Byron Smith execution of burglars


How does executing people = home defense? If you shoot someone on your property, that's one thing. It's another to stop an intruder with a firearm, then make sure they're DEAD by putting rounds into them. There's a difference between lethal force, and executing someone who is already completely incapacitated.

How does executing people = home defense? If you shoot someone on your property, that's one thing. It's another to stop an intruder with a firearm, then make sure they're DEAD by putting rounds into them. There's a difference between lethal force, and executing someone who is already completely incapacitated.

It's called a preemptive strike. He learned it from the best, our own government's military.
He stopped defending his home after the second shot into the girl. And the third and the fourth and the fifth.
Not to mention the one he put up under her chin that was the 6th

A cat will play with its prey before eating it. You told me so yourself that animals kill, it's natural. Part of the circle of life. So if animals eat meat, humans can too. Why do you have to hate on a guy wanting a good meal?
A cat will play with its prey before eating it. You told me so yourself that animals kill, it's natural. Part of the circle of life. So if animals eat meat, humans can too. Why do you have to hate on a guy wanting a good meal?
He wouldnt eat you, emaciated vegans dont taste nice.

How does executing people = home defense? If you shoot someone on your property, that's one thing. It's another to stop an intruder with a firearm, then make sure they're DEAD by putting rounds into them. There's a difference between lethal force, and executing someone who is already completely incapacitated.
So if he'd just shot them in the head, one round each, BANG.

Then it would have been ok?

AFAIK, hes already been convicted of two counts of murder one and two counts of murder two, so regardless of what you think, its finished now.
A cat will play with its prey before eating it. You told me so yourself that animals kill, it's natural. Part of the circle of life. So if animals eat meat, humans can too. Why do you have to hate on a guy wanting a good meal?

if only his lawyers had used the indefatigable "human are no better than cats" defense.
I'm a good weight, 178 pounds. Meat eaters pay extra for all grain fed. Gladiators only ate barley and would've kicked your potato eating ass.

They dont call us the Fightin' Irish for nothing.

Bring it, brocolli head...

And at least other parents dont think Im a fucking paedo when Im at the park with my kid.

They dont call us the Fightin' Irish for nothing.

Bring it, brocolli head...

And at least other parents dont think Im a fucking paedo when Im at the park with my kid.

I can't stop what others think. Group think wants the few who are different attacked. I do well for myself. Make a lot of money. My whole life everyone has been against me. Even my own family. There's lots of haters. But at least I have more to laugh at others about than they can laugh at about me.

I'm honest. That gives gingers like you with no souls plenty of ammunition. Karma will one day find you.
I can't stop what others think. Group think wants the few who are different attacked. I do well for myself. Make a lot of money. My whole life everyone has been against me. Even my own family. There's lots of haters. But at least I have more to laugh at others about than they can laugh at about me.

I'm honest. That gives gingers like you with no souls plenty of ammunition. Karma will one day find you.
You are the nastiest vegan i've ever listened to. In the brief time i've endured your ramblings-it all comes back to big brother and forced vaccinations i know-I'm convinced of one thing and one thing only.
You need some candy. Or sex. Maybe both.
I can't stop what others think. Group think wants the few who are different attacked. I do well for myself. Make a lot of money. My whole life everyone has been against me. Even my own family. There's lots of haters. But at least I have more to laugh at others about than they can laugh at about me.

I'm honest. That gives gingers like you with no souls plenty of ammunition. Karma will one day find you.

you are going out of your already diminutive mind.
You are the nastiest vegan i've ever listened to. In the brief time i've endured your ramblings-it all comes back to big brother and forced vaccinations i know-I'm convinced of one thing and one thing only.
You need some candy. Or sex. Maybe both.

Sugar will kill you. I get plenty of sex. Put me on ignore, then. You thought I come here for people like you? Get real sister.
Don't take offense. Besides, no one takes rabbits seriously. Not even other bunnies. Especially when everything is always about vaccines.
I can't stop what others think. Group think wants the few who are different attacked. I do well for myself. Make a lot of money. My whole life everyone has been against me. Even my own family. There's lots of haters. But at least I have more to laugh at others about than they can laugh at about me.

I'm honest. That gives gingers like you with no souls plenty of ammunition. Karma will one day find you.
You realise you've so many "haters" cos you act like a dickhead and are completely full of shite?
"haters" are simply people who do not share his mental imbalance or people who do not spout more racism than the BNP.
Met a BNP guy once on vacation, in Spain ironically.

We were ok even tho we were Irish, cos we are white.

A strange belief system they have.
"haters" are simply people who do not share his mental imbalance or people who do not spout more racism than the BNP.

I don't have any racism. I just talk shit cause I think it's funny. Ooooh. Online really hurt me! I've said countless times to BNB his racist bullshit is nonsense. Along with to Sheskunk.