 supreme court decisions to do it.

It will make my, (and your and any other US citizens) life better by ensuring 95% of the candidates who spend more on their campaigns win the election, which means more average Americans who are not super wealthy will have more direct control over who represents them in Washington.

It actually makes sense why someone like you would oppose such a measure; lower class citizens tend to vote democrat... interesting.

The analogy is completely valid. You said government never made anyones life better. The 14th and 19th amendment granted voting rights to blacks and women, inarguably making their lives better.

They changed the very laws the government enforced in the first place... Government made things bad by not allowing voting for women and blacks and when they suddenly change they are hero's??
You are so brainwashed... LOL!!

95% of the candidates that spend the most should win an election?? Isnt it supposed to be about what the people want??

The problem is that the situation benefits everyone but the tax payer. The corporations pay the politicians to get favors and the politicians pass legislation to be able to fuck with more aspects of business in order to leverage more *donations*. The corporations win by making more profit due to tax loopholes, etc. The politicians get more campaign funds.

Again, why are they going to cut off their own dicks???

If you spent more time worrying about yourself and trying to make your life better you would find it is much more productive than hoping those fucks in Washington do anything for you.
They changed the very laws the government enforced in the first place... Government made things bad by not allowing voting for women and blacks and when they suddenly change they are hero's??
You are so brainwashed... LOL!!

95% of the candidates that spend the most should win an election?? Isnt it supposed to be about what the people want??

"It will make my, (and your and any other US citizens) life better by ensuring 95% of the candidates who spend more on their campaigns don't* win the election, which means more average Americans who are not super wealthy will have more direct control over who represents them in Washington. "


Right now, 95% of the candidates who spend more on their campaigns win the election. If we remove the money, politicians will have to win elections based on their public platform.

The problem is that the situation benefits everyone but the tax payer. The corporations pay the politicians to get favors and the politicians pass legislation to be able to fuck with more aspects of business in order to leverage more *donations*. The corporations win by making more profit due to tax loopholes, etc. The politicians get more campaign funds.

Again, why are they going to cut off their own dicks???

16 states have already passed resolutions. Why would 16 states pass resolutions if it's "cutting off their own dicks"? Because state legislatures are made up of regular people, not career politicians. 2 states, Vermont and California have already officially called for the convention! 34 is the magic number, and it will take time, but it will pass. The constitution outlines in article V how to go above congress, we don't need congress, we just need 34 state legislatures to call for the convention, and 38 states to pass the amendment.

"It will make my, (and your and any other US citizens) life better by ensuring 95% of the candidates who spend more on their campaigns don't* win the election, which means more average Americans who are not super wealthy will have more direct control over who represents them in Washington. "


Right now, 95% of the candidates who spend more on their campaigns win the election. If we remove the money, politicians will have to win elections based on their public platform.

16 states have already passed resolutions. Why would 16 states pass resolutions if it's "cutting off their own dicks"? Because state legislatures are made up of regular people, not career politicians. 2 states, Vermont and California have already officially called for the convention! 34 is the magic number, and it will take time, but it will pass. The constitution outlines in article V how to go above congress, we don't need congress, we just need 34 state legislatures to call for the convention, and 38 states to pass the amendment.

Yo Padawanrapist, you never told us you're on YouTube talking about "the cause"...

Yo Padawanrapist, you never told us you're on YouTube talking about "the cause"...

Intellectually deficient and unoriginal..

I bet a lot of people in your life really pity you..

Have you ever had a real meaningful relationship in your entire life that wasn't mandatory due to blood relations?