can people of color be racist?

i find it odd that you describe paying children for sex as a voluntary and consensual act.

I find it odd that you can't answer a simple question, after all you are a simpleton.

How does the nature of an act, even a heinous act, effect whether or not the act was consented to?

p.s. - You shit on floors, that is not nice.
Still waiting on the reparations...

i was around when we still had signs on pubs in London "no dogs no Irish"
the no Irish thing was mainly aimed at gypsies rather than Irish people during the 1980s anyway
but this still gave landlords the discretion not to admit Irish "sounding" people if they wanted to
and this was only 30 years ago, going back further into history it was said that Irish folk were direct decedents of black people
although the irish had white skin they were not regarded as the same ethnic grouping as English white people
combine that with the potato famine and the N Ireland troubles it gives a picture to me anyway
that the English regarded the Irish as an inferior race that it could pick on or held in contempt
which is the same way they felt about black people

the irish would be on the victims of the world league table although below the jew and negro of course
perhaps something like this although i'm sure everyone has their own idea of how the list should look

victims of the world in order of hardship suffered
1 children
2 women
3 black
4 Chinese
5 Jew
6 Russian
7 Irish
8 homosexual
9 gypsy
10 white people/polish/Christians

only making 7th place, this might entitle the Irish to free Guinness or something
don't think you are high up enough to get any land or jewgold though
i was around when we still had signs on pubs in London "no dogs no Irish"
the no Irish thing was mainly aimed at gypsies rather than Irish people during the 1980s anyway
but this still gave landlords the discretion not to admit Irish "sounding" people if they wanted to
and this was only 30 years ago, going back further into history it was said that Irish folk were direct decedents of black people
although the irish had white skin they were not regarded as the same ethnic grouping as English white people
combine that with the potato famine and the N Ireland troubles it gives a picture to me anyway
that the English regarded the Irish as an inferior race that it could pick on or held in contempt
which is the same way they felt about black people

the irish would be on the victims of the world league table although below the jew and negro of course
perhaps something like this although i'm sure everyone has their own idea of how the list should look

victims of the world in order of hardship suffered
1 children
2 women
3 black
4 Chinese
5 Jew
6 Russian
7 Irish
8 homosexual
9 gypsy
10 white people/polish/Christians

only making 7th place, this might entitle the Irish to free Guinness or something
don't think you are high up enough to get any land or jewgold though
Noone here was affected by the past, only our grand parents would've lived through it.

We're too hardy a folk to dwell on it ;)
i was around when we still had signs on pubs in London "no dogs no Irish"
the no Irish thing was mainly aimed at gypsies rather than Irish people during the 1980s anyway
but this still gave landlords the discretion not to admit Irish "sounding" people if they wanted to
and this was only 30 years ago, going back further into history it was said that Irish folk were direct decedents of black people
although the irish had white skin they were not regarded as the same ethnic grouping as English white people
combine that with the potato famine and the N Ireland troubles it gives a picture to me anyway
that the English regarded the Irish as an inferior race that it could pick on or held in contempt
which is the same way they felt about black people

the irish would be on the victims of the world league table although below the jew and negro of course
perhaps something like this although i'm sure everyone has their own idea of how the list should look

victims of the world in order of hardship suffered
1 children
2 women
3 black
4 Chinese
5 Jew
6 Russian
7 Irish
8 homosexual
9 gypsy
10 white people/polish/Christians

only making 7th place, this might entitle the Irish to free Guinness or something
don't think you are high up enough to get any land or jewgold though
My goodness. You make the British sound like a pretty stupid people. Maybe the luck of the Irish is karma that balances out the very bad misfortune of having England as a close neighbor.

Seriously though, I think that @skunkd0c may be overstating things a bit.
My neanderthal blood boils at the thought of the persecutions I have suffered in past lives. Somebody needs to suffer to make this right!
Blonde Hair, Red Hair or Blue Eyes are characteristics associated with Homo Neanderthalus that are suspected to have been brought into Homo Sapiens from species interbreeding. I have both blonde hair and blue eyes, Neanderthal bro.
My goodness. You make the British sound like a pretty stupid people. Maybe the luck of the Irish is karma that balances out the very bad misfortune of having England as a close neighbor.

Seriously though, I think that @skunkd0c may be overstating things a bit.
Nah he's pretty accurate, perhaps even understating it.

There were close to 10mill people in this country about 200 years ago.
Blonde Hair, Red Hair or Blue Eyes are characteristics associated with Homo Neanderthalus that are suspected to have been brought into Homo Sapiens from species interbreeding. I have both blonde hair and blue eyes, Neanderthal bro.

Solomon Islanders can have blonde hair too (as can Australians, the original ones) .

Different path to the same result, blonde hair. I'm a native Pacific Islander, wanna see my shrunken head collection bro?

I ain't no Neanderthal though. Some have posited Islanders are descended from Homo Erectus, which only sounds phallic.
My goodness. You make the British sound like a pretty stupid people. Maybe the luck of the Irish is karma that balances out the very bad misfortune of having England as a close neighbor.

Seriously though, I think that @skunkd0c may be overstating things a bit.

Do you find it hard to believe that Irish people were refused entry to some bars/pubs in London up until the mid 1980s only 30 years ago ?
There were no signs prohibiting black people from said establishments during the 1980s just the Irish
during the 1960s there would of been signs that also refused entry to blacks but i am not old enough to have "witnessed" that

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Doesn't "people of colour" cast the net quite wide?

Aren't we all people of colour?
Not in America, u have a drop of black blood in you? Your black? Look brown but your cuban? Geuss what your prob classified as mexican. Point being, thru the eyes of the elite, color is not the same as white.
Plus I think once we people of color have something in common, well that's when uprising happen, which we are seeing today
Not in America, u have a drop of black blood in you? Your black? Look brown but your cuban? Geuss what your prob classified as mexican. Point being, thru the eyes of the elite, color is not the same as white.
"Thru" the eyes of the elite we're all just cattle, the only reason skin colour comes into it is classic divide and conquer.
"Thru" the eyes of the elite we're all just cattle, the only reason skin colour comes into it is classic divide and conquer.
Yes i agree, divide the people and conquer, but think about what I said, once we realize we are people of color, we have something in common. I'm not blind, i see skin color, and geuss what, I think it's beautiful, I want to know more cultures, i want to know about your heritage, upbringings, and struggles
Also want to refresh this thread because I know lots of right wing conservative racist bigots came in here with their bull shit lies.

Racism equals supremacy which equals power, with out power, it is not racism.

Apply these definitions to the United states, we have elites that are made of white men with global power, their power trickles down to white privledge, mean while people of color have no power (statisticly speaking, no jobs, no assets, and little to no status etc etc)
There for, people of color can NOT be racist. They however can be prejudice, but pprejudicism is not the same as racism. Both bad, but one much more evil then the other
Yes i agree, divide the people and conquer, but think about what I said, once we realize we are people of color, we have something in common. I'm not blind, i see skin color, and geuss what, I think it's beautiful, I want to know more cultures, i want to know about your heritage, upbringings, and struggles
Youd be surprised, cultures have certain "qwerks" but 99.99% of people irrespective of nationality are exactly the same.
Lol, this coming from a guy who wants to put people like me in a guillotine.
" people like me" not a personal attack. "You're a stupid, dishonest, theiving statist". <personal attack. Just so you'll know the differance.