Well-Known Member
No you're not.
Your a Republican that smokes dope
I cant even watch Hannity half the time anymore without shutting it off.
And I am smoking dope legally thanks to the MMJ program. 1/4 of the way there :]
No you're not.
Your a Republican that smokes dope
No you're not.
Your a Republican that smokes dope
I think it's the other way around, in that "corporations" wouldn't pay to adjust laws to benefit themselves, if the government didn't have both the power to enforce, and the vulnerabilities to be exploited for gains. I think if "corporations" were ever at odds with government policies, they would strive to find ways to subvert the policies and/or government... which many have now effectively done, which is part of why things are as they are now, and "corporations" (i.e. contrived business entities representing the special interests of small groups based on establishing profit engines) apparently have more rights than "individuals." Essentially, this amounts to a misrepresented circumstance, in which the will of a "group" is held as more important than the will of "one person," but in fact, it's not just "one person" versus "a group," and even if it was, we're supposed to be protecting the minorities, not using "mob rule" (aka "democracy") to determine that a group of wealthy investors should have the right to circumvent and disregard the protections for the individuals, meant to be preserved, not "granted," by the constitution and bill of rights. They've even gone as far as to launch massive propaganda campaigns, in order to Con-vince enough people to vote for the ideas they want; which is often contrary to the ideas of "life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness."
Government was supposed to stay "small" and stay out of people's personal lives, and people were supposed to remain "Free." Much has happened since, and now there is a "faction" which asserts it has legitimate authority to harm "individuals" for the sake of its own gains. And despite the blatantly fallacious nature of nearly all of their attempts to self-justify, they continue to back all of their assertions with more and more violence against We The People.
I consider them infidels and usurpers, hijackers even; certainly not the rightful leaders of this nation.
I cant even watch Hannity half the time anymore without shutting it off.
And I am smoking dope legally thanks to the MMJ program. 1/4 of the way there :]
Rob Roy almost has it right.
you've told us before that you are watching fox news from the moment you wake up and then several hours of it every single fucking day.
and you never did fill us in on how you made $100k over 4 years, then sold the shit scraping biz for $50k, only to make $200k in profit.
we all really want to know how you had NEGATIVE $50,000 in operating expenses, taxes, and the like.
thanks again, samantha.
When I say I made x I mean that is the amount I put in my pocket after expenses. Are you begging me to give you a primer in how to be a small business owner? It is easy, you just sponge off your wife for money and lie around on a couch all day watching weeds grow while feeling sorry for yourself. You should know, you are an expert at it!!
ok, so you made $100k in profit over 4 years after operating expenses, taxes, etc.
and you made another $50k in profit after you sold the shit scraping biz and paid taxes, etc.
so how did you make $200k in profit then? where did the other $50,000 come from?
i want to know how you did that, we all do. enlighten us, oh intelligent one.
Thanks ObamaI cant even watch Hannity half the time anymore without shutting it off.
And I am smoking dope legally thanks to the MMJ program. 1/4 of the way there :]
Thanks Obama
you'll do what again ratfuck?
point out that ginwilly was so dumb as to link his personal information to his username at rollitup then cry about his own decision to do so.
You are quite literally putting the cart before the horse.I assure you, there is plenty hard work to go around. The real problem is that those looking to buy labor, want the best labor at the cheapest prices, and then wonder why they're not getting the best labor for their dollar.
Lack of hard work is not the problem. Most people are willing to bust ass in exchange for their wants and needs. What they're not willing to do, is accept too little compensation for their best labor-product, and put up with an overly critical, greedy, penny-pinching jerk of a boss, who expects everyone to value boss-man's profits above their own.
You don't amass considerable wealth by selling your time and labor for dollars; you do so by paying other people less than they want, to do all the work for you. If you scrape a small profit from the labor of numerous employees, you've accumulated large profits, much larger than any single person can do by merely selling their own time, energy, labor, health, etc., for an insufficient wage, which is only touted as "sufficient" by those trying to pay the least for it... who are also the only ones claiming "lack of hard work is the problem."
You are quite literally putting the cart before the horse.
You think jobs exist to provide you with your needs.
Jobs exist to accomplish the necessary tasks of a business.
point out that ginwilly was so dumb as to link his personal information to his username at rollitup then cry about his own decision to do so.
Nope he got his point and retorted accurately.That WHIFF noise is you missing his point completely.
I linked personal info to my username?
Fucker, you had to join a poker site just to get my nickname. A poker site that got real uneasy when a stalker like you arrived and the site owner logged your IP out of fear of what you might be capable of.
Then you joined a dating site that I joined so I could browse for hotties in a new area I moved to and you posted everything from there. The funny part is, I never did more than create a username there for browsing. You ended up posting generic shit.
You constantly run to mods here telling on people and when called out about it, you blamed me for your IP being logged. Took other posters out of context to try to make them look like the narcs. It made you look worse than if you just admitted to what a stalker you are.
Not only are you a pathological liar, you are a horrible person. Every time I see you do some lowhanded shit, you accuse somebody else of doing it in an effort to deflect from your own psychosis.
We can have fun here, we can troll here, but you went after my personal life. All you could find was a nickname and that I was divorced. If you could have found my place of work, address and pictures, there is no doubt you would have posted them.
you lying lowlife sack of shit.
you use the same username on P5s as you do here as you do on your dating profile.
i didn't have to join any of them ya little crybaby.
i have full personal info for several racist members including nietzschekeen and donalejandro. never posted them, not even in private message to trusted friends here.
go spread your bullshit elsewhere, ya racist FBI snitching rat.
Why do you feel the need to stalk people and gather their personal information on the internet?
Sounds kinda snitchy to me...
Why do you feel the need to stalk people and gather their personal information on the internet?
Sounds kinda snitchy to me...