Inequality and the USA: A nation in denial?

Well my opinion is that Bill took a shitty job, and should've read the contract before signing it?

The contract does list details of wages, which are signed by the employer and potential employee.

And you're an employer? That'd be the fucking day, lol, even in a hypothetical it's too ridiculous.

you're funny, leprechaun.

you always complain about the "welfare state", then you rail against paying full time workers enough money to survive without some form of welfare.

you want to have your indignant pissing and shit on it too.

stupid fucking leprechauns.
I'm an employer, there are 90K unemployed, I offer $.01/hour...

The droves fill out applications, because they're starving. So many to choose from, I find the best suited at the lowest price. I hire Bill. He's great, so after 3 months, I give him $.02/hour overtime, DOUBLE!! Plus benefits. HOLY SHIT I'm generous!

I get his full time plus half that and only have to pay him $.02! Fucking owned!

My company, that Bill works for, jumps 15% in the stock market, my shareholders are happy! Instead of allocating that 15% throughout the company [and Bill], I give it to me and my shareholders, and tell Bill that times are tough, his time will come, he just has to work a little bit harder and make sure the company grows, because if the company grows, as a valued employee, he'll grow too!...

4 decades pass..

Bill's been working for said company the entire time, all the while he's seen a 2%-3% annual raise, if he's lucky, no bonus', and benefits were cut a long time ago.. The CEO and top officers have seen a 96% increase, annually, since business began.. already on top of their million dollar salaries..

Bill and his coworkers can barely afford to put food on the table or provide for their families while a handful of executives use the profits earned by Bill and his colleagues labor to pay for their expenses..

IMO, the saddest part is how the GOP has brainwashed the conservative right, made up of mostly poor Americans, to vote/believe bullshit that go against their best interests, using Christianity, racism, equal rights, and all the other bullshit diversionary tactics to separate people between party lines.

The whole American government, from house to Senate to Supreme Court to the White house is filled with corruption. Most conservatives I talk to only see the corruption on the left and champion the right. Most liberal, center, independent people I talk to see the corruption throughout the whole of the government.

The fanatical conservative right will be dead within a decade, so I'm not too worried. Average O'Reilly factor viewer is 64, LOL! That idiots show will be gone when his demographic dies off, same with Hannity, same with most of Fox News..

Old media has been on the out for about a decade already, most of it will be gone within 10 years, we simply don't need it anymore. If you look at any measurement, they all signal the same thing

Nobody will work for .01 an hour. It isnt based in reality. Of course, most of your reality is fantasy so we should not be surprised.

Even mexicans working under the table are not doing it for less than $8.00 per hour.
Right. And every time it happens in our name, WE the People are the ones who are made less secure, less wealthy and the first to be sent to war to suffer the consequences.

Those are high stakes, high enough to make me want to change the system.

High enough for me to sacrifice a lot to do it.

If you allow me, I call your bluff. So far, you have done nothing, correct?

So far, you have no idea of what to change it from, since you seem to be quite lost as to what is actually going on.

If you don't know what we have, and how it actually works
If you don't have the will of People to back you
If you have no idea of what to change the System to (all the others are failures)
If you don't understand the consequences of the current system

Then you don't know how to change it

And so you will not change or make any useful sacrifice, big talker.

And I sure wish someone with a lot of experience in how worthless street fighting was,
would have clued me in.

So, tell me what actions you will take today and tomorrow?
Tell me what sacrifices you have made so far?

you're funny, leprechaun.

you always complain about the "welfare state", then you rail against paying full time workers enough money to survive without some form of welfare.

you want to have your indignant pissing and shit on it too.

stupid fucking leprechauns.
I believe in a support system but not perpetual welfare.

I also support free education and healthcare too.

But some jobs just don't provide a liveable wage, who honestly expects to support a family and pay a mortgage as a fry technician in McD's except retarded lefties like Padawanrapist?

Even you knew you couldn't support your lifestyle working a shitty minimum wage job so you made gainful employment for yourself.
Nobody will work for .01 an hour. It isnt based in reality. Of course, most of your reality is fantasy so we should not be surprised.

Even mexicans working under the table are not doing it for less than $8.00 per hour.

So how is eight bucks an hour REALLY any different?!

Please don't tell me you're trying to discount his whole post because you took his obviously satirical number literally?
If you allow me, I call your bluff. So far, you have done nothing, correct?

So far, you have no idea of what to change it from, since you seem to be quite lost as to what is actually going on.

If you don't know what we have, and how it actually works
If you don't have the will of People to back you
If you have no idea of what to change the System to (all the others are failures)
If you don't understand the consequences of the current system

Then you don't know how to change it

And so you will not change or make any useful sacrifice, big talker.

And I sure wish someone with a lot of experience in how worthless street fighting was,
would have clued me in.

So, tell me what actions you will take today and tomorrow?
Tell me what sacrifices you have made so far?


I've already got you thinking. My aim at the moment is to plant the idea that change IS within our reach and that no one else will change this country for the better if We the People don't do it.

So far, by your own standard, you're doing even less than I am.

You haven't a clue what I do and don't know about the workings of our government, you've just made some rather poor assumptions about me.

For openers, I'm reducing the price of pot; my aim with my technology is to drive the price down so far that those who really need it can afford it- and that the greedy will lose their shirts.

What have YOU done lately? That is, besides heckling those of us who ARE doing something?
How much tax do you pay?

The price of pot is moving down so that is nothing
I don't pay taxes on my illegally gotten gains in the state of Connecticut. They, the state, opened the 1st dispensary yesterday in the next town down the road. I am thinking that should be a go to place to go Home Depot on them. What do you think?. IT IS ALL GOING TO BE LEGAL SOON. Grow the best, and you will ALWAY'S MAKE MONEY.
you're funny, leprechaun.

you always complain about the "welfare state", then you rail against paying full time workers enough money to survive without some form of welfare.

you want to have your indignant pissing and shit on it too.

stupid fucking leprechauns.

Please insert one obligatory Wendy's shit comment here -
How much tax do you pay?

The price of pot is moving down so that is nothing

PLENTY, I assure you.

I love how you are so offhand in your assumptions. If I was a dealer I would not be able to influence the overall price of pot, just what I'm selling.

Since I'm a systems engineer and my methods cut growing costs by a conservative factor of THREE at commercial scale, yes, I'M doing something that absolutely WILL affect the future price of pot.

Besides being an ineffectual blowhard who can't back up a thing he says- and resorts to belittling others to further his arguments, what else have you got?

Doesn't work with me, pal.
PLENTY, I assure you.

I love how you are so offhand in your assumptions. If I was a dealer I would not be able to influence the overall price of pot, just what I'm selling.

Since I'm a systems engineer and my methods cut growing costs by a conservative factor of THREE at commercial scale, yes, I'M doing something that absolutely WILL affect the future price of pot.

Besides being an ineffectual blowhard who can't back up a thing he says- and resorts to belittling others to further his arguments, what else have you got?

Doesn't work with me, pal.

You are no Nathan Hale. Get over it. Patriots sacrifice. I've put my blood on the pavement...well a cop did that.

Pot price?...foul ball That is not SACRIFICE. Who, we ask, is the blowhard, here? You TALK about lowering your price of Pot so you can save us from War. It is a bit clownish, this tap dance to recover your ego. Let us review.
Right. And every time it happens in our name, WE the People are the ones who are made less secure, less wealthy and the first to be sent to war to suffer the consequences.

Those are high stakes, high enough to make me want to change the system.

High enough for me to sacrifice a lot to do it.

Just a puddle of pee-pee I challenged you about and now you tap dance about your pot price? FAILURE
Grow methods that increase yield will certainly be a factor in pricing in the future, but price equilibrium will only shift to its natural point* when external unwanted players are eliminated from the equation.

The present pot business model appears aimed towards a taxed and permission based kinda sorta legal in
the very near future. When that happens the amount of the tax by the various government thieves will factor into the retail price.
This is the wildcard that will only be revealed when the dust settles.

* a natural point for prices can only be achieved when there is a truly free market

Do carry on though.
Grow methods that increase yield will certainly be a factor in pricing in the future, but price equilibrium will only shift to its natural point* when external unwanted players are eliminated from the equation.

The present pot business model appears aimed towards a taxed and permission based kinda sorta legal in
the very near future. When that happens the amount of the tax by the various government thieves will factor into the retail price.
This is the wildcard that will only be revealed when the dust settles.

* a natural point for prices can only be achieved when there is a truly free market

Do carry on though.

I'm driving the natural price point down. The artificially supported retail price will always approach the natural price in inverse proportion to said support; the less 'support', the closer it will be to the natural price. Retail doesn't hover in midair forever, unless you buy a seat at deBeers.
I'm driving the natural price point down. The artificially supported retail price will always approach the natural price in inverse proportion to said support; the less 'support', the closer it will be to the natural price. Retail doesn't hover in midair forever, unless you buy a seat at deBeers.

I agree that retail price doesn't hover in midair, it will fluctuate with supply and demand. My point was the anticipated taxation will skew the market as it is a variable outside the normal supply / demand relationship found in a genuine free market.

If the taxes are high enough, there will probably still be a viable black market....have to give the piggies something to do catching the boot legging moon shiner types.