can people of color be racist?

Yet you reply to every single post I make. You will reply to this one, also. The tactic of accusing anyone pointing out the idiocy of your statements a "racist" is viewed as childish by anyone other than those poor fools who can achieve no more.
Like I said, sometimes I find your posts funny. This will be my last reply to you...until I feel otherwise.
Alright, now we are getting somewhere. The following is a list your points and my responses in blue text to each.

1. I said "SHE has a solution", so I am not miscasting the discussion into one of black PEOPLE. I doubt most black people believe such tripe. OK, if you say so, I'm willing to move on from this point if you are.

2. If it is wrong for a white person in power to be obviously and publicly racist, then it is wrong for a black person to be so. To have a double standard is to have no standard. The only conclusion to be drawn is that racism is embraced by Boston university, and by most American universities and is a plank in the progressive platform. Tribalism is no way to have a civil society. Your knickers are in a twist because a black woman called out the white establishment presumably regarding the behavior of young white men. If she was speaking truth then its not racist. Which brings us to the third point.

3. You keep asking about the context of her statement. I can't think of a context that would make her public statements acceptable. Can you? If she has the balls to say such things in public, one can only imagine the conversations that go on in the Black Studies Department at BU. This is more about you than her. You are in a tizzy about a quotation that got a third year undergrad white boy upset. This then got lots of press. Why? You don't ask. You don't know the context of what she said and your aren't going to look it up. I'm not going to because I'm not going to do your homework for you. If you want to get mad, OK then it 's your right do so but without knowing what was actually said, your anger is not justified.

I say that you are a coward for not looking it up and showing me that I'm wrong based upon the facts and context of her statement. Instead you blather on in ignorance. Your refusal to check facts is a pattern that I see in other people of your persuasion. None of them ask follow-up questions and test assumptions. Instead, they just launch off into what they think without corroborating their sources.

By the way, I checked into Thomas Sowell and read some of his essays. In the one essay that I checked his claims, I found him to be false. He is very simple to follow unfortunately, he misleading. The essay that I'm referring to is this one:

One of the reasons I think he oversimplifies can be found here:

4. What does it matter that the white male population dwarfs other populations? Just for the record, the claim is incorrect, women are the clear majority on college campuses, but again, that is irrelevant. First off, check the text in my posting. I said ".the white male student population dwarfs any dark skinned population male or otherwise". Now to the important point. The white male population is involved with many issues on campus, drunkenness, rape, racial incidents, plagiarism, cheating and so forth.. Not knowing what she was talking about, I don't know which one. What I do know is that there is strength in numbers and some really bad behavior can be reinforced within a large group. Its up to people within that group to call out and correct misbehavior. In reality, that is the only solution to some of these problems. Large population, some bad actors, its time for this group to step and become a part of the solution.

5. I doubt this racist black woman would actually take her hatred to the extreme that Hitler did, but such thinking underpins that sort of behavior, and the poster is funny. I don't know if she has hatred, all I know is what a third year undergrad white boy said. You assume she has hatred and you aren't checking your facts. Regarding your thoughts on the poster: That poster was a meme. I don't know what your meme for Hitler and gassing people is and how that is funny. I saw holocaust and nothing funny. .

In any case, thanks for the reply and giving your thoughts on this. I am overstating some things to make a point but I also think that you are one of the few people of your persuasion that actually takes the time to say what they mean. I do appreciate that.

You think white men are the only ones raping, and boozing, and cheating, and plagiarizing? Not only are they the only ones doing, but ALL of them are doing it: That is what the professor said. You seem to think that is "the truth".

You know what she said, it's all those words within quotation marks, those aren't quotes from the "white boy", those are her tweets. I can't imagine any context that would make her statements anything other than racist. I have no problem with her being a racist, there are a few in society and their hatred is mostly inconsequential.

My problem with the professor is that she has free reign to be a racist and BU is just peachy with that. I would think that a university would seek to hire teachers who don't openly hate their students, and would not long retain those who do.

If you want to buy into the "all white men are evil and everybody else is innocent" that's your disability, not mine, and it makes you a racist. You can look it up if you don't believe me.
1. I said "SHE has a solution", so I am not miscasting the discussion into one of black PEOPLE. I doubt most black people believe such tripe.

2. If it is wrong for a white person in power to be obviously and publicly racist, then it is wrong for a black person to be so. To have a double standard is to have no standard. The only conclusion to be drawn is that racism is embraced by Boston university, and by most American universities and is a plank in the progressive platform. Tribalism is no way to have a civil society.

3. You keep asking about the context of her statement. I can't think of a context that would make her public statements acceptable. Can you? If she has the balls to say such things in public, one can only imagine the conversations that go on in the Black Studies Department at BU.

4. What does it matter that the white male population dwarfs other populations? Just for the record, the claim is incorrect, women are the clear majority on college campuses, but again, that is irrelevant.

5. I doubt this racist black woman would actually take her hatred to the extreme that Hitler did, but such thinking underpins that sort of behavior, and the poster is funny.

except nothing she said was even remotely racist.

you need to fix the culture of rape that plagues young white males. why is your race so unable to fix its own rape problems, or even acknowledge that white males are notorious rapists?

tribalism, eh? nice one dipshit.

go join another white supremacy group.
The white male population is involved with many issues on campus, drunkenness, rape, racial incidents, plagiarism, cheating and so forth.. Not knowing what she was talking about, I don't know which one. What I do know is that there is strength in numbers and some really bad behavior can be reinforced within a large group. Its up to people within that group to call out and correct misbehavior. In reality, that is the only solution to some of these problems. Large population, some bad actors, its time for this group to step and become a part of the solution.

no, that only applies to muslims. not white males.
You think white men are the only ones raping, and boozing, and cheating, and plagiarizing? Not only are they the only ones doing, but ALL of them are doing it: That is what the professor said.

where did she say that?

please quote the post.

when you can't, because she never said that, you will have saved me the work of calling you a liar by doing it yourself.
You think white men are the only ones raping, and boozing, and cheating, and plagiarizing? Not only are they the only ones doing, but ALL of them are doing it: That is what the professor said. You seem to think that is "the truth".

You know what she said, it's all those words within quotation marks, those aren't quotes from the "white boy", those are her tweets. I can't imagine any context that would make her statements anything other than racist. I have no problem with her being a racist, there are a few in society and their hatred is mostly inconsequential.

My problem with the professor is that she has free reign to be a racist and BU is just peachy with that. I would think that a university would seek to hire teachers who don't openly hate their students, and would not long retain those who do.

If you want to buy into the "all white men are evil and everybody else is innocent" that's your disability, not mine, and it makes you a racist. You can look it up if you don't believe me.
I'm simply not going to do your homework and try to find out what the underlying issue is. First off do you know those are even her tweets? Do you know that BU is giving her free reign and not behind the scenes trying to get to the bottom of this? What's the issue and how did this get started? OH and don't quote some right wingnut news source either, quote multiple sources, that's what I try to do and its not that hard. I'm calling you out as not only cowardly but also lazy.

If you want to take some spoon fed tweets collected from who knows where and get stirred up about it, that's fine but don't post stuff that you don't know anything about and expect everybody to look at you in awe. There are quite a few nitwits at this site that do I suppose. Maybe RIU should create a know-nothing posting category.

When I look at what I wrote and compare it to what you cast it as, I laugh. I'm not calling you racist, I'm calling you a lazy coward that is starting to throw crap because that's all you have left.
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I understand that you are clueless how to treat your wife on Mothers Day. Hell from my understanding you don't know how to treat your wife on any day.
So not denying the incest thing? So what happened to the racist child molester accussations? Funny how all your debates end up as you making personal attacks. Could you always be wrong?
Btw this is When we talk about the difference between prejudice and racism. Yes black people can be prejudice towards white people, but that's not racist, because they do not have power or privledge to enforce racism
And as for Dr king, obviously what he said is right on, but to critically analyze what he said, I think the problem is, we as people will never progress for as long as we never acknowledge the root of the problem. Racism, sexism and poverty need to be acknodedge before we move foward
Are you black? If not stop talking.
I understand that you are clueless how to treat your wife on Mothers Day. Hell from my understanding you don't know how to treat your wife on any day.

I'm pretty open minded, but find it a little odd that you married your mother. I hope it all works out for you though.
So not denying the incest thing? So what happened to the racist child molester accussations? Funny how all your debates end up as you making personal attacks. Could you always be wrong?
Lol, this coming from a guy who wants to put people like me in a guillotine.