Don't count on U.S. relations with the world reverting comfortably to a pre-Trump norm, however. In the past few years, American allies have received a crash course in how easily global agreements with the U.S. can be undone, depending on which party holds office.
As well, the polarization of American politics has spilled into the global arena, with new debates over U.S. nationalism and the country's role in the world.
"There will be concerns about the credibility and reliability of U.S. commitments," said Jonathan Wood, lead North American analyst for Control Risks, an international political and economic risk-consulting firm.
"One thing that is abundantly clear, when you raise the question in Canada or Europe or elsewhere, is that some of the things that have been let out of the bag the last four years can't easily be put back."
We've seen the moronic clusterfuck that is the US political system. We've seen that you don't give a fuck about anyone outside your borders. We've seen that you will use and manipulate us for your own selfish ends. We've seen that good-faith negotiation means nothing and protocol and decency and honesty can be ignored at your whim.
We've seen that the USA is not a friend or an ally, and that you can't be trusted.
If you think you can put the last 4 years behind you and pretend it never happened, you are wrong.