I have no problem with being told I wear clown shoes. My feet are pretty big and my shoes are selected according to my own taste. So go ahead and make fun of my red Chuck Taylors. It's ok, I admit they are whimsical.
The Sheriff of Broward County isn't as cock sure as you are that the cops followed protocol to the letter. What was reported in the area's newspaper was: "Later on, Israel (Sheriff of Broward County), admitted that he, too, was unclear on exactly what transpired Friday night. “I don’t know what happened in that backyard — I pray that I will,” he said.". Also witnesses saw an officer wearing a body cam while the Sheriff's department claims there was none.
This is all to say that your certainty of protocol being followed and that the blame lies on the victim is your speculation. Family and witnesses tell a very different story than the made up one of yours. Their story is one of unjustified homicide by the police. They were there and you were not.
In Florida all one needs to justify homicide is for the shooter to say they were scared. So, while it is unlikely that the man who was killed actually was a threat to those officers, all they need to say is the big black man with the knife skeeerd them. All that remains to be done is rubber stamping the paper work for justified killing.
So, yeah, Black Lives Matter is a failed movement that is doing everybody a disservice. Every time a story is posted that shows police killing a person in an ambiguous situation, of course we are eroding the fiber of the nation. Because you say so. And you will make up whatever you need to continue to believe that.