Hillary Clinton

the real shitty thing is your retarded conspiracy theory.

i dunno, maybe it will play well in a democratic primary or something?

"hey, look, heavily black voters of the democratic primary. obama is a corrupt thief whose only motivation to improve education was to get a lucrative book deal! look how many racists like this theory of mine!"

doubt it.
Not my theory. Theirs;

And you're still in the wrong thread.

Maybe wipe some spittle off your screen so you can navigate properly?
you started a thread and then defended the conspiracy theory. then a whole bunch of racists came flocking in to tell you how brilliant you were. own it.
I think it's worth investigating.

It won't be, of course.

Your response has been extremely enlightening.

Enjoy your evening.

You don't seem to get it..

Oh, I get it.

But I don't think you get it. Let me explain.

There's a left, there's a right.

The right always sucks because they are now the science deniers and fake news crowd.

The left doesn't suck as we don't deny science, we don't believe fake news and conspiracy theory, and we are inclusive. We don't try to get voter ID laws passed with the primary goal of reducing minority turn out.

You have your ideas, good for you

Don't tell me I don't get it. I've been voting since 1972 and I damn fucking sure know which party has historically been in my best interests just like they are currently in my best interest.

Making a thread about Hillary at this point is futile.

And some of the likes you've gotten over the last few months are from some real assholes. And not fucking one of those wing nuts would EVER vote or Hillary OR Bernie.

so go burn one and think about that.

Oh, and Trump won by a fucking fluke that he'll never repeat in a million years.

We could run Weiner and win next time.

We could dig up a dead guy and win.

I support the Democrats. You do what you want. And Jesus fuck, quit telling us what we have to do to win already.

It was a goddamn fluke. Even the republicans don't like the motherfucker.
Fact: you are a dumbass

People seemingly love her when they don't believe she'll have any control over their lives, but as soon as she does, they hate her! Yeah, dipshit, that really supports your case!
Not taking sides as I have more than once expressed my desire for Hillary to fuck off - but you listed no facts.
Oh, I get it.

But I don't think you get it. Let me explain.

There's a left, there's a right.

The right always sucks because they are now the science deniers and fake news crowd.

The left doesn't suck as we don't deny science, we don't believe fake news and conspiracy theory, and we are inclusive. We don't try to get voter ID laws passed with the primary goal of reducing minority turn out.

You have your ideas, good for you

Don't tell me I don't get it. I've been voting since 1972 and I damn fucking know sure which party has historically been in my best interests just like they are currently in my best interest.

Making a thread about Hillary at this point is futile.

And some of the likes you've gotten over the last few months are from some real assholes. And not fucking one of those wing nuts would EVER vote or Hillary OR Bernie.

so go burn one and think about that.

Oh, and Trump won by a fucking fluke that he'll never repeat in a million years.

We could run Weiner and win next time.

We could dig up a dead guy and win.

I support the Democrats. You do what you want. And Jesus fuck, quit telling us what we have to do to win already.

It was a goddamn fluke. Even the republicans don't like the motherfucker.
Hack me once, shame on you...
He doesn't WANT to get it.

He's an establishment shill, bent on alienating everyone who doesn't agree with his narrow vision of 'acceptable liberal'...

THAT'S a real winning strategy.

I don't WANT to get it?


You guys really need to evaluate who the real enemy is out there. Holy fuck.
Oh, I get it.

But I don't think you get it. Let me explain.

There's a left, there's a right.

The right always sucks because they are now the science deniers and fake news crowd.

The left doesn't suck as we don't deny science, we don't believe fake news and conspiracy theory, and we are inclusive. We don't try to get voter ID laws passed with the primary goal of reducing minority turn out.

You have your ideas, good for you

Don't tell me I don't get it. I've been voting since 1972 and I damn fucking sure know which party has historically been in my best interests just like they are currently in my best interest.

Making a thread about Hillary at this point is futile.

And some of the likes you've gotten over the last few months are from some real assholes. And not fucking one of those wing nuts would EVER vote or Hillary OR Bernie.

so go burn one and think about that.

Oh, and Trump won by a fucking fluke that he'll never repeat in a million years.

We could run Weiner and win next time.

We could dig up a dead guy and win.

I support the Democrats. You do what you want. And Jesus fuck, quit telling us what we have to do to win already.

It was a goddamn fluke. Even the republicans don't like the motherfucker.
Dubbya got a second term. After that, anything is possible.