In the Aftermath of Trump's election loss.

Are you seeking an Australian completely totalitarian style lockdown in the us? Scary man. Also when you look at deaths per capita us is 10th. After the uk. Way ahead of spain but really pretty average. Don't believe the hype.

You pretend it's all out war or useless. How will joe protect our interests. I think it went well. For the third time it brought tibet, hong kong, and the ccp into the minds of millions of americans. Clearly your goal is simply to sell as much stuff as possible morals be damned.
There might be camp covids for those who don't comply with public health orders or who agitate and protest against them, protest from behind razor wire. With 200,000 lives on the line Joe will have no problem locking assholes up, it's more people than several Vietnams. Whine from behind the wire.
Mental illness should not be a political issue. There would be less addicts if there were less drugs on the street and bad influences growing up and more working fathers in more households. There would be less addicts if life as an addict was hard. There are no addicts on the streets in mexico.
Agreed, it should be taken care of, it sucks that the Republican party has made it a political issue.

The rest is just you again talking out of your ass and pretending like you have done the work to make sure what you are saying is not just more bullshit.

There are so many reasons people get messed up in our society, all you are doing is using it as a populous message to provide cover for the trolling of these people for the Republican political benefit.
I think these sheep are way to far gone to realize this.
Why the troll? Are you feeling like lashing out?
Agreed, it should be taken care of, it sucks that the Republican party has made it a political issue.

The rest is just you again talking out of your ass and pretending like you have done the work to make sure what you are saying is not just more bullshit.

There are so many reasons people get messed up in our society, all you are doing is using it as a populous message to provide cover for the trolling of these people for the Republican political benefit.

Why the troll? Are you feeling like lashing out?
He's avoiding Donald and ignoring the elephant in the room, dipshit was a big Trumper and I believe claimed to be Canadian at one point. He must have just gotten over his shock like Donald and is now in the lashing out and distraction phase.
Obama: This is what 72 million votes for Trump says to me

In a CBS interview with Gayle King, Former President Barack Obama says the 2020 presidential election results indicate that America is still very divided, thanks in part to the fact that its citizens are operating on a different set of facts.
Are you seeking an Australian completely totalitarian style lockdown in the us? Scary man. Also when you look at deaths per capita us is 10th. After the uk. Way ahead of spain but really pretty average. Don't believe the hype.

You pretend it's all out war or useless. How will joe protect our interests. I think it went well. For the third time it brought tibet, hong kong, and the ccp into the minds of millions of americans. Clearly your goal is simply to sell as much stuff as possible morals be damned.
Trump's administration killed more than 200,000 people by failing in its response to the epidemic.


Joe is not President, Trump is and has been. You said Trump "stood up to China". Tell me, how did that go? I see unabated repression of freedom in China, the Chinese government's take over of Hong Kong, the imprisonment of nearly a million Uighur people, the settlement of Tibet by Han Chinese and pugnacious military actions by the Chinese government in its area while you cite rhetoric. Laughing at your "Trump stood up to China" statement. It is just meaningless fluff. True to form, you just excuse his failures.

Trump lost fair and square on Nov. 3. He lost by a landslide. He called the magnitude of his loss -- a landslide.

Damn, Sanders could change direction without losing speed, fucking phenomenal. Similarly, Marcus Allen would simply drop the ball after crossing the goal line. Class acts. I've distanced myself from football, but I have some great memories.

I'm sad to let go of my sister and her family because of this, but I have to live with myself and I cannot tolerate someone who would support a kidnapper, just for fun and inflicting pain/suffering.

what does that say about her most inner self and instincts? if it came down to self preservation your family or hers..last can of food on the shelf that belongs to you/your kids- you both have her?

we've all lost family and the only you can do is 1) protect yourself at all costs 2) keep the door open- no enticements; she has to come back on her own.
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Also when you look at deaths per capita us is 10th. After the uk. Way ahead of spain but really pretty average. Don't believe the hype.
Nice try, but 10th highest death rate out of 195 countries doesn't sound so good.

1. Belgium
2. Peru
3. Spain
4. Argentina
5. Brazil
6. Chile
7. UK
8. Mexico
9. USA
10. The other 186 countries.

Let's look at cases per capita, that's what can break our medical system.
1. Bahrain
2. Qatar
3. Belgium
4. Czechia
5. Armenia
6. Israel
7. USA
8. The other 188 countries

The US has 4% of world population and 20% of infections.
Don't count on U.S. relations with the world reverting comfortably to a pre-Trump norm, however. In the past few years, American allies have received a crash course in how easily global agreements with the U.S. can be undone, depending on which party holds office.

As well, the polarization of American politics has spilled into the global arena, with new debates over U.S. nationalism and the country's role in the world.

"There will be concerns about the credibility and reliability of U.S. commitments," said Jonathan Wood, lead North American analyst for Control Risks, an international political and economic risk-consulting firm.

"One thing that is abundantly clear, when you raise the question in Canada or Europe or elsewhere, is that some of the things that have been let out of the bag the last four years can't easily be put back."

We've seen the moronic clusterfuck that is the US political system. We've seen that you don't give a fuck about anyone outside your borders. We've seen that you will use and manipulate us for your own selfish ends. We've seen that good-faith negotiation means nothing and protocol and decency and honesty can be ignored at your whim.

We've seen that the USA is not a friend or an ally, and that you can't be trusted.

If you think you can put the last 4 years behind you and pretend it never happened, you are wrong.
I for one think your wrong ..... mostly :(. I do think we all understand that as much as this could, and quite possibly may happen again, to some degree, Trumps handling of foreign affairs was a one off event. Biden is already putting the “America first” slogan back in the bottle. The US is the most valuable trading partner Canada has and we will lick their balls to some degree to keep that relationship alive.
I can’t stand this stupid shit anymore. What’s the debate?
Trump lost. Like you’ve never seen before.
By fighting and whining Donald is called a loser more and more everyday, everybody expected this bullshit and worse. Ron Klain is starting to put the transition heat on and he is gonna be Joe's main man and voice, Ron will figure out how to deal with Donald, I hear he is quite smart and quite adept at these things. They need to get a handle on the huge logistical problems of producing and distributing a vaccine as priority one and that's where his focus appears to be. Start getting used to competent government, it will be quite a change, as order is brought to chaos.
By fighting and whining Donald is called a loser more and more everyday, everybody expected this bullshit
You're underage then? Remember 2000 and 1996? Elections are frequently decided in the new year by lawers. Nothing new here. Nothing wrong or unprecedented about his approach. What is whining but more than 15 different impeachment attempts over 3 years? Never forget that instead of tabling bipartisan bills the democrats would rather screech "collusion" and "impeach" rather than collaborate.
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avoiding Donald and ignoring the elephant in the room, dipshit was a big Trumper and I believe claimed to be Canadian at one point.
Oh DIY. I have never been a trumper. Everyone knows he's an idiot. Just the better choice once again. All my posts are about *individual* agency about choosing what's best *for you and yours*, and about going to primary sources as much as possible in order to draw your own conclusions rather than blindly following so-called "trusted sources". I am open to changing my mind on everything I talk about, that's *why* I talk about it. I fear a lot of people only talk about things to gain acceptance and social capital.

And my spelling is not that bad btw ;)
Oh DIY. I have never been a trumper. Everyone knows he's an idiot. Just the better choice once again. All my posts are about *individual* agency about choosing what's best *for you and yours*, and about going to primary sources as much as possible in order to draw your own conclusions rather than blindly following so-called "trusted sources". I am open to changing my mind on everything I talk about, that's *why* I talk about it. I fear a lot of people only talk about things to gain acceptance and social capital.

And my spelling is not that bad btw ;)
The cult of the individual is bullshit, people form sharing communities and hieratical social structures instinctively and always will, it is what it is.

Its a symptom of a larger antisocial issue you have, you refuse to form a sharing community with those you don't like. You are a slave to your conditioning and incapable of personal evolution, unable or unwilling to come to terms with the true nature of reality. You live in a subjective world and lack any real objectivity, everything is transactional what's in it for me. I personally don't believe a word you say, the only consistent thing about you is your antisocial nature.
rump's administration killed more than 200,000 people by failing in its response to the epidemic.

Trump killed or blm killed?
I wonder.what happened in June? According to the ny times
"The recent Black Lives Matter protests peaked on June 6"

Nice try, but 10th highest death rate out of 195 countries doesn't sound so good.
Out of how many countries that have significant air travel and accurate testing/reporting though?