In the Aftermath of Trump's election loss.

I usually vote liberal, but tbh I will vote for whoever gets the fkn tent out of the parks. Can't wait for winter.
Then vote Democrat in the State/local/sherriff elections. The Republican 'move along' is not working and causing all the homelessness.

Same with Trump's allowing the people to be kicked out of their homes during this pandemic endured Trump exacerbated economic turmoil. I really wish he would have allowed the Post office to go forward with sending masks to every American so we could have cut down on the spread early on.

That is a fucked up thing to say about winter, are you hoping people die from the cold? I really hope I read that last bit wrong, because if not that is a shitty thing to say man.
Then vote Democrat in the State/local/sherriff elections. The Republican 'move along' is not working and causing all the homelessness.
We have a liberal govt that is encouraging them..

That is a fucked up thing to say about winter, are you hoping people die from the cold? I really hope I read that last bit wrong, because if not that is a shitty thing to say man.
I would never wish ill on anyone. They will go to shelters and I will be glad I don't have to walk over drug addicts and discarded needles. Sorry not sorry.
Friendly reminder that trumps message is literally "make america great again" for ALL american citizens. He mostly rejects identity politics which is a staple of the left. Nationalism is better than tribalism which is the message of the left what with biden taking a knee for blm. Identity politics is what has divided the country more than anything and the sooner we can get back to being americans instead of individual racial blocs the better.
Racism is still a huge problem. We cant move forward until institutional Racism and other forms are completely erased. The BLM movement is not divisive. Its a movement. And anger is a normal reaction to Racism and discrimination. Until we wipe out all forms of Racism we cant move at all. BLm is the result of people being fed up with senseless murders of people because they're black. I assure you, if blacks were treated equally there would be no blm. Trump divided us more than anyone in history
Acting like they wouldn't really just be killing themselves approaching men with guns. If they want to cross the border, go to a legal crossing. Simple.
No the guy pulling the trigger is killing them. Are you on medication that you forgot to take?
Im 50 years old. I am a moderate Republican or conservative Democrat, you decide. Im retired Navy with over 23 years in two branches of service. I thought Reagan was bad, what this extreme right wing beliefs have done to our nation is disgusting. I feel the same about radical leftist but they're few and far between. The right wing has went so far right that it may never recover. Biden is the guy to work with the right and left. And bipartisanship is what we desperately need
No the guy pulling the trigger is killing them. Are you on medication that you forgot to take?
*jumps of something high
You: but it was the fall that killed them

Both can be true.

The BLM movement is not divisive. Its a movement.
Wrong. Blm is not a movement
BlackLivesMatter was founded in 2013 in response to the acquittal of Trayvon Martin's murderer. Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation, Inc. is a global organization
And is owned by a jewish guy. Also those that use racial language and are blatently lying when they say racism is getting worse are clearly the ones with a divisive message. Those using the language of "citizens" and "americans" will be the unifying force.
*jumps of something high
You: but it was the fall that killed them

Both can be true.

Wrong. Blm is not a movement

And is owned by a jewish guy. Also those that use racial language and are blatently lying when they say racism is getting worse are clearly the ones with a divisive message. Those using the language of "citizens" and "americans" will be the unifying force.
:wall: :wall:
Friendly reminder that trumps message is literally "make america great again" for ALL american citizens. He mostly rejects identity politics which is a staple of the left. Nationalism is better than tribalism which is the message of the left what with biden taking a knee for blm. Identity politics is what has divided the country more than anything and the sooner we can get back to being americans instead of individual racial blocs the better.
Trump wanted to be potus for 1 reason only. Money. When he announced hes running the trump family applied for and got hundreds of copyrights and other business moves that would benefit him if elected. I never saw one jobs bill signed by him, not one veterans bill, or hardly anything. He was taking credit for the wave of prosperity created by Obama. When Trump took office he was handed an economy that was already booming and unemployment was under 5% Obama also deported more illegals than Bush, Trump and Clinton combined but he did it smart.
Immigration causing wage stagnation is fact. Cry harder. Open borders being ripe for human and drug trafficking is fact. Idk how you can call this propaganda, explain how this is not true and how every expert in the world is wrong please lol.
Where are there open borders? Obama deported more illegals than Clinton Bush and Trump combined. Democrats dont want open borders. A certain amount of illegals are necessary actually or our economy would crash.
Imo this is the underreported story of the election. Two states voted to legalize psychedelics, and one to decriminalize heroin.

And at least two states voted for voter id laws.

And thank god california voted against the institutionalised racism the democrats thought was a sure thing lol.
Im on the fence about ID to vote because it goes against the constitution. But understand its necessary. But what did they do in red states? Closed every highway department that was in black populated areas. That happened in Mississippi. If you lose your id in my state, like i did. Good luck getting a new one. If you were poor and lost ur id in this state, its damn near impossible to get another
We have a liberal govt that is encouraging them..

I would never wish ill on anyone. They will go to shelters and I will be glad I don't have to walk over drug addicts and discarded needles. Sorry not sorry.
Underfunded and understaffed shelters due to the public health cuts of the Republicans in DC and states.

Liberal governments are not encouraging rural areas sending them homeless people, that is just ridiculous.

Can you tell @hanimmal that immigration keeps labour costs low then? Lol. J/K
Labor cost being kept low in the industries that use a lot of illegal labor is not the same thing as 'keeping wages stagnant'.
Ungaurded. Tbh it might be cheaper to put men with guns on the border than a wall.
Our borders are not 'open' then. And it is just another troll to pretend like the Democrats are pushing for 'open borders'.