Well-Known Member
[/FONT][/COLOR] I'm very passionate when it comes to the government wasting tax dollars and the left making the tax payers out to be selfish when it asks for more.
Where I'm at financially, I get hit harder with taxes than anyone. I pay a huge lump sum at the end of the year, enough to support a family of six quite comfortably.
But I live in California, the federal government taxes me at the same rate as someone living in the midwest but the cost of living is insanely higher here.
On top of that, living in California we've got one of the highest state income tax rates in the country.
People making big money (over $1million annually) can better afford this tax burden, for guys like me, it a steep up hill battle.
End of my rant.
But, how can we stop it? And really, do we want to? I could see it cut, surely. But, I am pretty sure it is the price we pay for no blood in the streets, no constant insurrection, of some kind. Civil unrest and disorder, is minor, since most have a very profitable yearning for Order.
We know violence strengthens insurrection. We know bribes and payola and wide spreading of the Baksheesh, (literally, in Arabic, the fragrant grease in the palm, ie money) political kickbacks and bribes, etc, can make it impossible to organized a revolt. So....we don't.