Hillary Clinton


So you support the Party with 0 members of Congress but some how I don't know how Govt works?


Enjoy sleeping alone again.

What does party support have to do with knowledge?

Why do you still keep going back to Sanders?

your buddy padaraper tried to say that the working class only voted for clinton because the alternative was trump.

i showed him that when the alternative was berard, they still voted for clinton as well, literally destroying the dishonest point he was trying to make.


Clinton manipulated along with DNC and now she blames them.

trump is sending fundraising emails based off of this retarded conspiracy theory.
your buddy padaraper tried to say that the working class only voted for clinton because the alternative was trump.

i showed him that when the alternative was berard, they still voted for clinton as well, literally destroying the dishonest point he was trying to make.


trump is sending fundraising emails based off of this retarded conspiracy theory.

and you're citing clintons win over sanders?..you know why she won.

and now you just saw her even truer colors- blaming the DNC..she was handed a shit sandwich? sounds more like she's munching sour grapes.

he who laughs last; laughs best..suck it, Hillary!

feel the bern!:wink:
again, trump is literally sending fundraising emails based off of that retarded conspiracy theory.

good job vindicating trump because you cannot think rationally.

fuck trump, hes gone. they will need to Section 25 him soon.

are you aware pence started a PAC in the beginning of May?
and you're citing clintons win over sanders?..you know why she won.

and now you just saw her even truer colors- blaming the DNC..she was handed a shit sandwich? sounds more like she's munching sour grapes.

he who laughs last; laughs best..suck it, Hillary!

feel the bern!:wink:
She won the nomination because she got the most votes in practically every state and especially she won the south by a landslide. Bernie had practically no name recognition at the beginning of the election cycle but that ended after the debates began. He had plenty media attention and good press but failed to get enough votes when it mattered.


So, tell me, why didn't Sanders carry the south?
Here's one about how you wouldn't hire people with "black names" and it's their mother's fault not yours.

You've even a thread on the first page blaming black people for Trump.

Let go of the hatred; your husband left you for her because she wasn't a psycho, not because she's black...stop blaming the skin color.

An HBO Documentary was being cited.

That was not my personal view.

Okey dokey...
Are you Jewish?

Do you seriously think someone who can't fill out a form or finds it complex should be running our treasury?

Do you think he's being honest?

Do you think a Trump presidency is going to be good for us?

And you're worried about the PC of my comment?

I'll take the 'jew' out..just for YOU, Baldrick..go back to your safe space.

There you go..so what do you think about foreclosing on a .27 balance?


Steven Mnuchin IS a lying JEW bastard:finger:
An HBO Documentary was being cited.

That was not my personal view.
I can get the posts where it was your personal view if you want...

I can also post the posts where you say "I could just say I'm citing a documentary..."

Using wildcards and such in search terms really makes it quite trivial.
She won the nomination because she got the most votes in practically every state and especially she won the south by a landslide. Bernie had practically no name recognition at the beginning of the election cycle but that ended after the debates began. He had plenty media attention and good press but failed to get enough votes when it mattered.


So, tell me, why didn't Sanders carry the south?
He won 22 states. Revisionist history much?