Inequality and the USA: A nation in denial?

Padawanrapist might be the first person to ever make my ignore list, he literally adds nothing to the conversation except high school age, extreme lefty bullshit.

Don't worry Padawanrapist, you'll swing way further to the centre when you realise lefties are ideologues and nothing more.
Money supply is the total supply of currency or other liquid assets in an economy at a particular time.

This can be increased at any time with the click of a the fuck is it not infinite?

Stop trying to argue semantics like a little bitch, you've no point to make.

So many fucking pretenders on here.

But it isn't increased without limit, therefore it is finite.

I guess black is white now, too?

And how does 'little bitch' figure in your argument, other than to prove you've no mind to open?
i guess its ok to be an ideologue untill you have a , morgage , car note , insurance to pay on both , property tax , phone ,water/sewer ,grocery , vet/doctor bills , home improvement and matainance , then you get to live after youve paid those , that is if you work hard and not to expect to get 15$hr for flipping a fkn hamburger . NEED MORE FRIES , WHOSE DROPPING FRIES !! LIKE THATS WERTH $15hr.
im not a repub or dem neither represent me but the far left is completely out of its mind .
i guess its ok to be an ideologue untill you have a , morgage , car note , insurance to pay on both , property tax , phone ,water/sewer ,grocery , vet/doctor bills , home improvement and matainance , then you get to live after youve paid those , that is if you work hard and not to expect to get 15$hr for flipping a fkn hamburger . NEED MORE FRIES , WHOSE DROPPING FRIES !! LIKE THATS WERTH $15hr.
im not a repub or dem neither represent me but the far left is completely out of its mind .

Exactly. There is no difference between right and left anymore, they've both been bought and paid for by those with money to use the same as free speech.

Fuck this country's leadership and those who by their action or inaction let it happen. Y'all can have it. You done screwed up the whole world, haven't you?

Can any of you think if even one moral or ethical principle America can be counted on to uphold?

Me neither.
that would be the best place to make sidearms manditory . you think thugs would be as braizen if everybody was packing a heater ? granny would whip out a sauer p238 and get their problem solved .

You are preaching to the choir on this one.
But it isn't increased without limit, therefore it is finite.

I guess black is white now, too?

And how does 'little bitch' figure in your argument, other than to prove you've no mind to open?
Are you being deliberately dense?

It is only limited by the Board of the Fed.

You taken delivery on a Comex cert yet?
i think you two harre and tstik are coming to the same conclusion but thru differant paths . seems like there is more in common than not .
Exactly. There is no difference between right and left anymore, they've both been bought and paid for by those with money to use the same as free speech.

Fuck this country's leadership and those who by their action or inaction let it happen. Y'all can have it. You done screwed up the whole world, haven't you?

Can any of you think if even one moral or ethical principle America can be counted on to uphold?

Me neither.
"might makes right."
"he who has the gold, makes the rules."

Not compatible with my moral/ethical alignment... but morality and ethics principles, nonetheless.

I was going to include "comply or die," but i think that strays too far from "morality and ethics," despite the fact that Amerika can be counted on to uphold it.
NOBODY is saying government is not the problem you daft cunt. Learn how to fuckin' read..

The government IS THE FUCKIN' PROBLEM!!

Crony capitalism requires government AND CORPORATIONS, where the fuck do you think the bribes come from?

You are crediting the entire situation to JUST THE GOVERNMENT, and discounting the corporations and their bribes because you're a republican and you've been spoon fed your entire worthless life that republicans support business. And if a republican was in office, you'd be saying everybody's just lazy and the goddamn immigrants are taking all the jobs and all the other ancient, tired, played out, retarded, not ever going to get your pitiful ass elected again talking points..

You can't even defend your ignorant position because you don't even understand half the fuckin' equation.

Fuck, you're worthless.

LOL!!! I am a libertarian that is registered as an independent.

Corporations wouldnt pay off the government if the government didnt have the power to fuck with them... Congress keeps approprating more power to fuck with corporations and thus gets more donations to get left alone or to get special treatment.

LOL!!! I am a libertarian that is registered as an independent.

Corporations wouldnt pay off the government if the government didnt have the power to fuck with them... Congress keeps approprating more power to fuck with corporations and thus gets more donations to get left alone or to get special treatment.

So you equate Government with a Mafia protection racket?
LOL!!! I am a libertarian that is registered as an independent.

Corporations wouldnt pay off the government if the government didnt have the power to fuck with them... Congress keeps approprating more power to fuck with corporations and thus gets more donations to get left alone or to get special treatment.
I think it's the other way around, in that "corporations" wouldn't pay to adjust laws to benefit themselves, if the government didn't have both the power to enforce, and the vulnerabilities to be exploited for gains. I think if "corporations" were ever at odds with government policies, they would strive to find ways to subvert the policies and/or government... which many have now effectively done, which is part of why things are as they are now, and "corporations" (i.e. contrived business entities representing the special interests of small groups based on establishing profit engines) apparently have more rights than "individuals." Essentially, this amounts to a misrepresented circumstance, in which the will of a "group" is held as more important than the will of "one person," but in fact, it's not just "one person" versus "a group," and even if it was, we're supposed to be protecting the minorities, not using "mob rule" (aka "democracy") to determine that a group of wealthy investors should have the right to circumvent and disregard the protections for the individuals, meant to be preserved, not "granted," by the constitution and bill of rights. They've even gone as far as to launch massive propaganda campaigns, in order to Con-vince enough people to vote for the ideas they want; which is often contrary to the ideas of "life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness."

Government was supposed to stay "small" and stay out of people's personal lives, and people were supposed to remain "Free." Much has happened since, and now there is a "faction" which asserts it has legitimate authority to harm "individuals" for the sake of its own gains. And despite the blatantly fallacious nature of nearly all of their attempts to self-justify, they continue to back all of their assertions with more and more violence against We The People.

I consider them infidels and usurpers, hijackers even; certainly not the rightful leaders of this nation.
So you equate Government with a Mafia protection racket?
Yeah that's a good description, its a bit far removed from actual strong arm tactics that wise guys would use, but in essence the same. Big corporations must provide big donations to politicians or, somehow, amazingly, legislation does not go in their favor.

For example: My way of life would be incompatible with an efficient and free market. I grow corn which is turned into fuel, the essence of my business, but fuel from corn uses more energy to produce than it has in it as a fuel. It is a negative situation, but lobbyists for the big corporations have created laws that require ethanol in the fuel and have created an artificial demand for my product, one in which the majority of us are forced to use every year. So now I have this business that normally could not make any money as no one would want to turn corn into fuel when some other easier to grow commodity produces superior results. Without the legislation, corn for fuel operations would essentially be like throwing cash into a black hole. That is just one example. Imagine how much cheaper a college education would be if government wasn't in the business of lending money to its citizen's for such a thing?

Imagine what would happen to the real estate market if you could no longer deduct your mortgage interest on your income taxes?
So now I have this business that normally could not make any money as no one would want to turn corn into fuel when some other easier to grow commodity produces superior results. Without the legislation, corn for fuel operations would essentially be like throwing cash into a black hole. That is just one example.

So you grow corn because you can't grow anything else profitably?

Imagine how much cheaper a college education would be if government wasn't in the business of lending money to its citizen's for such a thing?

Imagine what would happen to the real estate market if you could no longer deduct your mortgage interest on your income taxes?

Why imagine? Why don't you show me what calculations you've made instead?
Or are you asking me to do it because you can't? o_O
LOL!!! I am a libertarian that is registered as an independent.

Corporations wouldnt pay off the government if the government didnt have the power to fuck with them... Congress keeps approprating more power to fuck with corporations and thus gets more donations to get left alone or to get special treatment.

No you're not.

Your a Republican that smokes dope