Government Waste Could Pay For Healthcare


[/FONT][/COLOR] I'm very passionate when it comes to the government wasting tax dollars and the left making the tax payers out to be selfish when it asks for more.

Where I'm at financially, I get hit harder with taxes than anyone. I pay a huge lump sum at the end of the year, enough to support a family of six quite comfortably.

But I live in California, the federal government taxes me at the same rate as someone living in the midwest but the cost of living is insanely higher here.
On top of that, living in California we've got one of the highest state income tax rates in the country.

People making big money (over $1million annually) can better afford this tax burden, for guys like me, it a steep up hill battle.

End of my rant.

But, how can we stop it? And really, do we want to? I could see it cut, surely. But, I am pretty sure it is the price we pay for no blood in the streets, no constant insurrection, of some kind. Civil unrest and disorder, is minor, since most have a very profitable yearning for Order.

We know violence strengthens insurrection. We know bribes and payola and wide spreading of the Baksheesh, (literally, in Arabic, the fragrant grease in the palm, ie money) political kickbacks and bribes, etc, can make it impossible to organized a revolt. So....we don't.
thanks to travisw, we now know that beennowhere started this thread with some type of chain email packed full of lies, front to back.

Yet you want 600 billion in your defense budget. 'Murica!!!

Fucking tool.

the funny thing about beennowhere is that if he really is this high tax paying moron (he isn't, but suppose his online persona were not one continuous series of lies), there is really no discernible difference between the high tax paying boss type and a 12 year old pretending to be one online.

hence why i love working for myself.
not with your sock puppets, no...

bro. give it up. you are really bad at this. your zings are neither factual nor funny. you fail at almost everything you do. i say almost, because you've admitted to being a really good pedophile. so you have that going for ya... but all this other stuff, like speaking and thinking, you really are not good at.
bro. give it up. you are really bad at this. your zings are neither factual nor funny. you fail at almost everything you do. i say almost, because you've admitted to being a really good pedophile. so you have that going for ya... but all this other stuff, like speaking and thinking, you really are not good at.

you're here as some wankers sock, spamming threads without even reading the content you're posting... You, buck and cheesedick need to coordinate personas better...
you're here as some wankers sock, spamming threads without even reading the content you're posting... You, buck and cheesedick need to coordinate personas better...

Projection is a defense mechanism that involves taking our own unacceptable qualities or feelings and ascribing them to other people. For example, if you have a strong dislike for someone, you might instead believe that he or she does not like you. Projection works by allowing the expression of the desire or impulse, but in a way that the ego cannot recognize, therefore reducing anxiety.
Really? Been sayin', for quite a while. Not happening. Got any good ideas?

Elect politicians that are for smaller government, get away from the mainstream politicians like Obama and Romney.
term limits on congress, pass a balanced budget ammendment.
are you referring to the bunch of lies you started this thread with?

I think I'm pretty much done with you and see4.

Not going to waste my time any more with kids that don't even have a job and pay taxes.
Totally lame in my opinion for some that doesn't even contribute (pay taxes) to demand a damn thing from people that do.

There are plenty of lefties on here that I can have an honest debate with, you're insignificant to me.
I think I'm pretty much done with you and see4.

Not going to waste my time any more with kids that don't even have a job and pay taxes.
Totally lame in my opinion for some that doesn't even contribute (pay taxes) to demand a damn thing from people that do.

There are plenty of lefties on here that I can have an honest debate with, you're insignificant to me.

I think beenthere is getting lazy. Maybe socialism is right for him?

he is a product of intellectual socialism.

without everyone else doing the mental footwork, he'd never have a damn thing to say. no mental acumen up there.
You don't know how right you are. His comment about only tax paying contributors (proletariat) having the right to an opinion is quite Leninist.

The proletarian class do not have an opinion, nor do they voting rights. Their sole worth in society is measured by the value of their labor.
Go back to school or get a job.