Ban Cowardly Cops

"i will shoot you with my gun" is a pretty stupid argument for your pro-gun slaughter side to take.

plus, the government has far more resources than you ever will. your disabled ass would be dead in a pile of blood clutching that phallic replacement of yours, tough guy

Yes, threatening people with offensive use of guns is pretty bad.

It's ironic that "I will shoot you with my gun" is the same exact argument the people who will take away guns will use if you do not comply to gun possession being consolidated ONLY in the hands of your masters, slave.

About how much have you looked into phallic replacements? Just curious.
I like how idiot gun monkeys are liking my posts as if I'm arguing on their side.

This most recent line of posts clearly shows that limiting access to guns will save lives. I'm not even advocating anything, the evidence is speaking for itself. You've every chance to refute it.

Well said, COMRADE!!!

I thought we've asked you to stop spamming the forum with white nationalist propaganda. Why do you keep forcing your uninvited presence on the group?

It sounds like you are claiming to be the owner of the site. If you are, just pm me or pull the plug or send aliens to kill me in my sleep, etc. and I'll go away.

If you aren't, how about explaining your nonsensical claim that I am spamming white nationalist propaganda? I think white nationalists have every right to be stupid, just like you do. Mind you I'm not endorsing your stupidity or theirs either, just defending your right to be stupid, which you seem to hold very dear.

I think white nationalists have no right to force people to associate with them against their will though, nobody does.

It sounds like you are claiming to be the owner of the site. If you are, just pm me or pull the plug or send aliens to kill me in my sleep, etc. and I'll go away.

If you aren't, how about explaining your nonsensical claim that I am spamming white nationalist propaganda? I think white nationalists have every right to be stupid, just like you do. Mind you I'm not endorsing your stupidity or theirs either, just defending your right to be stupid, which you seem to hold very dear.

I think white nationalists have no right to force people to associate with them against their will though, nobody does.

I don't have to own the site to recognize white nationlist spam, which does violate site rules. Any way I've tried asking nicely, but you seem hell bent on forcing your unwanted presence on the group.
I don't have to own the site to recognize white nationlist spam, which does violate site rules. Any way I've tried asking nicely, but you seem hell bent on forcing your unwanted presence on the group.

So, if I thought a person of any race has the right to choose their associations that would make me a "human nationalists" in your eyes, Mr. Spanky Mcplank in your Eye ?
Yes, threatening people with offensive use of guns is pretty bad.

It's ironic that "I will shoot you with my gun" is the same exact argument the people who will take away guns will use if you do not comply to gun possession being consolidated ONLY in the hands of your masters, slave.

About how much have you looked into phallic replacements? Just curious.
pretty sure they do buyback offers first, then fines, then punishments like community service, then prison, nd then only if they are threatened by said dumbass gun nut would they resort to defensive force and pump a ton of ammo into their empty skulls.

you always to default to the most extreme position possible though because you are a hyperbolic little shit.
Notice how fast your posts go from collected white nationalist talking points and propaganda, to juvenile sex and penis blather?

Actually it was a religious reference which was a way of pointing out hypocrisy etc.

"Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?
pretty sure they do buyback offers first, then fines, then punishments like community service, then prison, nd then only if they are threatened by said dumbass gun nut would they resort to defensive force and pump a ton of ammo into their empty skulls.

you always to default to the most extreme position possible though because you are a hyperbolic little shit.

So, their "offer" can be refused without any consequences ? Sort of like asking a girl to dance and if she says "no thank you", you tell her to have a good night and move on?

Or is it like if she declines to dance with you, later you go back with armed friends and take what you want, without her consent?
pretty sure they do buyback offers first, then fines, then punishments like community service, then prison, nd then only if they are threatened by said dumbass gun nut would they resort to defensive force and pump a ton of ammo into their empty skulls.

you always to default to the most extreme position possible though because you are a hyperbolic little shit.

You of all people are criticizing hyperbole?

Acquaintances said Spencer expressed hostility toward policemen, had talked about shooting one, and had talked of doing something big to get on TV. Later, during tests while she was in custody, it was discovered Spencer had an injury to the temporal lobe of her brain. It was attributed to an accident on her bicycle.[9]

In early 1978, staff at a facility for problem pupils, to which Spencer had been referred for truancy, informed her parents that she was suicidal. That summer, Spencer, who was known to hunt birds in the neighborhood, was arrested for shooting out the windows of Cleveland Elementary with a BB gun, and burglary.

In December, a psychiatric evaluation arranged by her probation officer recommended Spencer be admitted to a mental hospital for depression, but her father refused to give permission.

For Christmas 1978, he gave her a Ruger 10/22 semi-automatic .22 caliber rifle with a telescopic sight and 500 rounds of ammunition.

Spencer later said, "I asked for a radio and he bought me a gun." When asked why he might have done that, she answered, "I felt like he wanted me to kill myself.
Cowards Boss, Sheriff Union, US President, Parents, Neighbors Agree...

Cowardly cop was posted at the school to prevent this shooter from killing kids at this school, and took cover for six minutes knowing kids were being slaughtered.

Anyone here supporting this fragile piggy during his retirement plan and his inaction speaks loudly of riu member character.

Sheriff Scott Israel said Deputy Scot Peterson should have “went in. Addressed the killer. Killed the killer.” Video footage showed Peterson did none of that.

“I’m in shock and I’m outraged to no end that he could have made a difference in all this,” Runcie said Thursday. “It’s really disturbing that we had a law enforcement individual there specifically for this reason, and he did not engage. He did not do his job. It’s one of the most unbelievable things I’ve ever heard.”

“Two coaches went in and were shielding kids and throwing themselves in front of bullets and he did nothing.”

A separate incident, from February 2016, was also under review. The sheriff’s office said a deputy responded to a tip that Cruz planned to shoot up a school and that the information was forwarded to Peterson, the school resource officer.

"What matters is that when we, in law enforcement, arrive at an active shooter, we go in and address the target," the sheriff said. "And that’s what should’ve been done."
Saw a article about training students how to disarm a school shooter. Guess that way the cops can wait outside where it's safe until the attacker is disarmed by the students lol.
Well said, COMRADE!!!

Yes, we've all heard the argument and we're all familiar with the second amendment, mr patriotic anarchocapitalist. The problem is that your rightwing authoritarian gov't is profiting at the highest levels from the sales of weapons worldwide. So while you make this argument that you're afraid of tyranny so you need a gun, you're actually doing exactly what the gov't and its GOP leadership wants you to do, seeing as how so many of them have been paid off by the NRA. Please, get new material.