Byron Smith execution of burglars

Highly Decorated Vietnam Veteran, people we used to call "Heroes". You can bet these weren't his first human kills. The government made sure to train him well.

He probably shot lots of other people simply for walking around. And we pinned medals on his chest for doing it and paid him to do it some more.
Why not? She was dying anyways.
Just seems an awful thing to say. The guy was obviously off his rocker but bnb should know better. He seems to prefer wilful ignorance.

Now that you're here, I'm dying to hear your take on Paisley. Love to hear your thoughts.
Just seems an awful thing to say. The guy was obviously off his rocker but bnb should know better. He seems to prefer wilful ignorance.

Now that you're here, I'm dying to hear your take on Paisley. Love to hear your thoughts.

This is what happens when we train men to kill. But we cry foul when Byron Smith does what he did because we don't give a fuck after they've done their duty to God and country. What's the correct way of dealing of this after coming home and no type of support system?

This is what happens when we train men to kill. But we cry foul when Byron Smith does what he did because we don't give a fuck after they've done their duty to God and country. What's the correct way of dealing of this after coming home and no type of support system?
I agree 10% that their should definitely be help.
Sorry CS, that was a typo. I meant to say 100%.
I hope you understand why I go off the deep end at times. Sometimes I sit here high off my ass and think about this stuff. How are the rest of us supposed to cope?
One of my grand-dads helped bomb Dresden. That was an 'experiment' supposedly to simulate what an A-BOMB would do. It burned the city to the ground, created a firewall that lasted for days, I think, and killed a lot of people. He went back over 40 years later to atone. I know it meant something to him to see it. He seemed more peaceful afterwards.

I hope you find some for yourself.
Sorry CS, that was a typo. I meant to say 100%.

One of my grand-dads helped bomb Dresden. That was an 'experiment' supposedly to simulate what an A-BOMB would do. It burned the city to the ground, created a firewall that lasted for days, I think, and killed a lot of people. He went back over 40 years later to atone. I know it meant something to him to see it. He seemed more peaceful afterwards.

I hope you find some for yourself.

My late grandfather fought in WW2, Korea, and Vietnam. All he ever did was read war books and watch war movies, like a zombie. I also talked to Henry Rhodes who worked on the Manhattan Project. He said that was the worst mistake of his life. He and the rest of the scientists thought there would just be a demonstration with the bomb in the middle of the Pacific ocean while everyone watched. And was shocked, along with the rest of the scientists when Truman said no. "Those Japs want to see a real bomb? I'll show them what a real fucking bomb will do!" Most of the time war isn't about the objective, but attrition. Which is why war never ends. Had the scientists known we'd actually use it, not one would've participated.