Government Waste Could Pay For Healthcare

The proletarian class do not have an opinion, nor do they voting rights. Their sole worth in society is measured by the value of their labor.
Go back to school or get a job.

are you one of the 8-14 people shacked up at kynes' place?
You don't know how right you are. His comment about only tax paying contributors (proletariat) having the right to an opinion is quite Leninist.

The proletarian class do not have an opinion, nor do they voting rights. Their sole worth in society is measured by the value of their labor.
Go back to school or get a job.

FYI you're a Leninist.

FYI, I think I just pointed out why you're not the intellect you thought you were.
FYI, I think I just pointed out why you're not the intellect you thought you were.

You are total fucking tool. Im starting to think you don't even believe in your own bullshit. Just because you say, "Go back to school or get a job.", doesn't actually prove anything, let alone whether someone is or isn't an intellect they may or may not have thought. Your ambiguous psycho babble is so fucking transparent, it's actually comical.

I love the fact I get under your skin. You are too fucking easy.
I totally agree, it boggles my mind that others think government is the solution.
More that likely, those that do probably have no skin in the game anyway so it's not wasting their hard earned tax dollars.

Here is the very heart of the matter. The rabid left is assured that government is the answer to each and every problem, social, domestic or foreign. The rabid left is wrong. The rabid right is certain that government IS the problem and seemingly is able to trace each and every social or economic woe to government (most often Federal and, most often Mr. Obama). They are wrong as well. What I find interesting however is how, when the government was shut down, the right found so many government programs that.... they deem essential, like keeping the WWII monument open so a relative handful of veterans could visit, while ignoring the fact that that same government shutdown was inhibiting many of those same veterans from programs that keep them fed or housed or medicated, or... paid. The right is so certain that we don't need government, until it is taken away and then all of a sudden, many of those very programs don't seem so evil after all.

What is most evident here is the fundamental failure of the right to recognize exactly what their government actually does. "Keep your government hands off my medicare".
FYI, I think I just pointed out why you're not the intellect you thought you were.

Actually the retort you gave me, in the form two opinions and a suggestion, belies your lack of knowledge of Leninism in regards to why the core of what you are pushing in this thread is Leninist. I know, you'll move the goal post by trying to say I misunderstood what you were pushing. You clearly don't see that you are pushing dictatorship of the proletariat. My response after that was flippant, because you are just giving me two opinions and a suggestion.

Let's just clear it up, are you or are you not suggesting that anyone who does not "contribute" by paying taxes, should not have an opinion and by extension representation?

Do you not see that this suggests collective struggle and proletarian solidarity mixed the way Lenin loved it?

Sorry, I usually don't like this sort of thing, but I find this to be damn funny.
Don't be mistaken, there is no crying here. Being fed up and wanting the government I send my tax dollars to be more efficient and accountable is my constitutional right and duty.
To say get used to it and sweep it under the rug is the very reason we are in this despicable mess.

In order for a collective to work, the whole collective has to contribute, I don't see this happening.

The way i see it, when it comes to getting something free from the government, progressives are the first in line to sign up and get theirs.
When it's time to pay for it, they're MIA.

And yet our recent history as a nation seems to demonstrate the exact opposite. The right believes that income is their own but the country's debts are not. You complain about silly government programs but if you trace those programs you will find that most are riders on other bills so that one congressman or another can bring a little bacon back to his or her home state - the right is as culpable as the left, but it is ony the right who, after these programs are purchased, are willing to refuse to foot the bill.
They only reason I would have to get used to the abusers is because the government is not efficient enough or cares enough to do anything about it, that's a fact.
Government waste is out of control, more and more government workers are being exposed for their part in this waste, why, because the bureaucracy enables and condones it.

If you are truly disabled, you are not an abuser and should be the first person speaking out against this.

The majority of corporate welfare is not true "welfare" like you are making it out to be.
In most cases it comes in the form of tax breaks and incentives, corporate welfare is pejorative term coined by progressives. This in no way means I condone the practice myself, in fact I despise it, I'm just setting the record straight.

Do I think the majority of progressives are deadbeats, I'll have to admit I do.
To me, any able body American that wants the federal government to provide for them are deadbeats.
If you feel you are being kicked by me you must be feeling guilty, I've said numerous times on this board that I don't mind paying taxes, as long as those taxes are being put to good use.

And I find it somewhat demoralizing that a person in your position would choose to chastise conservatives for speaking out against government waste, waste that ultimately has an adverse affect on yourself.

Conservative may be playing with fire in the short term my friend but mark my words, when the time comes that the takers out number the givers, shit will hit the fan and progressivism will collapse, it's inevitable.


And so it goes. Someone on the right whines and complains about those who get something for nothing, yet they are confronted by people who have a legitimate need and they say "well, we aren't talking about YOU". Compound this little conversation a thousand fold and you see the problem. In fact the right doesn't know WHO they are talking about except that there is this imaginary hoard of people who are abusing the system. They actually believe that if they manage to cut an arbitrary percentage from a particular program, the abuse part will magicaly dissapear while all the "right" people will continue to be taken care of.
And yet our recent history as a nation seems to demonstrate the exact opposite. The right believes that income is their own but the country's debts are not. You complain about silly government programs but if you trace those programs you will find that most are riders on other bills so that one congressman or another can bring a little bacon back to his or her home state - the right is as culpable as the left, but it is ony the right who, after these programs are purchased, are willing to refuse to foot the bill.

I have no idea what you are trying to say about demonstrating the opposite, opposite of what, in context to my quote?
I have no idea what you are trying to say about demonstrating the opposite, opposite of what, in context to my quote?

That repubs drive the deficit up until Dems take the reigns and then they blame those same dems for the debt they created.
And so it goes. Someone on the right whines and complains about those who get something for nothing, yet they are confronted by people who have a legitimate need and they say "well, we aren't talking about YOU". Compound this little conversation a thousand fold and you see the problem. In fact the right doesn't know WHO they are talking about except that there is this imaginary hoard of people who are abusing the system. They actually believe that if they manage to cut an arbitrary percentage from a particular program, the abuse part will magicaly dissapear while all the "right" people will continue to be taken care of.

Canndo, you come in a conversation with your guns blazing and your eyes closed, not a good practice if you want to be accurate.

I'm a proponent for small government, simple as that. To argue that our tax dollars are not being squandered by the federal government is an incompetent one.

An imaginary hoard of people abusing the system you say, that is complete and utter nonsense.
And where did you get the "cutting an arbitrary percentage of a particular program" from? You sure as hell didn't pull it from any of my comments, so where did you pull it from???

Granted you had a lot to say, but the substance and relevancy fell flat my friend.
Canndo, you come in a conversation with your guns blazing and your eyes closed, not a good practice if you want to be accurate.

I'm a proponent for small government, simple as that. To argue that our tax dollars are not being squandered by the federal government is an incompetent one.

An imaginary hoard of people abusing the system you say, that is complete and utter nonsense.
And where did you get the "cutting an arbitrary percentage of a particular program" from? You sure as hell didn't pull it from any of my comments, so where did you pull it from???

Granted you had a lot to say, but the substance and relevancy fell flat my friend.

Point in fact, no one likes government waste, now what? you want smaller government because why? less opportunity to waste money? how? Smaller government for its own sake is folly. Government should be no larger than it needs to be, now, how large do you figure that is? I don't want smaller government, I want more efficient government, if that means it has to be larger than it is, so be it. I know for a fact that it will have to be large enough to keep us from being abused by big business. Are you for smaller businesses as well? I don't think so. You don't trust big government but I don't trust big business, so I want some entity to protect me from them, unfortunately, that means that government is going to have to be bigger than you claim it has to be.

Good night - I'm going to have a drink and watch an interesting documentary on the "Mcdonalds coffee lady". Interesting how big business managed to have so many think that the mcdonalds lady was the bad guy, just engaging in frivolous lawsuits.
That repubs drive the deficit up until Dems take the reigns and then they blame those same dems for the debt they created.

Republican do drive the debt up, agreed, but what does that have to do with me wanting lower taxes and a smaller government.

many people, including you make it out to be only republican vs democrat, they're both fucked up, I just feel the progressives are the worst.
Point in fact, no one likes government waste, now what? you want smaller government because why? less opportunity to waste money? how? Smaller government for its own sake is folly. Government should be no larger than it needs to be, now, how large do you figure that is? I don't want smaller government, I want more efficient government, if that means it has to be larger than it is, so be it. I know for a fact that it will have to be large enough to keep us from being abused by big business. Are you for smaller businesses as well? I don't think so. You don't trust big government but I don't trust big business, so I want some entity to protect me from them, unfortunately, that means that government is going to have to be bigger than you claim it has to be.

Good night - I'm going to have a drink and watch an interesting documentary on the "Mcdonalds coffee lady". Interesting how big business managed to have so many think that the mcdonalds lady was the bad guy, just engaging in frivolous lawsuits.

Small government is a folly my ass, if you were a little more informed and are so afraid of big business, you'd understand that big business gets big because of government coercion, Cmon canndo, you're smarter that that.

Have a nice night, don't have too many drinks and do something foolish, on the other hand, if you do you can always sue the big business liquor manufacturer for it.
Beennowhere, what are your top 5 programs you would like to cut? And by how much?

Ready.... GO!

Hint: this is a trick question.
Beennowhere, what are your top 5 programs you would like to cut? And by how much?

Ready.... GO!

Hint: this is a trick question.

Choosing just five is a tough one but I'll play along.

1. Get rid of the Department of Commerce.

2. Do away with the Department of education.

3. Dismantle the Department of Homeland Security, the FB!, the CIA, NSA and all other intelligence gathering agencies and combine then into one.

4. Cut HHS by 75% and empower the individual states.

5. Dismantle the DOD, cut funding by 50% and go back the the War Department.

5.5 Do away with the DEA entirely.